Here is a reprint of a post made by Master Chad Barry 6th Dan Kyusho Jitsu. This was from a discussion on knockout using Kyusho Jitsu and how they worked.
Caused by blunt trauma to the head resulting in bruising or damage to one or more areas of the brain as it collides with the inside of the skull.
This can be caused by heavy impact to the skull such as a martial arts strike, a fall, car accident, etc...
Caused by a short circuit, overload, or imbalance in the central nervous system (involving both the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems).
This can be using Kyusho Jitsu techniques. It may also be caused by extreme stress, emotions, shock, or extreme trauma to any area of the body (a broken or crushed limb for example). This kind of knockout can also be chemically induced (alcohol, toxins, allergies).
Caused by limiting the oxygen supply to the brain.
This can be caused by choking or strangulation involving the air supply, the flow of blood or both. It can also be caused by impact to veins or arteries causing a disruption in the flow of blood, or by dislodging plaque from the arterial walls causing clots. This is one of the reasons why we tend not to do KO's on persons over the age of 40.
Other causes such as stroke, cardio vascular disease and respiratory ailments such as asthma are considered Cardio/Respiratory issues but may also be triggered Neurologically.
Would you like to learn more about the Pressure Point Art of Kyusho Jitsu? Visit our website at or take a look at the great deal we have on our Kyusho Home Study Course which is on sale for a limited time for only $100 plus shipping!
What can the art of Kyusho Jitsu bring you? Here is a video of what is possible with this knowledge. Note Kyusho does not change the style you are currently training in, only enhances it.
Now how do you get started? First let me suggest you fill out the form below and get on our email list. I do not ever sell these lists and you can opt out at any time.
People have asked my why I developed a home study course for Kyusho. The reason is simple. There is a lack of qualified instructors available to meet the demand from students. (instructor qualified to teach the Dillman system).
Myself I travel 2 hours to train with one of the best Kyusho instructors there is, Grand Master Steve Stewart, but I am fortunate that he is only 2 hour away. Thus the need for the course.
How do you use the course? The best way is to slowly go thought the materials and use our support website to get your questions answered. Some questions will only require an email response, others will require a video explanation. Either way, you will get your answer. It is all about using the support!
Plus right now for a limited time I am offer this amazing course at a drastically reduced price. You can pick it up for only $100 Canadian plus shipping. Yes that is right! Don't miss out! To purchase your right now go to
Hello, my name is Art Mason. I have been studying Martial Arts since 1984 and I am the founder of Art Mason’s Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute. After many years of training and hard work I began to realize many things in my own art form just weren’t adding up. Techniques that should work, didn’t. I had more questions about moves in my systems katas and patterns than I did answers. The answers I had where usually almost laughable at best, they seemed to be given to me almost to avoid the question.
That’s when I started looking other places for answers. We have a huge world filled with Martial Artists, someone had to know the answers. I searched all over Canada and the U.S to try and find these rumoured “secrets” that the old world Martial Arts Masters had hidden and never taught except to a few selected close friends and family. And if you’re anything like me… you want to know them too!
Now I know what you’re thinking… “I’ve looked, and I’ve found nothing. And when I finally think I found something it turns out to be shady or sometimes even fake!” I also had this problem. Many of the so called “Masters of Martial Arts” where liars and cheats, only after a quick buck or someone to worship them. But finally after years of looking for these mysterious secrets I finally found my answer… “Kyusho Jitsu” which means quite literally “One Second Fighting”.
Odds are if you’re reading this letter you’ve heard of it or some other kind of system, such as “Dim Mak”. Let me tell you, for as many incredibly talented people that practice “Kyusho” there are a great number of them who really don’t know much about Kyusho Jitsu and others who just make it up as they go along. Often “Kyusho Jitsu” is met with severe skepticism and often viewed as being nothing but showmanship. Kyusho Jitsu is based in science and practical applications, often using ancient Asian medical references to make for easy association and learning.
Let’s talk about what “Kyusho Jitsu” really is. Kyusho simply is the study of the human body and it’s nervous system. By studying this system you can take any of the techniques and kata in your system and make them incredibly effective, easy to apply and devastating for anyone and everyone! You will begin to learn how to interpret each and every move and discover there is absolutely NO WASTED Movements, each and every move has incredible power and significant meaning… even the formal beginnings.
The Secrets of the Martial Arts Revealed!
Kyusho Jitsu can now be studied at home!
You will be amazed when you discover…
* Kyusho fits into ANY system, regardless of origin and discipline * How quickly you will be able to apply these amazing concepts and theories * At your ability to perform any technique on even the most difficult partner with incredible ease!
How does it all work? Kyusho Jitsu teaches you how to disrupt a person’s nervous system, allowing you to perform various techniques and maneuvers with ease. Techniques like joint locks, arm bars and throws are done by temporarily shutting off various joints or by effecting specific nerves in the body to make them more painful and easier to manipulate. This allows you to quickly disable and subdue any attacker or classroom partner.
But that’s not all… for striking arts it works just as well. You will learn not only where to hit, but how to hit it. Making each strike an incredibly devastating blow while only using minimal force and incredible speed! So that even the smallest of practitioners can defend herself with amazing efficiency.
You will be able to…
* Perform previously challenging techniques and self defense skills with amazing ability and easy… even on the biggest and gruesome attacker or difficult classroom partner * Amaze even your oldest students with your ability to perform each technique like one of the legendary old world masters. * Take all of your technique and abilities to new levels of mastery!
The beautiful thing about learning Kyusho is that it works with any style or system of Martial Arts. You already know the techniques, now learn how to apply them! Kyusho Jitsu can be easily applied to any Martial Art because it is what I like to call a “Supplementary System” and can be literally plugged into what you are already doing without having to change anything you have already learned or are being taught at your school!
How is this possible? Your style of Martial Art already has ALL OF THESE SECRETS ALREADY IN IT! The proper direction and angle for every Kyusho Application is there! Now you just need the knowledge of how to apply it. I first do this by teaching you the basics of applying these incredible concepts and then by going through the real “Kata Interpretation” or “Bunkai”. Because lets face it, some of the moves in your Kata can seem down right silly and useless. Incredibly they’re NOT!
So what is in this Home Study Course?
Novice Kyusho Jitsu Workbook.
This is a 100 page colour manual to help you with your studies. This is the same manual purchased by my Novice Kyusho Jitsu Students for certification to 1st Dan Black Belt. You will also be given a link to download an electronic version of this book so you can study from your computer or PDA..
7 Course DVD's
The next thing is the 7 Course DVD's. These are setup to take you step by step through all the Novice information and get you started right with Kyusho.
So what is one these 7 DVD's?
Revival Techniques (dealing with a knockout) - Anatomy of a Pressure Point - Principles of Kyusho Jitsu
Meridians of the Upper Extremities -Understanding the Cycles of Destruction and Creation
Meridians of the Lower Extremities - Energy Flow Theory
Kyusho Jitsu Joint Locks and Principles
Stances, how they work and why - 24 Diurnal Cycle and how to use it.
Kata Bunkai (Breakdowns of 2 kata)
Bonus DVD - Kyusho Jitsu Self Defense Techniques
Several DVD's are packed with bonus materials to help you assimilate this knowledge and apply it to your current martial art. This material is also broken down into modules to help you learn easily and effectively.
But wait there is more!!!
Unlimited email support for 1 year! That is right, you can ask questions and get fast answers.
Free Student Support website! You will be able to access information and discussion boards from our Student Support site. Talk and chat with other home study students as well as those in advanced and other novice programs. Upload video of yourself for instructor critic
Information on obtaining your Black Belt in the art of Kyusho Jitsu
Monthly email newsletter
A breakdown on how to use this course effectively!
Here is what other Martial Artists are saying about Kyusho
"I am 47 years old and have been studying various martial arts for the nearly 10 years. Kyusho Jitsu appeals, not only to my desire to learn something new and different, but more importantly and unlike most "hard" arts like Tae Kwan Do, it appeals to a real need to know techniques that do not require me to go "toe-to-toe" with a potential assailant. I am at an age where I would need to deal with any potential violent confrontation, with techniques that do not require me to be an Olympic athlete to succeed and walk away unscathed. Kyusho Jitsu techniques should allow me the best opportunity to survive just such situations regardless of the age and size of an assailant."
Don Moore
Learning about Kyusho has not only improved my skills and understanding of the martial arts that I study, but it has taught me a great deal about the human body. Having only studying for about 1 year, it amazes me how little I know about the human body. Studying Kyusho teaches you to use the body's strength to heal, and takes its weaknesses and inflict pain or cause damage to help you defend yourself. I strongly recommend as a martial artist to apply the study of Kyusho to your training. Wether your a novice or Black Belt Master you will walk away with a better understanding of your martial art, and yourself as well. I look forward to continuing my education this mind opening art.
Michelle Poupard
For a very limited time you can pick this course up for only $100 canadian funds plus shipping. This offer will not last long.
Well the response to my dropping the price on the Novice Kyusho Jitsu Home Study Course has been overwhelming! I was only going to do it for a day, but now I will leave it on a day or two more so more people can take advantage of this great deal!
This course outlines the basic of the study of Kyusho Jitsu. From this course you can pursue advanced study, and obtain different certification levels. If you are a school own you might want to consider hosting a Kyusho Seminar, learning more about Kyusho and making some money doing it!
One of the most important things abut this package is the unlimited email support provided. I will address all your questions along the way as well as provide addition video for your study. These course is truly only the beginning, and you are doing it for only $100 right now. How can you go wrong?
Don't wait, act right now. Visit our Kyusho Home Study Website right now and order you copy before this great price is gone!
For a very limited time I am offer our Novice Kyusho Jitsu Home Study Course for a great price. The regular price is $250.00 plus shipping but right now you can purchase it for only $100 plus shipping CAD Funds!
Go to this link and learn more! I am also offering FULL one year email support with the course. Great opportunity!
For a very limited time I am having a sale on our Novice Kyusho Jitsu Certification Workbook. You won't want to miss this one. The regular price is $55 now only $15!!!