Thursday, July 29, 2010

Advanced Pressure Point eBook Coming Soon!

It has taken me a while, but I am currently working on finishing my Advanced Kyusho Jitsu Workbook. This workbook will cover materials from 1st Dan Black Belt to 3rd Dan Black Belt. It is packed with information on HOW to apply all the things you have been learning in our novice programs.

So what is in it? Here are some examples.

  • Alarm Points

  • Associated Alarm Points

  • Advanced 24 Hour Cycle

  • Energy Building - Micro Cosmic Orbit

  • Advanced Cycle of Destruction

  • Using Colour, Sound and Emotion

  • The Quadrant Theory


This book will be available within the next few weeks, and then in Spanish a few weeks after wards. My estimate is that it will ship no later then August 15th 2010. I will be accepting advanced orders very soon, at a special introductory price. Watch this blog for more information!

If you have not seen any of our pressure point books and course, please take a look at these links.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pressure Point Principles- The 24 Hour Cycle Part 3

This is the 3rd part in the series of videos explaining the 24 hour diurnal cycle in acupuncture and how it pertains to Kyusho Jitsu. Below you will find links to parts one and two for your reference.

  1. 24 Hour Cycle Part One

  2. 24 Hour Cycle Part two

For more information on our Pressure Point Courses and products please follow the links below.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Pressure Point Principles - Cycle of Destruction Part 4

Here is the 4th video on using the Cycle of Destruction. Feel free to post your questions or comments. If you would like to learn more about the pressure point art we call Kyusho Jitsu, take a look at the links below the video.

For more information on learning the art of Kyusho Jitsu take a look at the links below.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Updates on Miky

This is the current situation with Miky in Romania. My thanks to all the generous people who have helped out with donations thus far. Here is a copy of an email I received yesterday in regard to her condition.

Hi Art;
Just spoke with Cristina on the phone. She is on her way back from Bucharest with Nelu and Oti. They had a chance to visit with Miky and a team of physicians that are keeping her alive.
It appears that the culprit is a very severe case of bacterial infection (sepsis infection) of the blood. They are administering her a drug (xigris). I've googled it and pretty much falls in line with her status as described by the physicians, in other words, it is administered to patients with severe case ofsepsis, in life or death situations. Miky's condition apparently outweighs the severe side affects of the drug as I understand.
She is in an induced coma, six of her organs have been desumated by the bacteria and she is on life support. The doctors give her a 2% chance for survival, and she could pass away today, tomorrow or maybe weeks. Right now this drug is holding it's ground I think, and life support took over all her vital functions. The doctors are testing her blood for improvement. Apparently the doctors do not have an answer as to what caused the sepsis infection. Unfortunately, I have been unable to travel with them to see Miky.

It is a very sad situation Art, but at this point I am not sure how we can help. Apparently this hospital is top ranked in this department and have the resources for intervening in the worst cases such as Miky's.

Lets all pray for her subconscious fighting it while the sepsis infection goes away, blood and organ treatment refined and recovery begins.


Anyone who wished to help this family please follow this LINK. Again thank you all for your kindness and support

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Updates on Miky

First I want to thank all those who have emailed me and helped support this cause. I am often asked, because of the economy, will even $5.00 help! The answer is YES!!! I get 100's of readers per day. And if everyone kicked in $5.00 the money adds up very fast!

If this is the first post you have seen on this please follow this LINK to read more. I am trying to help a close friend, seen above on the left of the picture with medical expenses. Follow the link for more details................PLEASE!

Also, for those interested in updates on Miky's current condition, please follow this link.

Thank you again for your generous support

Sunday, July 18, 2010

A chance to make a difference

Martial Arts people are some of the most generous people I know. That is why I am doing this blog post. Please read this article below and follow the links provided. It is your chance to make a difference.

Hello Everyone,

If you look to the right of this article you will find a donation button to help a good friend of mine in Romania with medical expenses. I met this lady about 6 months ago and she helped me to travel to her country to introduce the art of Kyusho Jitsu to martial artists there.

Approximately one week ago from the date of this article she took ill with a serious liver condition. Her life is currently in danger, however the situation is improving. I arranged on Wednesday of this week for a helicopter airlift to Bucharest to save her life. Without this she had no chance for survival. However the problems still exist. The medical system in Romania is very poor and very expense. The economy in the country is in ruins.

Currently I am fund raising and taking donation to help the family with these expenses. Any and all donations are welcome and ALL the money is sent directly to the family. If you would like to help please use the donation button to the right of this article. All donors will have their name added to a card for Miky which Master Art will personally deliver to her when he returns by request of her family as soon as she regains consciousness.

Thank you for your generosity in this matter! Please see UPDATES below.

Sunday July 18th 2010 As of this writing Miky is in stable, but serious condition in Bucharest. She is currently on a machine which is cleaning her blood since her liver is all but shut down. This is LIVER DIALYSIS which will help to regenerate the liver. The cost of this procedure is 3500 euro which is NOT covered by insurances. Please follow the link provided for more information.

To donate to this cause please follow this LINK.

Also note 100% of all Kyusho DVD and eBook sales will go to this cause.

Master Art Mason

Friday, July 9, 2010

Principles of Kyusho - Alarm Points Part 3

The video below explain using principle in Kyusho as opposed to strength and leverage. Specifically for advanced level students using Alarm Points to affect the attacker.

The concepts behind Alarm Points require much study, but the effect can be seem very easily. If you have any questions please see free to post them as comments. Also to view part 2 in this video series please follow this link.

Also when you have a moment check out these website to learn more about the Pressure Point art of Kyusho Jitsu.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Another Update on our Spanish Edition Pressure Point Workbook

I wanted to take a minute to update everyone on our Spanish Edition Pressure Point Workbook. We are at about the 99% complete stage! All that is left to do is another scan of the materials and a spell check and we will ready to go!

I am expecting all of this to be done within the next 48 hours. I know many of you took advantage of the great introductory pre-order price of $15 and are waiting patiently for shipment. I promise, it won't be much longer!

If you would like information on the any of these other prodects please follow the links provided.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Spanish Edition of our Pressure Point Workbook now Available!!

Great News!! The Spanish Edition of our Novice Pressure Point Workbook is now available! This book is packed with over 100 pages of information and colour pictures to help any Spanish speaking Kyusho Jitsu student get more out of their studies!

Also, the book was translated by a PROFESSIONAL Translator and Black Belt Kyusho Student! So the accuracy of the translation is there! This project took many months to complete but is well worth the trouble and the costs associated.

How do you get your copy? Simple! Use the PayPal link below, at a cost of only $29.00 and we will email your copy directly to you within 24 hours (usually much less time).

Below is a sample page from this GREAT book!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Creating a Kyusho Blackberry Network

Technology is truly amazing. Today while I was on Facebook I discover a hidden Blackberry network of 100,000's of people purely for the enjoyment of networking. They I thought, why not do this for Pressure Point Study?

So for all you Blackberry owners, if you send me your PIN I will add you to the network which will enhance your current study of Kyusho Jitsu, by allowing direct contact with myself and others within the network!

To keep this from turning into a spam event, please email your PIN to me directly at this link. Master Art Mason's Blackberry Kyusho Network.

If you have any questions, please post them as comments!

Update On Pressure Point Workbook in Spanish

Update On Spanish Edition of Pressure Point Workbook.

Well we are at about the 95% complete rate for our Spanish Edition. There have been many, many pre orders and I am expecting them to ship by Thursday of next week! Of course at this time this book will go to the $29.00 price tag! So if you want to take advantage of the special $15 price you best follow this link right now and make your purchase. This sate will end as soon as the book is finished and ready to ship.

Also, keep your eyes on the Kyusho Jitsu Canada website for more information and updates!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Pressure Point Website to be Translated to Spanish

I have some very good news for all my Spanish speaking friends, not only is our Pressure Point Workbook being translated into Spanish, and will be available in a few days, but we are also having our Kyusho Jitsu Canada website done as well!

This is great news for many people! I am also in the works of having all the video's subtitled into Spanish so more people can enjoy the benefits. All of this will take some time, but the time will be well worth it!

Now, as for seminars. Currently I am working with a group in Romania, and will in the future look at having the workbook translated for them as well. However right now when it comes to seminars we can do these with a translator interpreter as well!

So stay tuned to this site for all the news about our transleted materials. Also consider ordering your copy of the Spanish Edition Novice Pressure Point Workbook now! It is current at the low price of $15, but will not stay there much longer.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Sample from Pressure Point Workbook in Spanish

Well if a picture is worth a thousand words, then this one certainly is! This is a page from our new Spanish Edition of our Novice Pressure Point Certification Workbook. If you click on the image you will download a full page version for a good look!

This great book is now available for ONLY $29.00!

To get your copy simply click on the PayPal button below.

If you would like to purchase a copy in English please follow this LINK

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Pressure Point Workbook coming in Spanish!

I have some great news for all my friends who's first language is Spanish! With in the next few day my Novice Kyusho Jitsu Certification Workbook will be available in Spanish. This is a project we have been working on for some time, but it is almost complete!

The workbook has been totally re-written and translated to make sure that all the information is in tack and understandable. Plus this book was translated by a professional translator who also happens to be a Kyusho Black Belt student. So you know that all the meaning will be there!

Watch this site for all the detail of the release date (very soon) and other information. We are also working on Spanish translations for our Home Study Course as well as our Online Course and Kyusho Canada Website. To make it easier to keep up to date on everything going on here at Kyusho Canada consider subscribing to our mail list. The form is below.