Hello, my name is Art Mason. I have been studying Martial Arts since 1984 and I am the founder of Art Mason’s Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute. After many years of training and hard work I began to realize many things in my own art form just weren’t adding up. Techniques that should work, didn’t. I had more questions about moves in my systems katas and patterns than I did answers. The answers I had where usually almost laughable at best, they seemed to be given to me almost to avoid the question.
That’s when I started looking other places for answers. We have a huge world filled with Martial Artists, someone had to know the answers. I searched all over Canada and the U.S to try and find these rumoured “
secrets” that the old world Martial Arts Masters had hidden and never taught except to a few selected close friends and family. And if you’re anything like me… you want to know them too!
Now I know what you’re thinking… “I’ve looked, and I’ve found nothing. And when I finally think I found something it turns out to be shady or sometimes even fake!” I also had this problem. Many of the so called “Masters of Martial Arts” where liars and cheats, only after a quick buck or someone to worship them. But finally after years of looking for these mysterious secrets I finally found my answer… “Kyusho Jitsu” which means quite literally “One Second Fighting”.
Odds are if you’re reading this letter you’ve heard of it or some other kind of system, such as “Dim Mak”. Let me tell you, for as many incredibly talented people that practice “Kyusho” there are a great number of them who really don’t know much about Kyusho Jitsu and others who just make it up as they go along. Often “Kyusho Jitsu” is met with severe skepticism and often viewed as being nothing but showmanship. Kyusho Jitsu is based in science and practical applications, often using ancient Asian medical references to make for easy association and learning.
Let’s talk about what “Kyusho Jitsu” really is.
Kyusho simply is the study of the human body and it’s nervous system. By studying this system
you can take any of the techniques and kata in your system and make them incredibly effective, easy to apply and devastating for anyone and everyone! You will begin to learn how to interpret each and every move and discover there is absolutely
NO WASTED Movements, each and every move has
incredible power and significant meaning… even the formal beginnings.To read more follow this LINKInformation on Digital Download Version