Thursday, February 23, 2017

Today Street Safety is More Important than EVER!

You have probably notice that violence on our streets is on the rise.  In fact it is becoming epidemic in proportion. The time really has come when you need to be concerned about the safety of your loved ones.
The problem with violent crime is that anyone can be a victim of it. Many times martial artists believe they are prepared, when in fact they are not. Why? Because the illusion that ring fighting skills will work on the street, when in fact they will get you killed.
Many years ago in my home town there was a TKD Black Belt, a very talented man, who did very well in competitions stopped a robbery of a woman in front of his apartment. Now this is back in the mid 70's long before the sport surge in TKD that crippled it as a self defense art.
After foiling the robbery attempt he chased the man on foot to try to apprehend him. They guy ducked around a corner waiting for the wood-be hero and then gutted him as he rounded the corning.
One dead, misguided hero. Under the illusion he was prepared for a real attack.
Much of what is tough today is purely for competition and not real self defense. However the movements you do practice can be used for real defense, with a few changes being made.
The addition of REAL pressure point knowledge is the answer! Take a look at my eBook on turning Kyusho Jitsu Theories and Principles into REAL and EFFECTIVE self defense applications!
The link below will take you to our page to read more about this exciting resource! And as always, there is  satisfaction guarantee!
Kyusho Jitsu Theories to Street Applications

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The NEED for Pressure Points in Today's Self Defense Instruction

Elbow to Stomach 5
I have been around a long time, seen and done a lot of things. Been in the wrong place at the wrong time many times. I know what the world is really like!
Today sport martial art thrives! However this is NOT the reality of street! I can take the worlds best into the streets of Detroit and they will be eaten alive! Many martial arts instructors leave these people with the idea in their heads that they are "tough" guys, but I am sorry, no there are not!
The truth of street defense is also not "fighting" either.  It has nothing to do with 2 or more guys having their egos clash and they pair off. It is about being in the wrong place at the wrong time and being attacked, by one or many, perhaps with knives and/or guns also.
I have unfortunately seen it all!
Pressure Points training, especially for the martial artist can be a great equalizer! How do I know this? Experience.... one time at the airport in Maiquetía "Simón Bolívar" International Airport just outside of Caracas Venezuela I had a man try to force me to go outside this him, first with intimidation, then force. It however cost him an elbow as it folded like paper after TW-11 was attacked. He ran screaming, the police at the airport watched with disinterest.
The best part is it was so fast, no one really knew what happened.
So it is worth the effort to add pressure point training to your martial art learning and systems? What is this type of thing had happened to you? What if your kids were with you? This is NOT my only dance either.
Pressure point training is the great equalizer, but it is no quick fix. There is no free lunch, no quick fix anywhere for anything that has value. I can help compensate for age, size, and health issue. Time takes it tole on everyone. Martial arts is about getting better with age, not regressing.
To learn more about how this amazing system could one day save your life check out the links below.  Martial arts school owners especially! You own your students the best possible self defense system you can teach. That means one that is always growing and changing with the times.
Below is a link for the 4 different option to learn this amazing system we call kyusho Jitsu.
Learn Kyusho Jitsu!
Have a great day!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

How Long Does it Take until Kyusho Becomes Effective?

Young man being mugged in a dark tunnel by a violent man
This question was posed to me via email a few weeks ago. I answered the lady directly and she must have been satisfied with the answer as I did not hear back. But what is the answer to this question?
It is 2 parts...
Obviously the amount of time and effort you put into the learning and practice of Kyusho is a determining factor in its effectiveness. You cannot just read as an example my Novice Kyusho Jitsu Workbook and say, "well I know this now" and expect any kind of result. You MUST training with the information.
But also!
How much time and effort do you put into your root art? The more time and effort you spend training period is going to be the deciding factor in how effectively you can incorporation and use Kyusho.
Kyusho Jitsu is NOT a quick fix for lack of training! This is one of the reason I spend so much effort recruiting NEW Certified Kyusho Jitsu Teachers. Yes it does spread the art! But the addition of Kyusho to the schools curriculum or as special programs helps to keep adult students motivated and training!
That is a WIN/WIN for everyone! The more martial art school that succeed, the better it is for all of us! Let's face it the general public needs what we teach and the discipline we have to offer. The world is not getting calmer, it is getting much more violent!
So in a nutshell that is the answer. There is no answer, it all depends on you!
If you are not currently a Kyusho Jitsu student but would like more information take a look at our Kyusho Jitsu University Website. There is something for everyone there!
Have a great day!
Kyusho Jitsu University

Friday, February 17, 2017

The A-B-C's of Learning Kyusho Jitsu or Anything Else

As many of you reading this you know when it comes to Kyusho Jitsu, or really any martial art there are a lot of naysayers. Now on the internet, especially places like YouTube there is an issues with low life's who just like to troll, make bad comments and generally cause trouble. They don't count. What I am talking about is the closed minded person who basically says "this is all crap."
Now one reason I think there is so many people like this is because they have no idea "how" to learn.
Most of us have been out of school a long time. But school only teaches you how to regurgitate information. There is no class on how to actually "learn." I believe this is why North America has fallen so far behind the rest of the world in literacy rates.
Learning, like martial arts is a skill!
So what are the steps to learning a system like Kyusho Jitsu? Well NUMBER ONE, get a notepad! Yes I know the information is on your screen, but to learn it, really learning it you MUST WRITE IT OUT!
Not type it out, write it out! Afterwards you can read through it and type it into a product like OneNote to help you organize it. But you need to do the writing also. It will increase your retention of the information up to 40% the first time around!
This is called taking COPIOUS Notes. This is a key to learning ! You don't see note taking taught in school!
Now I am a conspiracy theories kinda guy. The school system no longer teach cursive writing, this is because they wish to dumb down the masses. Today our school systems and universities graduate some of the very brightness and best people who know NOTHING.
Learning is part of the human experience and I LOVE TO LEARN!
Now in the KJWA Membership Levels we help you along the way to learn the learning process. This is truly an educational facility!
There are a total of 4 levels of learning with the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance. The first one is the FREE Mini Course, then we have Kyusho Jitsu University!
Check out this link for more information!
Learn Kyusho Jitsu!

Have a great day!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

KJWA - Taking Your Pressure Point Study to the Next Level

I am still learning - Michelangelo at age 87 - continuous education concept on a slate blackboard against red barn wood
When I first created the KJWA (Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance) back in the summer of 2016 I did so with the intention of reaching as many martial artist as possible with information on pressure points.
Depending on their interest level there is some GREAT free information available to them from us, and some AMAZING paid content, structured like the programs I teach in Dojo, with the idea of advancement in rank, developing teachers and eventually making more masters.
Now Kyusho has been much ridiculed over the year, which simply a combination of BAD marketing, and closed minded people, we all know the type and you will see them fighting on Facebook over politics and just about anything else. Fact is they are either too lazy or too stupid to be able to learning anything.  There are people in the world who are "unteachable" because they already know everything.
I know you know them too!
But I regress! Now I have been offering different kinds of paid content for many, many years. But the problem with it is that many times people never use it. They also are overwhelmed by the amount of information they download, and just don't know where to begin.
This is the main problem with digital content! With that in mind I created the membership level of the KJWA that we call Kyusho Jitsu University!
People who become members of the different levels are "fed" new information every 2-3 days, in the  correct order for learning. Plus there are scheduled reviews, plus many different avenues for support! It is as close to a real classroom as can be done!
Also support when you need it is everything!
Check these 2 first Member levels out! The Gold Membership is for the martial artists and the Diamond Membership is for the School Owner / Teacher.
See you inside!
KJWA Gold Membership
KJWA Diamond Membership

Monday, February 13, 2017

Age, Physical Fitness, Pressure Points, and the Martial Arts

There is a brutal fact I am going to tell you about, as you read this, regardless of your current age, you are getting older by the second......
But there is something you can do about it!
Today we live in a world obsessed with physical fitness, and many of these people are training like maniacs for a fight that will never happen. Bruce Lee was a prime example of this. i know martial arts Grand Master who insist on their students being able to run 10k for a Black Belt exam. There is nothing wrong with that, however it has nothing to do with martial arts.
When I was a kid and they talked about martial arts it was always that size didn't matter.  There was once truth in that, but today it is about fitness, not martial arts. No matter what you think, you cannot stay in top physical peaks of fitness all your life.  And the fitness junkies are the ones that nature is the cruelest too when they slow down. Look at boxers, they pile on weight because they have abused the body so much.
In a martial art, as you grow older and wiser, you should become more deadly, not less. What is the solution? Something that has been missing from systems for years. Pressure Points...
Now I mean the real thing. I have heard and seen many instructors talk about it, but when I watch them they know little to nothing. Sorry but despite your ego, that is likely true!
But here on this website you can learn for FREE and take the AGE factor out of your martial art.  We have an awesome FREE Mini Course you can access very easy here and join, but I post a ton of real working content free also.
Consider joining the KJWA (Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance) it is FREE also, and can help to enhance your learning more.  After you see what Kyusho can do for your art then perhaps you may wish to study more intensively and pursue rank, but that is all up to you!
Follow the links provided for more information.
Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason

Saturday, February 11, 2017

The Kyusho Jitsu Journey

Forest Path Brasov Romania
Forest Path Brasov Romania
Martial Artists and especially martial arts teachers are odd people. In many ways we don't fit into the normal society of today.  Aside from the values we have, there is something I want to discuss here.
We tend to put others first. I know I have been very guilty of this for a long time. People will say, "how is this a bad thing?" It is if we don't also think about our own education and our own development.
Many people will get into Kyusho and then stop the study. One reason i hear a lot is how much time it takes. But when you truthfully assess your free time, that "reason" no longer holds water.
I had a excellent student years ago who after reaching is Black Belt level stopped. He said he need more time with his younger children. Really? 2 hours per week is not going to make any difference, especially when the arts help to center you.
Now he is mostly just unhappy.
Invest in yourself, and invest in the education you started in martial arts however many years or even months ago. You cannot be at your best if you deprive yourself of personal development.  I was guilty of this until I started to study Kyusho. I taught classes which was and is my job, but I had not pursued any personal knowledge in new things, and in growth.
Tony Robbins said of his Personal Development Programs that he know most people don't finish listening or watching.  And that those that do are the ones who change their lives and succeed.
The same with Kyusho. If you love it, pursue the challenge, obtain all the rank you can and pass that information on to your students and others.  Without personal growth we are going backwards!
As my mentor Keith Hafner once told me. "You cannot help the poor by becoming one of them."
Pursue your dreams!

Friday, February 10, 2017

How to succeed in Kyusho....Visualization is Everything

This is an interesting fact, but if you study the effect of visualization in all parts of life you see a common thread. Visualization makes things happen.
This is also true of using pressure points, or for that matter any martial art technique. Below is a video I did years ago doing a visualization on the lung meridian and a simple strike.
The difference in the effect is extreme!

Pressure Point Mini Course Signup!



We respect your email privacy

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Making Pressure Points Work! Self Defense is a Mind Game

Mind Games of Self Defense
Mind Games of Self Defense
Have you ever watched professional boxing (sorry I don't watch MMA) and seen how at the beginning of the fight they will stare at each other trying to intimidate the other fighter?
Self Defense is a mind game, just like sport fighting is. No matter how great the condition or training of a fighter is, if he has self doubt, he or she will lose.
So how does this in any way relate to Kyusho Jitsu? The meridian called Triple Warmer of Triple Heater.  As some of you will know this meridian is involved in the regulation of body temperature in the 3 regions of the body.
But that is NOT why we are interested in it.
It is one of the most active meridians in the body because it is also tied to the endocrine systems. The endocrine system controls the hormones released in your body, thus is tied to EMOTIONS.
In novice kyusho when I began we were taught that any strike to any meridian would activate Triple Warmer bilaterally on the body. This is true because you cannot be hit and not have an emotional reaction to it! Actually you are having an emotional reaction right now to reading this, no matter how small that may be!
Changing the emotions of an attacker can lead to victory, this can be done both physically and verbally. In sport it is called being taken off your game! Now this takes presence of mind and confidence, but that is why we are training right?
Now that is all I am going to say here, because I really want you in my free mini course? Understanding in details how triple warmer works, and how this makes other parts of the body more vulnerable is what this study is all about!
Self Defense is about being in control of the situation, control leads to victory. This is not me talking out of my hat either, this is from experience.
I hope you will join us on your FREE Kyusho jitsu Mini Course. There is nothing you are required to buy. It is just free.
Free Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course Subscribe Here!
Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason
PS - This course is NOT for you if you are narrow minded and already know everything. I suggest visiting

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Important Pressure Points - Which are Which?

When it comes to self defense, there are certain pressure points that are more important then others. There are some in fact that really don't work at all!

One very interesting point on the body is PC-6. This is a personal favorite of mine since my root art of Hapkido is a grappling style (locks, throws etc).

Now i do get into a lot of different point in our FREE Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course, these are in the later lessons, but learning to attack or at times even just touch these points can give an amazing result!

Now if you have ever been in a finger lock done by someone who truly understands how to do it, it is excruciating! If you press on PC-6 with the other hand the pain easily TRIPLES! For some people it only requires a touch!

So, now the "nay sayers" will go, well you are pushing on the tendon. NOPE because if you do these elsewhere in the arm, it does not work!

Now if you are interested in learning more about specific points and their self defense application, plus doing knockout in SD situations you may wish to checkout my new book!

Follow the link below to learn more!
More Info2

Understanding Humane Applications of Kyusho Jitsu

Back in 2009 I took a certification course under Grand Master Steve Stewart that is called Humane Pressure Point Tactics, or HTTP for short.  Now I did the instructor course, all three levels and the information was outstanding.

The v=course covered some very important ground, especially concerned with people who may need to defend themselves, but legally there can be issues for them doing so. Like fireman, ambulance attendants etc.

The need is out there! And it is a great opportunity for school owners. There are many different groups who need self defense skill, but they need somewhat to end a situation without damage if possible.

Take a look at this link for more information!
Humane Kyusho Jitsu

Friday, February 3, 2017

Deal on Kyusho Jitsu Level Two Instructors Certification End Friday February 10th 2017

I am still learning - Michelangelo at age 87 - continuous education concept on a slate blackboard against red barn wood
When we introduced the Level Two Kyusho Jitsu Instructors Certification Course I brought it in at a amazing price! The reason was to get more people moving and build our ALLIANCE.

I must say I am happy with the results so far. We have certified new instructors at Level One and have many still in the process of doing the work!

So with that being said on Friday February 10th 2017 the Level Two Course will go up from is currently price of $297 Canadian to its normal retail of $997.

There are payment options available for the sale price so you can break it down over 3 months. I will keep the Level One Course down in price for a few weeks longer!

Information on Level Three is coming Monday!

Information on the Instructor Certification Courses

Kyusho Jitsu Level One Instructor Certification Course
Level One Kyusho Jitsu Instructor Certification Course
Kyusho Jitsu Level Two Instructor Certification Course
Level Two Kyusho Jitsu Instructor Certification Course

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Can you use sound in self defense? Is this REAL? Or BS?

Using sound in self defense? Is this real or is this BS? Good question! First lets take a look at sound and the human body.

Back in 1997 my oldest son and I went to a Metallica concert in Detroit Michigan.  Now aside from the fact that the show was AMAZING, there was a sign at the entrance to anyone who is pregnant that they would not be allowed in and their ticket refunded.


The heavy BASS in the their show could cause a person to go into labour. Therefore sound affects the body!

Have you ever listened to music and felt great after or during? How about feeling BAD or ANGRY? Certainly! Yep, there are people insist it cannot be used for any purpose. They are just closed minded!
Many Aikido masters insist O-Sensei used sound in his works. I have no doubt he did!

Personally I have been able to use if very effectively in many situations in the dojo. I have not personally tried in on the street, because I tend to want to avoid those situations! I have had enough of them to last me a lifetime!

Now for the non believer, you are right because you will always get what you believe, what your personal limits are, so ROCK ON!

For the rest of us, if the idea of using sound in self defense holds any interest to you, then pursue it! I do have a little video on the topic of sound and colour you may find helpful. But if not that is cool too!
More Info2

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Martial Arts, Kyusho Jitsu and the Information Age

portrait of female fighter, punching at you
Back  during the spring I started the Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course, made it free as an introduction to what we are doing here at Kyusho Jitsu World. To date we have around 400 active members in this course. That is awesome!

Back a few months ago I did a Facebook ads for the Course. It did pretty good getting people to sign up. Many of the leads were weak because lets face it, Facebook is mostly junk. But there was one guy who left a comment, while true it showed how stupid he is.

He said and I am paraphrasing. "He is selling something, you can get all this for free on the internet, just google it." The first statement? Yes I am selling something, we ALL are!  Everything in this world is for profit. Medical, education, religion, any job, anywhere, there is an exchange of currency. 
My guess is perhaps this person is a self entitled welfare bum????

And it is true, the amount of information you can find on the internet is unbelievable! All of my stuff is online, I know it has been pirated, so his statement is correct. But honestly, how many of you will research, organize, research more, weed out the false information, and educate yourself totally by being self motivated?

Some of you will, but 99% will not do it. So much information that no one reads, all at your fingertips!

That is why I have created these programs, done all the research for you and organized everything to make it easy to follow, learn and apply.

Sure there are other things I could do. I do teach martial arts and kyusho in the real world. Been doing it a long time. I worked for 20 years on the assembly line at Chrysler. But this is my PASSION. That is why I do it.

Education is a service industry, and that is why we support all the products we sell. I am teacher and my job is to make sure the student succeeds. Not just sell him some books and videos with a good luck pat on the back.

This is the real deal. The place to learn about pressure points / kyusho jitsu, apply it, teach it and excel in it.

Check out our website from the link below for all the Kyusho produces we currently offer.
Have a great week!
Read more here!
Read more here!