Karate Bunkai is the breakdown of a KATA or pattern into the individual strikes etc that mimic a real life situation. From the very beginning of my martial arts training I saw Kata as a fascinating and mysterious part of the arts.
As I progressed I started to have numerous questions about the techniques in these kata. Some moves seemed to make some sense while others made no sense at all. I started to ask my instructor questions, but the answers made no sense either.
Years later I found myself searching across the country, looking at different arts in hope of finding some answers to the Bunkia Question. I studied with a Kempo Grand Master briefly. He was an amazing martial artist, he talked about various bunkai in the kata, but he also had no real answers to the question. Shortly after than I found a Kosho Ryu Grand Master, he too had a view answers, but not that many. These men as smart as they were could say, "this is a throw" but could not give you the exact situations that caused it that linked directly to the kata. More Bunkai Questions.
In 2002 I finally found the answers to the Bunkai Questions. When these questions were answered, all moves in all Kata made sense! If you too want these answers, check out this LINK.