If you are familiar with Kyusho Jitsu you will have heard this term used before. What is the Cycle of Destruction?
First there are 2 cycles, one for healing and one for destroying. The healing cycle is used in acupuncture and Chinese medicine, the other is used in martial arts. So what does it say?
First each organ of the body corresponds to 1 of 5 elements. Therefore the meridian will carry these characteristics as well. The cycle goes as - fire melts metal - metal chops wood, wood penetrates earth - earth dams water - water quenches fire.
In basic self defense or martial art terms it means you will get a better result after your initial strike if you follow up to specific areas of the body or head. So as an example, in a double lapel grab, hitting the arm at Large Intestine (metal) with a knife hand (fire) will give a painful result. If you followup to Gall Bladder on the head, or Liver on the body the reaction or result will intensify. The result will be far more devastating than hitting Stomach (on the head or body).
There are some meridian charts on our website at http://www.kyushojitsu.ca if you want to map this out for yourself to see the target areas.
We also ave a great book available from our website. It is in PDF format and is our Novice Kyusho Certification Workbook. Cost is only $55 Canadian and is well worth the investment if Kyusho is something you want to learn more about.