Increase your adult and black belt retention! Read about adding the pressure point art of Kyusho Jitsu to any root martial arts style or system.
Friday, July 31, 2009
I jump right in!
When I first discovered the art of Kyusho Jitsu I was a little skeptical. I was also not sure I wanted to start from the ground again in another martial art. However once I saw some Kyusho in action, my interest was definitely peaked
Well if you are reading this, you have an interest in learning more about the pressure point art of Kyusho Jitsu.
Now there are tons of websites out there showing Knockout Videos and instructors telling you how great they are. But there is very little real information on the net. Grand Master Dillman has some excellent books at Amazon on Kyusho, but they are really not for beginners. (note the link to the books).
So how do you get some real information on Kyusho? Simple, join our Kyusho Jitsu Canada website. Register for the site today (it is free) and learn more about Kyusho than any other site on the net. You have absolutely nothing to lose, and I don't sell my lists!
Check it out today and become a member.....
Fantastic Responce
Being able to study Kyusho at home will be a godsend for many martial artists. Since there are not that many people certified to teach Kyusho, and with so many of the masters and grandmaster so busy with it, exposure can be difficult at best. The home study course solves this problem.
For more information on ordering The Kyusho Jitsu Home Study Course visit us at
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Kyusho Canada Newsletter
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Novice Kyusho Jitsu Certification Workbook

Our Novice Kyusho Jitsu Certification Wordbook is available now in both eBook and printed form. This is a great book for anyone interested in learning more about the art of Kyusho Jitsu.
With 100 pages and tons of reference picture, this is an excellent study guide.
The eBook version is available as an instant download by following this LINK. You will then be take to our PayPal site for further instructions.
The printed and bound version is available from this LINK. Choose the destination for shipping. Books ship in approximately 72 hours. Get your copy today!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Frequently Asked Questions
This FAQ will also give you information on certification and who my uplinks are in this Kyusho Jitsu system
To access our FAQ follow this link.
If you have any questions you would like to see answered in the FAQ please email me.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Ordering our Home Study Course
Now after years of work and study our Kyusho Jitsu Home Study Course is now available for ordering. This product is for anyone interested in learning about the art of Kyusho Jitsu. No matter what style of martial art you study this Course will teach you all the basics you need to integrate Kyusho into your root art. You will learn about the meridians of the body and how they tie in with your current self defense techniques. You will learn how to see Kyusho applications in your Kata by practicing examples from other arts.
This 7 DVD set is assembled in such a way as to make your practice logical and easy to understand. The package includes email support and a special Student Website for questions and answers.
For more information on this amazing product follow this LINK to our Home Study Information Website. Right now there is a special introductory price that won't last long!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
How affective are the martial arts today?
So, are you satisfied that your martial training will help you in a real street situation? I am not talking here about a bar fight, I mean a real attack scenario. Judging by the number of reality based martial art programs that are out there, I would tend to think NOT.
Whenever I think of these reality based systems Krav Maga comes to mind. Now this is an excellent system, and I know personally of many school owners who certified and are teaching it. But don't you find that a lot of it conflicts with much of what your root art teaches? You teach one thing, it says to do something else...
There are also many, many other system that teach effective street defense, but these systems are purely for that purpose. Dealing with violent conflict and nothing else. Are they affective, certainly but don't address the other benefits of martial art training.
So how is Kyusho different from these systems? It makes your root art much more affective without changing what you are doing and confusing your students!
There are several ways in which Kyusho can be implemented into your art. Below are 2 examples.
- It can be seamlessly added to your root art without the students really knowing what is happening. Your Black Belts will however pick up on this.
- It can be used as a separate module, similar to Krav Maga, but without the gap between it and the root art you are teaching.
Basics of Pressure Points Seminar Part 3
Monday, July 20, 2009
Basics of Pressure Points Seminar Part 2
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Basics of Pressure Points - Seminar
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Excellent Session
I am planning on putting together some video from the seminar. It will be posted on Youtube and linked here also.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Some things never change.....
I was talking today with a friend of mine, Shihan Norm Rivard of Kihon Karate. We often talk about the closed minded old school of martial arts. We are both products of these old schools.
The difference is we have both come to fully realize and understand that ALL martial art styles are of value and that protectionism is not a good thing. I am a product of Korean Martial Arts Masters. My first Grandmaster instructor is a Korean, and a very well respected man, outstanding martial artist, and successful school owner. He however is very closed minded. We parted company in 1990. In his view, no other system can come close to his.
I was not taught directly by him, but instead his protege. He is another very talented martial artist. I was with him for a total of 16 years. But again, his system was really the only way in his view.
When I ventured off on my own I became what many call an orphaned school. I since then I have studied with masters of various disciplines who were interested in spreading their art and learning about others. WOW....was I ever blow away! Open minded people really do exist in the martial arts :)
Today I was told in an online group on Korean Martial Arts not to post anything about non Korean styles. I know I should have known better, but I always hope..... I left the group....I had only make one post, and there is little to no activity in the group.
On a better note tonight I am doing a Kyusho Workshop for Kihon Karate. I know we will have a blast doing it it!
I just love open minded people!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
How Kyusho Fits in
I studied with the same instructor for 16 years. I left his teaching approximately 1 year after testing for my 4th Dan Master level. Now, this man was a great teacher, that is why I was there for so very long. However a lot of the techniques he did and taught just seemed to be 'way out there'. I was looking for something that would work for me and anyone I shared it with.
At this point I opened my own school with my two sons. I was still very driven to learn (I still am) and contacted as many martial arts Master and Grand Masters as would talk to me. Several were kind enough to take me under their wing and teach me much of what they knew, but as great as they were, there was still something missing.
At this point I was becoming very frustrated. I decided it was time to look within for my answers. Oddly enough at this point I received an email from a man I did not know personally, but was familiar with, Steve Stewart of London Ontario.
The email talked about a pressure point seminar with George Dillman he was hosting and I was being invited to attend. The seminar was very reasonably priced, and I was curious. I had heard a lot about George Dillman over the years. I was expecting a good show, but that was about all.
I took about 8 students with me and we attending this seminar. Dillman presented a great seminar, and I found that a lot of what he said made sense. Then a lot of what he said did not make sense. I left happy that I attended, but still searching.
Over the next few days I thought about what Dillman talked about. The more I pondered, the more sense what he had said made. I called Steve Stewart to ask more information.
Steve Stewart at that time was a 6th Degree Black Belt in American Kenpo, part of the Ed Parker system. He was also running the most successful martial arts school in Canada. As we talked he told me about his Kyusho journey and beginnings and how he wanted to organize things to make it easier for people to learn the art. He also told me that he was about to start a new Novice Kyusho Certification Course if I was interested in obtaining a Black Belt in Kyusho. I was in!
I started my novice training with Steve Stewart (now 7th Dan American Kenpo and 8th Dan Kyusho Jitsu) and have never looked back. Because we are both school owners and had a lot in common Steve and I became fast friends. I have attended many of his school events and functions and have studied him closely. He has fully integrated Kyusho into his Kenpo. It is so seemly, that if you did not understand Kyusho, you would never see it.
Now I have also done the same. Kyusho is part of my art of Hapkido. They now cannot be separated. Things I did well and now better. Things I did very well are better also. Now all the techniques from the past make sense! Integrating Kyusho made the art of Hapkido timeless for me.
Now I am currently working on introducing more martial artist to Kyusho. I am also preparing for my test to 5th Degree Black Belt in Kyusho and 8th Dan in Hapkido. As I think about how to explain this to martial artists I think about being a back yard mechanic.
I had a good knowledge of cars and how to fix them. I rebuilt engines, painted and body worked cars etc. I did a great job. But imagine if I had a better education in these fields?
As great a martial artist as the reader may be, imagine just how much greater you could be with a little Kyusho education.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Replay of Webinar
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Todays Webinar
For those of you who were unable to attend, I am working on setting up a re-broadcast of the recording we made today. Youtube is a possibility for this, however I am concerned about the quality of play back.
I will post instruction here later as to how to view the event.
My thanks to all those who participated.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Why I love Kyusho
In later years I went to the movies to watch Bruce in film. At that time there was only one commercial martial arts school in Windsor. This was United Tae Kwon Do, run by Bob Chase. However the money was not there for me to become a student, so I took up boxing instead.
Years later, getting a job with Chrysler Canada made getting into the arts easy. I have never looked back since.
So back to Kyusho. Kyusho is a true learning experience. It is like going back to school to get a masters and a doctorate. Kyusho does not teach you to move like your root art does. It teaches you WHY you move a certain way, and HOW this affects the opponent.
Life is about learning, and this is a great medium for learning. Check it out for yourself.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Kyusho Webinar Wednesday July 8th 3:00pmEDT
To my knowledge this is the first of it's kind. There are a very limited number of spaces available for this event. If you are interested in attending follow this link for more information.
This link is to our Kyusho Jitsu Student Support Site. I you plan on attending please join this site and RSVP to this event.
I look forward to seeing many of you there!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Attention Martial Arts Owners and Instructors
For the martial art student, we will cover the benefits of learning this fascinating art.
Watch our website for more details.
For those of you using Linked In, you can find me at this address.
And Kyusho Jitsu Canada of Facebook.