So, are you satisfied that your martial training will help you in a real street situation? I am not talking here about a bar fight, I mean a real attack scenario. Judging by the number of reality based martial art programs that are out there, I would tend to think NOT.
Whenever I think of these reality based systems Krav Maga comes to mind. Now this is an excellent system, and I know personally of many school owners who certified and are teaching it. But don't you find that a lot of it conflicts with much of what your root art teaches? You teach one thing, it says to do something else...
There are also many, many other system that teach effective street defense, but these systems are purely for that purpose. Dealing with violent conflict and nothing else. Are they affective, certainly but don't address the other benefits of martial art training.
So how is Kyusho different from these systems? It makes your root art much more affective without changing what you are doing and confusing your students!
There are several ways in which Kyusho can be implemented into your art. Below are 2 examples.
- It can be seamlessly added to your root art without the students really knowing what is happening. Your Black Belts will however pick up on this.
- It can be used as a separate module, similar to Krav Maga, but without the gap between it and the root art you are teaching.