Why join? This news list will help keep you information of Kyusho events in your area, as well as any new products that may come from time to time. If you are currently an Online Course Student this does not mean you are in the mail list. Don't worry, you will not get duplicate messages as the system makes sure you are not subscribed when you join.
Increase your adult and black belt retention! Read about adding the pressure point art of Kyusho Jitsu to any root martial arts style or system.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
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Why join? This news list will help keep you information of Kyusho events in your area, as well as any new products that may come from time to time. If you are currently an Online Course Student this does not mean you are in the mail list. Don't worry, you will not get duplicate messages as the system makes sure you are not subscribed when you join.