It has been a while since I last posted on this blog or released any new materials. My apologies but there have been some issue that have come up in my life the last few months that forced many of these projects to the back burner. Now I am expecting things to begin to straighten out within the next 4-6 weeks, however the good news is I do have the next DVD in the 10 Pressure Point Principles series ready to go! This new DVD covers 2 different topics, the affect or colour and the affect of sound on the body and their possible uses in Self Defense. The cost of this DVD is only 29.99 plus shipping and handling. This DVD may now be ordered from the PayPal links at the bottom of this article.
If you would like more information on our 10 Principle Of Pressure Point Series take a look at the links below.
To order your copy of Sound and Colour use the PayPal links below.
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