Increase your adult and black belt retention! Read about adding the pressure point art of Kyusho Jitsu to any root martial arts style or system.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
The Understanding of WHY Pressure Points Work Part 2
In the last article I spoke of 2 way action as the cornerstone of the effectiveness of pressure point usage. Well I will continue this with another video explain more on what 2 way action is and why it works.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
The Understanding of WHY Pressure Points Work
People will say to me all the time. "This cycle of destruction stuff is cute but how do I make it work without all this crap?" Well the answer is simple, Two Way Action. Two Way Action is the cornerstone of one of the most effective and devastating grappling arts in the world, Small Circle Jujitsu, but also the principle of why pressure points work and basically why any art works or can work better.
If you strike a pressure point like large intestine 10 straight threw you will get an affect based on how hard you hit. When you use 2 Way Action the affected will be multiple times greater! 2 Way Action is a simple and natural motion and with a little practice can be used easily and committed to muscle memory. Below is a video showing more on this amazing concept.
If you are looking for eBooks on Pressure Points look no further. Follow this LINK
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Using Pressure Points in Real Life Part 3
First I want to start again with my point, MMA, UFC, all these events are sport and anyone in any martial art needs to keep this in mind. There are no rounds, there are no rules. That being said lets take another look on how pressure point usage needs to be viewed to effective in the street.
As I have said in previous articles we practice a certain way when training in pressure points to assure the safely of the training partner. This is one reason I prefer to teach these system to Black Belt or experienced people to make sure they already know how to hit with penetration. They won't confuse a light tap to ST-05 with a real hit to the same point.
Time and time again I read comments by people going "its BS", the same people that train from the couch or "used to train when I was 15 and would be a grandmaster by now." Barfff.
In this article I want to look at one point in particular which is called the "mental nerve" You will see Master Curt Mason demonstrate how the point works. The application should be obvious, BREAK THE NECK. Feel free to offer any comments you have!
BTW we have some EXCELLENT eBooks if you want to learn more! Follow this link!
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Using Pressure Points in Real Life Part 2
When I attended my first pressure point seminar I was very impressed, not at the knockout being done but at the idea that I could take the upper hand in a situation targeting specific areas of the body what would give me a predictable result. I also saw the affect of striking different areas of the body on the entire function of the body. Now even though I do these "knockouts" for demonstration purposes it is not the reason for my study.
Traditional Hapkido is both a striking and grappling art. The eclectic version I teach focuses more on the grappling aspect. Lets face it in any situation a shove or grab is likely to occur first, unless you missed it. This being said it represents a chance to take early advantage of a bad situation. That is why a finger lock is so effective!
Now if I can understand that a strike to a specific point on the arm or neck will yield in most cases a specific result why would I not train to do this? Force can effective but the devastation that can occur when the blow misses the target can cost you your life! If you look at the some the combat systems like Bojuka you will see fast and devastating strikes, all pressure point oriented without giving up the body position of a "hay-maker".
This being said take a look at this video and the result of a targeted strike to a point. Please note this is not intended to represent a real life situation!
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Using Pressure Points in Real Life
Using pressure points in real life situations, is it possible? Of course it is! The sad thing about the pressure point systems, all of them, is they are often misunderstood or misrepresented! We practice pressure points a certain way for the safety of the Uki and to optimize learning. Would I lightly tap ST-05 on the street? No I would hit it for all it was worth, cause the jaw to break and likely also cause brain trauma. But hard to get training partners when you do this. So to prefect the "technique" we train differently, but application is always different.
There are several self appointed "watch dog" groups on the Internet that tell their group of followers how FAKE this is or that is BULLSHIT etc, etc. Yippy.......When dealing with proper pressure point training we are deal with nerve clusters, organs and the human head. A hard shot to GB-25 wil cause kidney damage from the impact alone! Anyone at bullshido like to feel a full power shot to the kidneys? No wait you are likely dumb enough to want to so I will pass. Don't need lawsuits when you lose a kidney.
Enough of the rant, take a look at the vidoe and keep in mind this is LEARNING not street application! Comment are welcome!
Saturday, January 12, 2013
The Truth About No Touch Knockouts
For some reason the no touch knockout of Kyusho Jitsu has become very controversial and really I am not sure why. Like brick or board breaking it is simply a demonstration. In no way does it relate to real life of real combat! And from what I can see doing these myself it never will.
The purpose of the no touch is simply to teach a person the control of body energy and show the potential of the human mind. Just as I have never been attacked by a pine board I will never use this to touch in real life. Who can it be done to? Well anyone who has an open mind or no opinion of it. If you don't think it can be done to you then you are right it cannot be!
Below is a video sample of one such knockout and a link for anyone interested in learning more of this eclectic part of the pressure point system.So before you pain it or knock it, try putting your ego aside and learn something. Martial Artists are supposed to be egoless but in fact are some of the most egotistical people I know.
No Touch Knockout Theory
Thursday, January 10, 2013
How is a leg knockout possible?
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