Increase your adult and black belt retention! Read about adding the pressure point art of Kyusho Jitsu to any root martial arts style or system.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
The Understanding of WHY Pressure Points Work
People will say to me all the time. "This cycle of destruction stuff is cute but how do I make it work without all this crap?" Well the answer is simple, Two Way Action. Two Way Action is the cornerstone of one of the most effective and devastating grappling arts in the world, Small Circle Jujitsu, but also the principle of why pressure points work and basically why any art works or can work better.
If you strike a pressure point like large intestine 10 straight threw you will get an affect based on how hard you hit. When you use 2 Way Action the affected will be multiple times greater! 2 Way Action is a simple and natural motion and with a little practice can be used easily and committed to muscle memory. Below is a video showing more on this amazing concept.
If you are looking for eBooks on Pressure Points look no further. Follow this LINK