Now I don't use this course for heavy selling of products, but I do occasionally make some great offers that are NEVER on the website! You see I view people in the mini course as people who still consider themselves students, and not masters. I still consider myself a student after 32 years! I remember years ago when I was international president of a multi style federation we asked an gentlemen, who shall remain nameless about coming to a seminar we had going in Toronto. Now he was a member, and very well know in his own right.
Several Masters and Grand Master donated their time to come and teach at this session. His response was, I don't go to seminars I give them, and I am too expensive for you! So I thanked him for his response. He was obviously no longer a student of anything, as he seems to consider himself an expert at all. So why was he a member of our federation? We had about 1000 members and he could get more people to see his name! Made me laugh! Anyways, below is another form you can fill out and join this AWESOME course. I hope to see you there soon!