Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Kyusho Teachers Wanted

Become a "Go To "person in Kyusho Jitsu

Kyusho Teachers Kyusho Teachers Grand Master Art Mason London 2011

Yes it does take some work, but I am seriously looking to increase my base of Kyusho Teachers worldwide. Many times every week I get emails from people asking me "do you have someone in "this" area I can learn from?" And we all know, the best way to learn is in a Dojo!
When I created the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance I did so with the idea of building up a Kyusho Teachers base worldwide, where we could get the word out on this revolutionary system that makes any martial art more street effective! By creating independent Kyusho Teachers worldwide I am helping people learn, and also helping school owners and those who wish to be Dojo operators succeed.

Kyusho Teachers Levels

There will be a total over the coming months of 5 different Kyusho Jitsu Certified Instructor Courses.  Current I have 2 online for purchase, with Level 3 becoming available on November 1st of this year. Level 4 will be around the beginning of January 2018.
The idea of this is to create a "minimum standard" for Kyusho Jitsu Black Belts, as well as the teachers. So when we have, as an example a 2nd Dan Black Belt, we know he or she knows "x" at the vary least. Right now in the Kyusho world, from what I have seen knowledge is all over the place.
I did my primary Kyusho training for 12 years under the direct supervision of Grand Master Steve Stewart. I am ranked as a Level Five instructor under his system, which is also a DKI Certified System, which at the time make me the most qualified to teach Kyusho Jitsu in Canada beside Grand Master Stewart. Now today I assume there are others.  The system I am setting up is of a similar design, as in Five Levels, but the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance is in place to help the teachers be successful in their goals.

Seminars and Study Groups

Under these programs as Certified Kyusho Teachers under the KJWA you will be able to organize and teach Kyusho Jitsu Study Groups, and book seminars for yourself anywhere you chose, all with the backing for the organization. You will appear in our database so people can find you and contact you about Kyusho!
Now as part of the launch of the Kyusho Jitsu Level 3 Instructor Certification Program I am "tearing down" the cost barrier to entry! These courses normally sell for $997 each! I paid that for each of my certification levels and $1500 for Level Five! (plus classes). This was the BEST money I ever spent!
However for a limited time I am NOT going to charge you this!

Right now you can purchase Level 1 or Level 2 for ONLY $97 each!

You can also Pre-Order Level 3 for $97! Here are links to read more right now or buy!
  1. Level 1 Kyusho Teacher Certification
  2. Level 2 Kyusho Teacher  Certification
  3. Level 3 Pre-Order Teacher Certification
But it even gets better! You can get 1 Level for $97, 2 levels for $150 or all 3 levels for $175!
If you are considering this option you must email me directly and I will invoice you for this! If you are just purchasing one level you can do so via the links above!
Here is my email address to contact me in regard to multiple levels. Email .
This offer of $97 will not last long and is sunject to change without notice so DON'T WAIT!!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

How and Why Kyusho Jitsu is a Game Changer in Self Defense

Real Self Defense situations are something that most people in the world, even martial artists know little about. With rising crime rates it is becoming more and more important to not only train, but understand what is really going on during an attack.
For years martial artist have been considered, because of the sport aspects and ring style fighting, to be experts in self defense. So we are contacted by different people and individuals to teach "self defense " classes. But a lot of the things being taught simply do not work!
These techniques may have the potential to work, but there is an issue.
You cannot predict with accuracy the reaction, or response of the attacker to the strikes given. HOWEVER, when you incorporate the art and science of pressure point self defense into the picture, you can predict a response from the attacker!
If you knew for certain what a punch to the face would do, then you can tell someone "punch him in the face." But the truth is MANY people can take very heavy blows and show almost no reaction to them!
Now case in point, I will use personal experience to show this. Back in 1991 during a training session for TKD style referees I receive a spin hook kick to the head, just above my left ear. It HURT. I did not go down, but this was the hardest hit I had ever take. No helmets.
The next day I fought in a adjournment and did not do very well. My head hurt. Later that week I found out I had a BAD concussions and a hairline skull fracture.
Now on the street, if I was an attacker, the the adrenaline rushing in my body, this would not even slow me down! Note also I am NOT a remarkable physical specimen. I am average! The guy who throw the kick was a national level fighter too! He hit HARD.
You must be able to know how to effectively disable someone, do it fast, and predict the results. This is why adding pressure points, or as the old-timers call them nerve strikes to your self defense it a GAME CHANGER.
When I hit a point correctly, I know how his or her body will react to the strike or manipulation. I know, just as an example  that if I strike LUNG-6 the hand will open, the head will come forward and the front knee will bend, on everyone, every time!
This knowledge is CRITICAL!
So where do you begin? There are many places you can! But right now I have a brand new video series available on the 15 Principles of Kyusho Jitsu. This information is priceless in learning to incorporate Kyusho Jitsu into you current system
Follow this link and learn more NOW!
[caption id="attachment_490" align="alignnone" width="300"] 15 Principles of Kyusho Jitsu[/caption]

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

What is the Dim Mak Project About?

Last weekend on our live stream I was asked what the Dim Mak  Project was about? Is it about the legends of Dim Mak, the folklore?
Absolutely not. I personally have zero interest in these legends. Long ago I found this stuff to be fascinating, but as we grow older our interests change. What is it about?
Will Dim Mak really work? Is death touch possible? And if the answer is yes, HOW does it work? That how is not from the technique side, but from the medical side. What happens in the body that causes the results Dim Mak speaks of.
So this is not going to be a "how to" book, but a how and why book.
My main reason for the Dim Mak Project itself is to first research these answers, then later find a way to incorporate, and teach this information in a real self defense system, helping people to deal effectively with real life and death, high escalation situations.
This project will break new ground in the study of self defense. If you would like to learn more, perhaps join us on the Dim Mak Project please follow the link below!
Have a great day!
[caption id="attachment_376" align="alignnone" width="300"] The Dim Mak Project[/caption]

Friday, June 30, 2017

Pressure Point Basics - Understanding Kyusho Jitsu

Now first I am going categorically state, Kyusho Jitsu in NOT a martial art. Kyusho Jitsu is a system, or a science that is applied to any martial art to make it more effective.
That being done lets discuss some basics. What is a pressure points? This is a place in the body where a nerve ends, branches off like in a "Y" formation, or where nerves cross.  It is not the nerve itself.
What is the size of a pressure point? A pressure points actual size is that of the head of a pen, however the area of activation is about the size of a loony, or silver dollar.
What kinds of point are there? Points come in 3 classification for attack. They are either "touch points" "rub points" or "hit points." A touch point will not respond to a hit, however some points are of more than one type.
How long will a pressure point stay active? After stimulation a pressure point can stay active for up to 20 minutes.
How should you strike a point? A pressure point needs to be attacked at a 45 degree angle using 2-Way Action or complex motion.
Now if this sounds interesting we have a few options for you to learn more. The first is our FREE Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course which you can subscribe too below.
Join Our Free Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course![/caption]Or if you are a little more serious about this study take a look at our Kyusho Jitsu University Gold Membership program which you can Test Drive for 30 Days for only $1.00
See this link below for more information.
Test Drive Our KJU Gold Membership for 30 Days for $1[/caption]

Thursday, June 29, 2017

The Psychology of Self Defense

Being able to defense yourself is believe it or not more mind than it is physical prowess or technique. Not everyone no matter how well trained is able to defend themselves in a real life situation.
Back when I was with my first instructor there was a woman in the school who was amazing to watch move. Her abilities were astounding! Power, speed and grace. But one night on the riverfront in downtown Windsor she was almost raped. She froze in fear. None of her training came to her aid. Luckily for her the Windsor Police were staking out the park and arrested the 2 men before anything really bad happened.
I have been doing specialized self defense workshops and courses for 30 years. I recall very well one group of women we taught back in the early 90's. They were all Real Estate people who were concerned about going out at night. Everyone did very well. At the end of the course we brought in an Uki, padded him up really well and had him attack each of the women in different unrehearsed scenarios. One woman screamed, began to shake uncontrollably and cried for an hour.  She had flashbacks of being attacked.
Another woman in the same group destroyed my Uki and actually hurt him through all the padding. She had been attacked once also.
It is not the martial art style and never has been. Yes the training is VERY important, but without the understanding of the REAL psychology of self defense, and not the Dr Phil crap either,  there is no way to guarantee success, or even survival of the aftermath if you lose.
The physical is only maybe 10% of the picture.
So what is it then that causes success or failure? There is a part of the human brain that determines how we react or respond to every situation in life. It's programming decides if you are successful in self defense or any other aspect of life. It is influenced and acts upon your habitual thoughts, including the ones you don't know you think, as well as your self image, the real self image not the one some people pretend to be.
So once again I am going to put my fingers to the keyboard and write a NON Kyusho Jitsu book on the Psychology of Self Defense. How to reprogram yourself, and help those you teach to be successful in not just a self defense situation, but life in general.
Very soon I will release more information on this eBook, which for the first time I may have printed as well. Watch our book site from the link below. Once I have the information together it will be featured on the front page.

Have a great weekend and don't miss out Canada Day Birthday Celebration!

Monday, June 26, 2017

The Great Truth of Knife Defense

There is no more dangerous weapon in hand to hand combat than the knife. Why? First of all it can change direction, cut from many angles, and is very unforgiving.  Bullets miss, knives rarely do!
There are literally hundreds of different styles of knives, each with strong and weak points as a weapon. But they all share one common trait. If they cut the right place life is over in seconds.  In the hands of a professional trained knife fighter the average person has little to no chance of survival.  But we don't focus on training for the professional right away. Odds are you will encounter someone pissed off, or desperate (drug addict) with little skill. This is the first step in training.
I have seen some really terrible knife defense over the years. But you have to start somewhere right? The problem is often that after a dozen or so counter techniques most martial arts stop there. Now the combat systems like Systema and Bojuka go in depth with knife defense. But the problem for most martial artist is that it requires re-learning movement they have already become adept at.
It would be better to add to the knowledge you already have, and make that more effective than to reinvent the wheel. That is where Kyusho Jitsu Knife Defense, my upcoming eBook comes in.
This new eBook will include practical information, Kyusho and medical principles, as well as training exercises you can use and incorporate into you current art, system or style. The eBook will include links to download companion video to go with the information in the book.
For more information on this NEW eBook / Video set follow the link below. Yes there is a preorder!
[caption id="attachment_490" align="alignnone" width="300"] Kyusho Jitsu Knife Defense[/caption]

Friday, June 23, 2017

News on the Dim Mak Project

I just wanted to touch base with everyone with regards to what is happening with the Dim Mak Project. Right now I am still in the data collecting stages, make my notes from all the research I have been doing. All this information is compared to each other, and also compared to the direct work I have done to find the common truths versus the folklore about Dim Mak.
Things are still on schedule for the release of the eBook this Fall!
Now the comparative nature of writing this eBook serves a great purpose. I can then give you accurate information, that can be studied and replicated. A few years back I did a personal project on the life of Vlad the Impaler (Vlad Tepes). The historical accounts and folklore were ridiculous. So I did research by comparing the history from the Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, information from Wallachia (Now Romania) and then searched actual historical records from places like Sibiu to see how everything lined up and compared.  After I wrote an eBook account of his life I believe to be the most accurate. But you can see the idea behind the research!
The Dim Mak Project is being done the same way!
For more information on the Dim Mak Project I am going to give you a few links.  Below is the full list including Facebook pages and groups.
If you are curious about my work on Prince Vlad III Dracula follow the link to the Facebook Page.
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Understanding Neurological Pressure Point Knockouts

Now with the seminar in Spain behind me I will begin to focus on my next eBook which is on Neurological Pressure Point . Kyusho Jitsu Knockouts. For people involved in the study of Kyusho, and those interested in learning this has always been an area of focus.
What is a Knockout? How does it happen? Are there different kinds of knockouts? The fact is yes there are. Understanding these is also very important in successful self defense! So let's take a look at these right now.


Caused by blunt trauma to the head resulting in bruising or damage to one or more areas of the brain as it collides with the inside of the skull. This can be caused by heavy impact to the skull such as a martial arts strike, a fall, car accident, etc...


Caused by a short circuit, overload, or imbalance in the central nervous system (involving both the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems). This can be using Kyusho Jitsu techniques. It may also be caused by extreme stress, emotions, shock, or extreme trauma to any area of the body (a broken or crushed limb for example). This kind of knockout can also be chemically induced (alcohol, toxins, allergies).


Caused by limiting the oxygen supply to the brain. This can be caused by choking or strangulation involving the air supply, the flow of blood or both. It can also be caused by impact to veins or arteries causing a disruption in the flow of blood, or by dislodging plaque from the arterial walls causing clots. This is one of the reasons why we tend not to do KO's on persons over the age of 40. Other causes such as stroke, cardio vascular disease and respiratory ailments such as asthma are considered Cardio/Respiratory issues but may also be triggered Neurologically.
If you would like more information on my new eBook coming in about 2 weeks you can follow this link below to learn more!
Neurological Pressure Points Jitsu eBook[/caption]Also you may wish to join our Free 3 Video Pressure Point Knockout Mini Course from this link below!
Neurological Pressure Points Jitsu Knockout Course

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Never Been to Spain - Kyusho Jitsu Seminar

As the old song goes, "well I've never been to Spain," I am headed there tomorrow morning. It will be a long day as I leave Brasov at about 5:00 and arrive at about 9:15pm there time. But I have been doing the travel thing a lot over the years and am used to it.
This will be a great seminar. I will be basing it on my eBook The 15 Principles Plus One of Kyusho Jitsu which means I get to teach Alarm Points, I love teaching Alarm Points. Plus I have several other surprises for them.
I got my start a long time ago by attending a George Dillman seminar at Steve Stewart's Modern Martial Arts in London Ontario.  I have never looked back since then!
For this seminar we have an English / Spanish translator as well as a video camera setup to capture the day. I am so much looking forward to this also.  I also enjoy very much meeting new people in these kinds of setting.
It is going to be a great time!
If you are interested in hosting a Kyusho Jitsu Seminar at your school/club/dojo follow the link below! You can find update from Spain on our Facebook Page.
Hosting a Kyusho Jitsu Seminar or Workshop[/caption]

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The Secrets to Learning Kyusho Jitsu

Well I am getting ready to head out Friday morning to Spain to do a weekend seminar and some grading. I am really looking forward to it! There is nothing like a pressure point / kyusho jitsu seminar to create some excitement!
The seminar is being recorded and there will be lots of video coming from it! I will be back in Brasov Romania Tuesday morning and get back to work on the latest eBook on Neurological Pressure Point Knockout. I will also have to get the Principle of the Grand Master eBook online for all those who preordered it!
There are many different ideas behind learning Kyusho Jitsu. My teacher Steve Stewart follow George Dillman around for many years, attending every seminar possible to learn this. But today we have better method to teach!
Not we have systems and curriculum!
Back in late winter I created Kyusho Jitsu University with several different levels of learning. We have 3 different programs which range from the GOLD Program, which is for the single student, to the Diamond Program for someone who wishes to be an instructor, to the Platinum Program for the martial artist to wants it all!
These are all curriculum based certification courses that include grading in the paid membership! Plus you can cancel anytime if you are not satisfied!
However right now you can Test Drive our Gold Membership Program for 30 Days for ONLY $1.00! And as a bonus for doing the Test Drive you get access to our NEW Neurological Pressure Point Knockout Course for FREE!
How can you go wrong? Sign Up NOW!

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Kyusho Jitsu Seminar in Spain

On Saturday June 17th I will be in the beautiful country of Spain doing a seminar for a group there on the 15 Principles Plus One of Kyusho Jitsu.
To say I am exciting is an understatement! It has been a few years since I last traveled for a seminar and it is always such a rewarding experience! The reason I ended up here in Romania was because of a seminar I did for a small group in Constanta 7 years ago.
If you would like some information on the seminar follow the link below.

There is so very much to learning Kyusho Jitsu and attending seminars is one of the best places to begin.  It is a great experience and they are a lot of fun also!
But don't forget to bring a notebook!
The seminar is being videoed at my request and there will be some footage available in the future.  Now if you are interested in hosting a Kyusho Jitsu Seminar in your dojo follow the link below for information.
Have a great day!
[caption id="attachment_345" align="alignnone" width="300"] Kyusho Seminars and Workshops[/caption]

Friday, June 9, 2017

What are Alarm Points and why should you care?

What is an Alarm Point?
This is a specific pressure point on the body that relates to a specific organ on the body.
As an example the Alarm Point for which is ST-25.
What happens when yous strike an Alarm point?
  • You active the associated meridian bi-laterally
  • You activate the meridian struck on the side of the body hit
  • You activate Triple Warmer bi-laterally
There is much to discover about Alarm Points,  there are several different types.
  • Alarm Points (Front of the Body)
  • Associated Alarm Points (Back of the body)
  • Special Alarm Points
Alarm Points were also the feature PLUS ONE in my last eBook titled The 15 Principles Plus One of Kyusho Jitsu!
This weekend I have an opportunity for you that you will not want to miss! Back several years ago I did an advanced session for my students and this was recorded! This is a must have for all Kyusho Enthusiasts!
The regular price of this Alarm Point Workshop is $37, but right now, this weekend ONLY you can get it for $7.00!!!

Just $7.00!

Follow this link now! Don't miss out!

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Growing the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance

Are you a member yet of the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance? It is free so follow the link to join NOW!
I have been working for the last year to grow the alliance and provide the very best Kyusho Jitsu education and it has been going amazing well! We are a NON Political Alliance, not a federation with education being the priority!
There are many benefits to membership, especially for the school owner, and those benefits will grow as the organization grows.  Because  our focus is on education we have created many, many different distance learning products as well as full certification courses for Black Belts and Instructors. 
Yesterday I had a email from someone looking for a school to learn Kyusho in one of the southern states in the USA. There was nothing I could tell him. He did not want to learn via distance, unless he had no other choice. I can't recommend someone I don't know, because not all Kyusho instructors are created equal, like anything else.
Now I hope you see the opportunity here for the school owner.  Become a certified instructor opens many doors for you! When you certify with us we provide you with the systems to become successful teaching Kyusho!
Check out our Alliance website and join today! View the entire site and see the benefits of membership!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

The FACTS about Real Self Defense

The other day on YouTube I comments on a video with reference to how very important Kata really is to self defense training. The reply I got was that "free sparring" was as close to the real thing as you will get. WRONG.
Now I will first say, anyone sends me a comment or a message without a REAL name I have ZERO respect for you or your opinion. I am not into cowardice. But now I will explain AGAIN why this view is foolish!
I had a student for many years who is a big man and was a bouncer in a local bar in his younger days. He questioned by methods and one night we had a long discussion about them. After we were finished he went, "yeah you are right." This changed his resistance to what I teach and made him very effective.
Why? First, self defense is NOT a fight! No one who is attacking you is going to dance around, circle you, or jab at you with a fist or a foot.
Now, that may be the pathetic reality for a bar fight or a high school ego battle, but NOT the reality of someone who is trying to kill you, rob you, rape you, or just kick the shit out of you for fun!
How to do I know? Personal experience and having long time students who have also had the experience and have helped as we designed systems to teach people.
Now the guys comment was "imaginary fights" don't work. I can tell you right now he has NO CLUE how to train a Kata! If you know who to do it, the movements can be programmed into the subconscious mind, and ALONG with PROPER Self Defense training, you can become very effective!
Sport and Self Defense are not the same thing. And I am very sure that there are very few MMA fighters who are attacked, called out perhaps, but that is a FIGHT, not an ATTACK.  Self Defense is an entirely different animal! There are many great martial artists in the world with real life military training, and everyone I have ever talked with agreed completely.
There are many things that can help a student develop a well rounded approach to martial arts training for self defense. You need a solid root art and a GOOD to GREAT teacher.  But any system you study that ADDS pressure points to it are always more effective!
If you would like to learn more I have 2 free courses you can sign up for. You can also opt out at anytime if it is not for you. Follow the links below!
Free Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course
Free Kyusho Jitsu  Mini Course
Free 3 Video Neurological Knockout Course
Free Kyusho Jitsu Knockout Mini Course

Sunday, June 4, 2017

The Secrets to Learning and Understanding Kyusho Jitsu

Yesterday I had someone leave the mini course because as he or she said, "too many emails to read." So what does that tell me? I am not sending enough emails! This person is just not serious, and therefore it is best to move on.
Anything worthwhile in life takes work, and the pressure point study of Kyusho Jitsu is something very worthwhile! This knowledge can be the difference between life and death in a real life self defense situation.
Playing with it, is like owning a gun and not learning about safety or shooting. It is a waste of time!  Don't fall into the massive lie today about instant everything. Life is not instant and the reward is always the journey!
Today's world is getting more dangerous and stupid day by day. The need for self protection, protection for your family is critical! Kyusho Jitsu is a part of that equation, not the only part, but part of it!
Being that I am a teacher, and I am real teacher because my goal is for my students to be better than me, talking about my own experiences in self defense is important, but it is more important to talk of my students experience. 
Two very important examples come to mind! One was a provincial police officer in Canada who used this knowledge to successfully end a serious problem, and the other a military man who used this knowledge, along with his military training overseas in real hand to hand combat situation. Why were they successful? They did the work!
Those who say it does not work fall under the same category as the person who says "too many emails." The truth is  they are TOO LAZY to do the work!
Now I am looking for a total over the next few years of 150 serious martial artist who want to TEACH other this information.  In time this will exponentially change things and make people safer! So far about 25 have stood up and said "i am one!" This number is much higher than I expected so soon! They are from all over the world as well!
Are you interested? There are a few ways you can get started! But I suggest jumping into one or both of the FREE Email Courses just to get your feet wet! If you know you are serious take a look at the 3rd option of enrolling in one programs at Kyusho Jitsu University. These are certification programs.
Follow these links for more information.
  1. Free Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course
  2. Free 3 Video Kyusho Jitsu Knockout Mini Course
  3. Kyusho Jitsu University Certification Courses
Have a great day everyone! Stay safe!

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Kyusho Jitsu Questions and Answers

Everyday when I wake up I take my Huskies out for their morning walk, make some coffee and get down to business. I am a full time martial arts teacher focusing mostly on Kyusho Jitsu.
Twice per day I answer emails and there are lots of them! Most questions are pretty straight forward. Sometimes they just cannot be answered so I send the person to a product or resource.  I always answer, but depending on the time of day this can be slow.  As an example there is 7 hours time difference between me and Toronto.
I was asked recently why I have my picture on the Pressure Points Canada Facebook Page rather then a logo.  The answer is easy, I am a real person, with a long martial arts history, who is the head of this system. If you chose to learn from me you should know who I am. The student / teacher relationship in martial arts is very important, and being online is more important in my view!
If you are new to Kyusho Jitsu and the possibilities it provides you to enhance your current style you may wish to begin my checking out our 2 FREE Mini Courses. See the links below!
The 3 dogs in the picture are my children. The Arctic White Wolf "Alpha", the Siberian Husky "Gandalf", and the Quarter Husky "Thor" - don't tell Thor he is not a husky, he don't know.....LOL
These are all rescued dogs, another passion of mine.
Have a great day!

Friday, June 2, 2017

The Art and Science of Pressure Points Kyusho Jitsu

Today I am very hard on main stream science, it is like politics and main stream media, lots of lies, lots of lies backed up by nothing but math the average person will never be able to understand.  Here is a quote I love.
"Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality." Nikola Tesla
When you wonder about these things just look at the budget and who is paying the bill and you will find all the answers, but I digress! 

Kyusho to me is a science, but why? Because I do experiments to see what works, what can be replicated on anyone I meet and how best to forward the results so that martial arts everywhere can use it! There is no ultimate truth, just different probabilities what may make the difference in a life or death situation.  No DOGMA and no politics, just figure out what works and WHY it works!

The WHY is also important! Because if a Kyusho Principle works, and they do, there are medical reasons they work ALSO.  Kyusho has been attacked by the main stream of many martial artists for years and why? Several reasons, ego, closed minded, and yes I will say it, STUPIDITY.  Black Belt does not mean smart! One of my mandates is to spread the word and teacher this to all those who wish to learn! I hope you will join me on this quest! Novice or expert it does not matter!

There are many ways you can join us here at Kyusho Jitsu World. I will suggest for the moment to join our

Both are great ways to start or refresh what you may know!

Once you begin this journey in earnest you will not want to stop!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, June 1, 2017

The Gray's Anatomy of Kyusho Jitsu eBooks

I am assuming you are familiar with the book, not the TV show Gray's Anatomy. It is the premier medical reference book in the world. When I reached my 4th Dan Master Level Black Belt in Kyusho Jitsu Grand Master Stewart recommended I get a copy. Naturally I did!
But for our purposes the book is just too much information. It is all very interesting, but way to much.
For many years I have been kinda ignoring the knockout teaching online. Only doing the in class. There is a reason also, which I will discuss in our Vidcast on Monday June 4th 2017. But the way the world is going today, the need for a deep understanding of Neurological Knockouts is needed like very before.
Thus the reason for a Free Mini Course, a FULL Online Course and an eBook covering the subject in-depth.
This new eBook will not only go into detail from the Kyusho Jitsu Applied Principles aspects but also the medical / neurological aspects and implications of HOW and WHY this is possible and very necessary for anyone in the arts!
This is the real deal!
The eBook will be released no later than July 15th 2017, but I am in a rush to finish it before the end of June! And those of you who know my work know it will be done! This book will be loaded with pictures and technical information on doing these knockouts. The way the eBook is setup you can easily add this information to your self defense courses also.
The eBook when finished is going to list for $67, but right now you can PRE-ORDER for $14, which Monday June 4th will go to $25! So follow the link below and reserve your copy now!
As will everything I do there is a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. Feel free to write me and ask about it!
Here is your link. This price is only good this weekend!
Pre-Order Neurological Kyusho Jitsu Knockouts

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The AMAZING Secrets to Understanding Kata

What is the, or are there secrets locked inside of your Kata? The answer to this question is not as straight forward as you may think!
Today violence is on the rise on our streets. You can have all the warm and fuzzy feelings you like, but the stats show the truth. The possibility of being attacked are very very high! After all this is why you got involved in martial arts training right?
Today there is in my view a BIG problem with many training in the arts. People have become obsessed with conditioning. Conditioning the body to be the BEST it can be....Nice......but!
Very FEW are conditioning the MIND!
Now don't get me wrong I am not against physical fitness. My good health is tied to this, however without the mind being involved, and I watch many train and it is not, your likelihood of success in an attack is low.
Kata today is often taught for the purpose of performance, like a dance or a gymnastics routine. That is fine, but it leaves on the table the real VALUE of learning a Kata. The reason we learn to make the moves part of us, and be able to use them in real life.
Now this is where many superficial martial artists laugh. But the truth is, if you train the mind when you train the body, training the mind in what is potentially happening in the Kata, then you create a machine, that with time is almost unstoppable!
So back to the question, what are the secrets? The secrets of Kata are in the learning of HOW to interpret, so the unconscious mind will use the movement when they are needed.
If you would like to discover more, visit this link!
Kata Interpretation

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Neurological Pressure Point Knockouts

The past few weeks I have been talking a lot about neurological pressure point knockouts. I am doing this for a few very good reasons. One is they can make the difference in a self defense situation, the difference between winning and losing, and even life and death.
Plus I really want people to benefit from the Free Pressure Point Knockout Video Course we are offering right now.
However I want to discuss today what is going to be in this new eBook I am making available in July 2017. The book will go into detail how to be successful doing Kyusho Jitsu / Pressure Point Knockouts on the street. I am going to remove all the mystery that has surrounded these and explain in 2 different ways WHY they work.
I will discuss -
  1. The Kyusho Jitsu Theories of how and why they work.
  2. The MEDICAL reasons of how and why they work
This will give the reader / student all the tools to perform Pressure Points Knockouts with NO BS about making them effective!
I will discuss in details HOW to GET -
  • Head Knockouts
  • Body Knockouts
  • Arm Knockouts
  • Leg Cookout
Plus you will understand from a neurological standpoint WHY these work! And to me, this understanding is of utmost importance! This is how real confidence in your ability can be created!
Now I am pulling no punches here.
This new eBook which you can pre-order NOW from the link at the bottom of this post for ONLY $14 is a massive steal!
It is also highly suggested you join the NEW Pressure Point Knockout Course at Kyusho Jitsu University.  These 2 products go hand in hand! As I mentioned above you can join this course right now and get your first 3 videos FREE. There is no obligation to continue either!
I can't make it much easier!
Follow the link below and get all the details on the new eBook and join the FREE 3 Video Kyusho Jitsu Knockout Course NOW!
Join Our Free Kyusho Jitsu Knockout Course!

New Neurological Knockout eBook

Monday, May 29, 2017

Education is the Key to Martial Arts Training

I am not much of a traditionalist. After 16 years of making sure everything I did followed the traditions set forth by my first Grand Master Instructor, who was very dogmatic about everything,  I began to see things in a different light.
I came to believe and realize that things in the world had changed a lot, there was no honour in combat, and martial arts had gone to far to the sport aspect. So I began to pursue knowledge.
Today violence is growing on the streets of most cities in the world, and any rules of engagement are long gone. This is why it is so important for the martial arts student and teacher to continue to evolve in the arts of combat and self defense.
And knowledge is the key!
The many, many truths of the martial arts simply are not relevant any longer. One is that you need to be in tip top physical shape at all times. I have done this, but now as I am pushing 60 I realize this is just not possible, and even if I train 4 hours per day, I am not 21 any more. And that is the age group that will be the attacker statistically speaking.
Mindless repetition is also not enough. There needs to be reasons and neurological connections to what is really happening in the movements.
You have to be smarter, you need tools to equalize the advantage the attacker has on you. This is why Kyusho is the game changer!
We offer 2 excellent FREE Courses to get you started on making your root style of martial arts more effective with out changing what you are doing.
Follow these links below to learn more today!
Free Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course

Free Kyusho Jitsu Knockout Mini Course
Free Kyusho Jitsu Knockout Mini Course

Sunday, May 28, 2017

New eBook Coming on Neurological Pressure Point Knockouts

Since the creation of our Free 3 Video Kyusho Jitsu Knockout Course I have had about 10 people ask me to do an eBook on it.  Now that is actually a significant numbers as the number of people who join a course versus the ones who ever email it what makes this so important too me!
That being said I am adding one more eBook to my list to be finished by fall of this year!
This eBook will be available on July 15th 2017 or sooner, as this is a quicker write for me because of my notes.  Likely it will be sooner as I am close to finishing the Principle of the Grand Master.
But yes! I will also do a pre-order for the eBook, and the price will blow you away!
Follow the link below and learn more!

Friday, May 26, 2017

What is a Neurological Knockout? Pressure Point Knockouts 101

Pressure Points are the Equalizer!
What is a neurological knockout? Here is the definition for you.

Caused by a short circuit, overload, or imbalance in the central nervous system (involving both the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems).

This can be using Kyusho Jitsu techniques. It may also be caused by extreme stress, emotions, shock, or extreme trauma to any area of the body (a broken or crushed limb for example). This kind of knockout can also be chemically induced (alcohol, toxins, allergies).
Now why is this so important? First I will say in Self Defense it it CRITICAL. Over the years of various sport activities like boxing, TKD style fighting and hockey I have had way too many concussions! One was a spin hook kick that fractured my skull above my left year.
But only once is about 5 did I lose consciousness, and it was not the skull fracture. It was boxing and I did not see the punch coming!

Caused by blunt trauma to the head resulting in bruising or damage to one or more areas of the brain as it collides with the inside of the skull. This can be caused by heavy impact to the skull such as a martial arts strike, a fall, car accident, etc...
One of the interesting things about concussion is that it does not always lead to unconsciousness, to trying to defend only using blunt force or trauma can get you into a world of trouble!
Hit a nerve bundle correctly and you WILL get  knockout!
This is why it is so critical in my view to have a SOLID pressure point  / kyusho jitsu education!
Recently I put together a new knockout course, which cover many of the basics of doing neurological knockouts! This is a 3 Video Course and it totally FREE!
Click this link and sign up now! It will only take a minute!
Join Our Free Kyusho Jitsu Knockout Course!

Memorial Day Weekend Special - Kyusho Stuff!

This weekend, being the last weekend of May is the USA's Memorial Day Weekend! So for some fun I am going to run a few special deals for everyone!
Here we go! Checkout the links!
Don't wait! You don't want to miss these weekend specials!
Have a great day!

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Truth About Self Defense and Pressure Points

A young woman defends herself against an male attacker
There is a lot of misinformation out there when it comes to self defense.  The basis of this information is you need to be in great physical shape at all time ( not possible, sorry) and you need to fight a lot in order to assure victory.
All the above is called "street fighting." Conflict is easy to find too, especially in the USA.  Just go to any city, find the bad end of town and shoot off your mouth. Your dreams will come true. But make sure you pay your hospital insurance first!
I had a guy once say to me he has been in more fights than he can remember and pressure points didn't help.  Two comments on this, first this guy is a dumbass, "more fights than he can remember" should not be a point of pride, Plus not knowing something, but thinking you do because of your ego and this is all ego,  will always lead to failure. Pressure Points / Kyusho won't fix stupid! Live by the sword.......
I recently received an unsolicited email from a guy claiming "get my free DVD and you will defeat any attacker." Do you see why martial arts has received so much negativity about its effectiveness in the last 20 years? This claim is almost liable! (But I am sure he has fine print.)
My mandate in Kyusho is to create "structure" for learning, a method of teaching that will help everyone involved not just the "naturals." I teach content that can be applied to the students root art to help THEM make it effective for real self defense! 
Not everyone in any system is able to defend themselves! That goes back to a "self image" issue. The self image must be built, then confidence grows with skill, and then effectiveness is possible!
How is this done?
  • Teaching with SYSTEMS
  • Congruent information
  • Support
Taught properly, the student learns, sees the applications in his or her own system themselves, applies the information and becomes "personally effective." It is not about creating commando! That is the military's job.
Now I have taught this information, the way I teach it, to both police and military. The feedback is always the same. "Pressure Points Work!"
But the application of this knowledge was them, not me! Now I make no claims to be "the best in the world," or the "knockout king." I do claim to be the best "teacher" you are likely to find. I do claim if you do what I say you will learn! As far as beyond that, success is based on your view, what you do with the knowledge I will share with you.
Knowledge is not power, application of knowledge is power!
Have a great day everyone!

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Kyusho Jitsu and Body Typing, what element are you?

LU-7 and TW-11
Are you familiar with "body typing" as it pertains to Kyusho Jitsu and self defense? Now this is a very advanced principle and most people in Kyusho have heard about it, but few really know what it is all about. Now lets do a basic breakdown so you will know what I am talking about. Ever person contains all five of the elements we talk about in the Cycle of Destruction as well of course in the Cycle of Creation. What is interesting about this is that each person has a primary element. One element that is stronger in the body than the rest are. And that is a weakness when it comes to defense against a pressure point attack.
Now I will tell you my primary element is FIRE. I have certain physical traits that disclose that to someone who is in the know. I hide of these traits! Do you know which one? This is why I have a picture of myself in this email so you can take a look and see if you understand why I am FIRE?

Now there is more to in than just physical appearances, there is also many other personality based traits that will distinguish the primary element of a person! Now how does knowing this help in a self defense situation? Well for one, since fire is so high in my body you should know that "water" is very effective against me! Now it is beyond the scope of an email to explain this entire principle! You need a lot more information! But this is one of the most important Principles of the Grand Master that separates them from the average Kyusho Jitsu practitioner and many Master level Teachers!
In the next couple of weeks I have an new eBook coming out that will go into detail on this and several other Principles of the Grand Master! If you would like to learn more about this incredible eBook and save a pile of money by preordering you copy, follow the link below!

Don't miss out! Once the book is released the deal is gone, perhaps sooner!
Have a great week!