Become a "Go To "person in Kyusho Jitsu
Yes it does take some work, but I am seriously looking to increase my base of Kyusho Teachers worldwide. Many times every week I get emails from people asking me "do you have someone in "this" area I can learn from?" And we all know, the best way to learn is in a Dojo!
When I created the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance I did so with the idea of building up a Kyusho Teachers base worldwide, where we could get the word out on this revolutionary system that makes any martial art more street effective! By creating independent Kyusho Teachers worldwide I am helping people learn, and also helping school owners and those who wish to be Dojo operators succeed.
Kyusho Teachers Levels
There will be a total over the coming months of 5 different Kyusho Jitsu Certified Instructor Courses. Current I have 2 online for purchase, with Level 3 becoming available on November 1st of this year. Level 4 will be around the beginning of January 2018.The idea of this is to create a "minimum standard" for Kyusho Jitsu Black Belts, as well as the teachers. So when we have, as an example a 2nd Dan Black Belt, we know he or she knows "x" at the vary least. Right now in the Kyusho world, from what I have seen knowledge is all over the place.
I did my primary Kyusho training for 12 years under the direct supervision of Grand Master Steve Stewart. I am ranked as a Level Five instructor under his system, which is also a DKI Certified System, which at the time make me the most qualified to teach Kyusho Jitsu in Canada beside Grand Master Stewart. Now today I assume there are others. The system I am setting up is of a similar design, as in Five Levels, but the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance is in place to help the teachers be successful in their goals.
Seminars and Study Groups
Under these programs as Certified Kyusho Teachers under the KJWA you will be able to organize and teach Kyusho Jitsu Study Groups, and book seminars for yourself anywhere you chose, all with the backing for the organization. You will appear in our database so people can find you and contact you about Kyusho!Now as part of the launch of the Kyusho Jitsu Level 3 Instructor Certification Program I am "tearing down" the cost barrier to entry! These courses normally sell for $997 each! I paid that for each of my certification levels and $1500 for Level Five! (plus classes). This was the BEST money I ever spent!
However for a limited time I am NOT going to charge you this!
Right now you can purchase Level 1 or Level 2 for ONLY $97 each!
You can also Pre-Order Level 3 for $97! Here are links to read more right now or buy!
- Level 1 Kyusho Teacher Certification
- Level 2 Kyusho Teacher Certification
- Level 3 Pre-Order Teacher Certification
If you are considering this option you must email me directly and I will invoice you for this! If you are just purchasing one level you can do so via the links above!
Here is my email address to contact me in regard to multiple levels. Email .
This offer of $97 will not last long and is sunject to change without notice so DON'T WAIT!!