Last weekend on our live stream I was asked what the Dim Mak Project was about? Is it about the legends of Dim Mak, the folklore?
Absolutely not. I personally have zero interest in these legends. Long ago I found this stuff to be fascinating, but as we grow older our interests change. What is it about?
Will Dim Mak really work? Is death touch possible? And if the answer is yes, HOW does it work? That how is not from the technique side, but from the medical side. What happens in the body that causes the results Dim Mak speaks of.
So this is not going to be a "how to" book, but a how and why book.
My main reason for the Dim Mak Project itself is to first research these answers, then later find a way to incorporate, and teach this information in a real self defense system, helping people to deal effectively with real life and death, high escalation situations.
This project will break new ground in the study of self defense. If you would like to learn more, perhaps join us on the Dim Mak Project please follow the link below!
Have a great day!
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