Yesterday I wrote a post on how Lung 8 is to be activated for use in a pressure point self defense technique. Today I have a short video on how to attack Lung 6 effectively. Note the word effectively. In order to get any pressure point to respond properly there are certain things you need to know. One is the correct angle and direction of attack, and also the striking action best used. I hope you enjoy the video.
For more information on studying pressure points please visit these site below.
Increase your adult and black belt retention! Read about adding the pressure point art of Kyusho Jitsu to any root martial arts style or system.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Understanding Lung 8
Lung 8 is a point on the arm located at the wrist on the radial bone side of the arm. In this video I will explain some theory and application for this point. The demonstration in this video is how the point works, not how to use it in a self defense situation. In order to use any point in a self defense situation you need first understand how and why it works, then how to apply 2 way action to it. Once understood, self defense with a point is easy.
To learn more about pressure points visit these websites.
To learn more about pressure points visit these websites.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
The Down Block _ What is it...really?
So what is a low or down block in the pressure point world? How we begin to interpret techniques for Kyusho from traditional movement is to first understand the different levels and type of attacks. The starting order is as follows, the attack is either a PUSH a GRAB or a PUNCH. All tradition movement must fit all of these categories, not just one of them for it to be useful. In the video below I will give a pressure point interpretation or Bunkai for a down block based on a cross arm grab. Note that there is no wasted motion in the technique. I am attacking Triple Warmer 12.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Associated Alarm Points
Back a few days ago I wrote about Alarm Points. I also provided some video for this site as well as a lot more on my Kyusho Online Course website. As you might recall I told you that the Alarm Points on the front of the body related directly to the corresponding organ, and when strike had an affect on the organ itself, as well as the meridian.
Assocated Alarm Points are somewhat different. This points related directly to the neurological aspects of the organs. So in other words they affect the wiring or nerves directly, which makes them far more devastating and dangerous. So as an example a strike to the alarm point for the heart can directly effect the functioning of the heart itself. A strike to the Associated Alarm Point can actually shut the heart off.
If you are interested in leaning more about these point I suggest finding a qualified, better yet certified instructor in these systems. In a later article I will include some video demonstrating some of these points and their effect. How much is there to learn about pressure points? Well I hope this is giving you some idea!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Pressure Points and the Masters of Old
What did they know or understand differently than todays martial artists? It was the pressure point system. Now unlike today, there was no separate system they learned using pressure points. It was all part of the one system they studied and practiced for decades. This knowledge was found in and taught from their KATA.
Today Kata has lost much of it's meaning. Because it can take years to understand the techiques found in Kata people are often just not interested. But Kata is still rich in understanding if you have a teacher with the knowledge. However today, we are fortunate that a pressure point study system does exist, which can give us the chance to learn the secrets of the old master now that they are gone.
Are you one of those martial arts students who is truly interested in making your art timeless, becoming more effective as you grow older. Do you want to understanding the secrets of the old masters of yesterday? Then pressure point study might be for you. Now there are many different option for learning pressure points. I am going to give you a few links here to help get you going. You are also welcome to email me at if you have any questions.
- Pressure Point Home Study DVDs
- Pressure Point Online Course
- Pressure Point FAQs
- Pressure Point Workbook
Good luck to everyone in your quest for great understanding and knowledge in the martial arts.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Advanced Kyusho Study - Alarm Points
That is right, there really is, like any other martial art, a lifetime of information available in Kyusho, as long as you have the right instructor. Today I am continually traveling to work with Grand Master Stewart, teaching Novice and Advanced Kyusho Classes in my dojo, working on my Novice Online Study Course as well as my upcoming Advance DVD set, and my Advanced Online Study Course. I am also traveling to other countries setting up on site learning groups there. So with all that in mind, lets talk a little more about advanced study and Alarm Points.
Alarm Points in Kyusho are places on the body, that when struck with the correct angle and direction, using the correct stance and striking action will have a devastating effect on the body. People have seen me knock Uki's out hitting the body, and this is done with Alarm Points.
What do Alarm Points do? Aside from causing a very devastating effect on the meridian, they also directly affect the corresponding organ on the body. As an example, and as stated in a video I posted a few days back, hitting the point LU-1, which is the Alarm Point for lung, I will activate Lung bi-laterally, both sides of the body, as well as Triple Warmer on both sides of the body. Below is a breakdown of all the Alarm Points.
- Lung - LU1
- Large Intestine - ST-25
- Stomach - CO-12
- Spleen LI-13
- Heart CO-14
- Small Intestine - CO-4
- Bladder CO-3
- Kidney - GB-25
- Pericardium CO-17
- Triple Warmer CO-5
- Gall Bladder GB-24
- Liver LI-14
Depending on the Alarm Point the effects can be very different. Any strike at conception will active all the YIN meridians as well as Triple Warmer. A strike to stomach, liver or GB Alarm Points will also effect the meridian struck.
Now this is just a short explanation, just to let you know some of the information available to you! I have not even begun to cover Alarm Points or the Associated Alarm Points on the back. There is a world of information available to you in the pressure point art of Kyusho Jitsu.
For more information on our Home Study Series visit our website. Information on our Online Course is available here. Instructors may look at our Seminar Information Website to host a pressure point seminar at your school.
For other information Visit Kyusho Canada.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
A Little About Stances
Just about every traditional martial art on the planet uses stances in one form or another. The problem is that these amazing positions of the body are understood my few people. Stances and pressure points go hand in hand. In this video you will see the effect of stances as they relate to pressure point usage.
If you would like to learn more about stances and their applications consider become a student of our Online Pressure Point Courses. There is a FREE 7 day trail also.
If you would like to learn more about stances and their applications consider become a student of our Online Pressure Point Courses. There is a FREE 7 day trail also.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Study Pressure Points Online
The beauty of learning online is you can do it anywhere there is a computer. You don't have to lug DVDs around with you. You can go at your own pace, and review the materials very easily.
So today you have a great opportunity to add the art of pressure point fighting to you current martial art style by studying online. Also, as an added incentive you will get your first 7 days FREE with no obligation to continue. Plus you will receive a FREE copy of our Pressure Point Workbook, yours to keep even if you cancel your subscription.
There is no risk! Enroll right now by using the PayPal button below.
Subscribe to our Novice Kyusho Course NOW
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Pressure Point DVD
Well I have a solution for anyone wanting to add pressure points to any style. The solution is our Pressure Point Home Study Course. These 7 DVDs include all the information and knowledge that I teach in our 1 year in classroom course. It is laid out in such a way as to help you integrate the information provided into your current martial art system, without changing the style you love!
So how much is this knowledge going to cost you? $300, $250? No, right now you can purchase this 7 DVD set, plus our Pressure Point Workbook for only $100 Canadian plus shipping and handling. You just can't beat this deal!
To get your 7 pressure point dvds and workbook for only $100 plus shipping follow the link below right now!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Pressure Point eBook
The book is in PDF format and you can print it if you wish. Once payment is made you will be given a link to download the book or it will be emailed to you within a few hours. Use the link below and follow the instructions on your screen to get your copy now while this price lasts. Please note that this price is available only for a limited time!
Principles of Kyusho - The 24 hour Cycle
In the video below I go into details on the 24 diurnal cycle of Chinese Medicine and how it is applied in the pressure point art of Kyusho Jitsu. You can find more information the diurnal cycle and the other elements of Kyusho by enrolling in our Novice Online Kyusho Jitsu Course. This is a 3 part video
Friday, May 14, 2010
Using the Cycle of Destruction Part 3
The final of 3 video's on using the Cycle of Destruction from Kyusho Jitsu in self defense techniques.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Pressure Point Education can be Expensive
Another challenge is finding a qualified instructor who actually knows the material, can do the material effectively, and can also teach! Here at my my school I hold a yearly Novice Certification as well as an ongoing Advanced program for those 1st Dan Black Belt in Kyusho and above.
So what if you want to start into pressure point training, but don't have a pile of money to spend, or a qualified instructor in your area? Well I have two possible options for you.
The first is our ONLINE Novice Pressure Point Study Course. This course is only $29.99 per month via PayPal and gives you all the same information I teach in my private sessions at much less cost.
The second option is our Home Study Course on DVD. This is an excellent course you can do at your own pace, without any time limits or constraints. Both course offer FULL support so you can email me your questions or even video for critique.
For more information follow the links above to the respective site. You have nothing to lose, and the Online Course offers a 7 day free trial!
Using the Cycle of Destruction
The cycle of destruction is one of the first 45 principles of Kyusho Jitsu. However you need to develop a solid understanding of this concept to make it effective. In this video I will show you how to use the cycle of destruction in everyday self defense techniques.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Other Concepts in Kyusho
One thing to understand is that Kyusho is found in all martial arts, especially the traditional arts. However the information lies dormant and undiscovered. Here is an example. In Chinese medicine there is something called the cycles of destruction and the cycle of healing. Each meridian in the body is represented by one of the five elements of these cycles. An example is the knife hand, which is the area of the heart and small intestine meridian is the fire element. So, the best result for this weapon will come hitting a metal meridian, because fire melts metal. Do you follow me here?
So a great place to use a knife hand is on Large Intestine which is metal. And large intestine 10 is very accessible and a great place to use a knife hand! The Lung Meridan in the arm is also very readily accessible. But while striking this area with this tool many martial artists encounter difficulty and bad result, why is this? The reason is simple, they are using the wrong striking action with their knife hand!
In this situation and being a knife hand most martial artists will attempt the action of chopping. You cannot chop metal! The striking action would instead be a vibrating action, which has a great effect on a metal meridian.
This is an example of one of the basic concepts in Novice Kyusho. Once learned and practiced this and the other concepts will take your root art to an entirely different level. For more information look at the various website listed below.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Advanced Kyusho Workshop Part 2
Here is video 2 in the Kyusho Jitsu Workshop I did on Friday May 7th 2010. Here we cover a few of the more advanced techniques available including the use of colour against an attacker. If you are interesting in learning more about Kyusho Jitsu, please visit our Kyusho Canada Website or our Home Study Course and Online Course Websites.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Advanced Online Kyusho Coming Soon
As we speak I am working on our Advanced Kyusho Online Study Course as well as a workbook, like our Novice Kyusho Workbook to go with it. Advanced Kyusho is a truly amazing experience, but one you must be ready for.
To give you some idea of what goes on I am including the video below from a Kyusho Workshop on Friday May 7th 2010. This is not an advanced class, but I am talking about some lower advanced techniques. This is part one, with more to follow in the next few day.
To give you some idea of what goes on I am including the video below from a Kyusho Workshop on Friday May 7th 2010. This is not an advanced class, but I am talking about some lower advanced techniques. This is part one, with more to follow in the next few day.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Surrenders to the Pressure
So now is the time to head over to the website and order your copy today. I have dropped the price by $150 over the original cost. Plus you will also get one year of FREE email support where I will answer any question your might have. Right now as of this writing shipping to the US or Canada takes approximately 2 -3 weeks. Overseas depends on the country and your customs laws..
Visit our website and order today!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Do Stances Work?
I recall one martial art master saying in a magazine that in a real fight I would never jump into a forward stance for any reason. Guess what, he is clueless.
First we must understand when dealing with the foundation of any martial art there are only 2 states to be considered. The first is mobility, and the second is stability. Stances are stable positions. That does not mean you stay there for any extended period of time.
Now from a Kyusho standpoint all stance also represent elements. Each stance causes an increase in a certain element in the body. Below is a breakdown of the stances and their corresponding elements.
- Forward Bo - Fire
- Neutral Bo - Fire
- 45 Degree Cat - Metal
- Horse Stance toes forward - Earth
- Horse Stance toes out - Wood
- Cross Over or X - Water
An example would be if I was going to attack Large Intestine 10 on the arm, which is a metal point, I would use a forward or neutral bo stance because they are both FIRE stances and fire melts metal. The effect on the arm is seen immediately.
The understanding of stances in your art will revolutionize all your techniques as well as the meaning of your kata. If you would like more information on using stances consider taking our Online Novice Kyusho Jitsu Course. The first 7 days are FREE!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
What is a Pressure Point?
Proper activation of pressure points requires a strike with the correct angle and direction using 2 Way Action. 2 Way action will be explained in greater detail later in this course. The angle of attack is always 45 degrees, but the direction will vary based on a point by point basis.
There are 3 different kinds of pressure points. There are touch points, rub points and hit points. Some are combination's of the 3. However if the point is a touch point, hitting it will have little or no effect.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Free 7 Day Trail on our Online Kyusho Course
So act now! There is no need to wait to discover and learn the exciting art of Kyusho Jitsu, pressure point control and manipulation. Follow this link to our Novice Kyusho Jitsu Online Course and join today!
How to learn kyusho or any other art
When I do Kyusho Course in my school, the novice session is 12 3 hour segments lasting a year in time. We meet once per month. My success rate with these groups getting to Black Belt is very high, but there is a reason for it. We follow certain laws that pertain to learning a new skill or any skill for that matter.
There are 4 major areas we will talk about.
1) Who to listen too. There are many people on the internet who are claiming high ranks and understanding of the art. How do you decide? Find someone who is doing the things with Kyusho you want to learn to do. That simple, but often overlooked.
2) Am I teachable? This is an important question to ask yourself. How badly on a scale of 1 to 10 do I want to learn this information and what I am will to do, change or give up to do it!
3) Technical Balance - There is a certain amount of technical skill needs to be balanced with the information processed from Kyusho Jitsu.
4) Putting it together. There are 4 knowledge states to be considered. Your goal is to the reach the forth. This takes time and much word to achieve.
a) Unconscious Incompetence- This is not knowing you don't know something
b) Conscious Incompetence - This is know that you do not know
c) Conscious Competence - This is know that you know something
d) Unconscious Competence - This is doing something you know without thinking about it. This is the ultimate place to be in any martial art or skill.
If you apply this these skills to anything you are learning you will find great success in the field in question. Kyusho is a great example of this. If you would like to know more about learning Kyusho Jitsu visit on Kyusho Online Course Website
There are 4 major areas we will talk about.
1) Who to listen too. There are many people on the internet who are claiming high ranks and understanding of the art. How do you decide? Find someone who is doing the things with Kyusho you want to learn to do. That simple, but often overlooked.
2) Am I teachable? This is an important question to ask yourself. How badly on a scale of 1 to 10 do I want to learn this information and what I am will to do, change or give up to do it!
3) Technical Balance - There is a certain amount of technical skill needs to be balanced with the information processed from Kyusho Jitsu.
4) Putting it together. There are 4 knowledge states to be considered. Your goal is to the reach the forth. This takes time and much word to achieve.
a) Unconscious Incompetence- This is not knowing you don't know something
b) Conscious Incompetence - This is know that you do not know
c) Conscious Competence - This is know that you know something
d) Unconscious Competence - This is doing something you know without thinking about it. This is the ultimate place to be in any martial art or skill.
If you apply this these skills to anything you are learning you will find great success in the field in question. Kyusho is a great example of this. If you would like to know more about learning Kyusho Jitsu visit on Kyusho Online Course Website
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
How Kyusho Fits into your Current System
I studied with the same instructor for 16 years. I left his teaching approximately 1 year after testing for my 4th Dan Master level. Now, this man was a great teacher, that is why I was there for so very long. However a lot of the techniques he did and taught just seemed to be 'way out there'. I was looking for something that would work for me and anyone I shared it with.
At this point I opened my own school with my two sons. I was still very driven to learn (I still am) and contacted as many martial arts Master and Grand Masters as would talk to me. Several were kind enough to take me under their wing and teach me much of what they knew, but as great as they were, there was still something missing.
At this point I was becoming very frustrated. I decided it was time to look within for my answers. Oddly enough at this point I received an email from a man I did not know personally, but was familiar with, Steve Stewart of London Ontario.
The email talked about a pressure point seminar with George Dillman he was hosting and I was being invited to attend. The seminar was very reasonably priced, and I was curious. I had heard a lot about George Dillman over the years. I was expecting a good show, but that was about all.
I took about 8 students with me and we attending this seminar. Dillman presented a great seminar, and I found that a lot of what he said made sense. Then a lot of what he said did not make sense. I left happy that I attended, but still searching.
Over the next few days I thought about what Dillman talked about. The more I pondered, the more sense what he had said made. I called Steve Stewart to ask more information.
Steve Stewart at that time was a 6th Degree Black Belt in American Kenpo, part of the Ed Parker system. He was also running the most successful martial arts school in Canada. As we talked he told me about his Kyusho journey and beginnings and how he wanted to organize things to make it easier for people to learn the art. He also told me that he was about to start a new Novice Kyusho Certification Course if I was interested in obtaining a Black Belt in Kyusho. I was in!
I started my novice training with Steve Stewart (now 7th Dan American Kenpo and 8th Dan Kyusho Jitsu) and have never looked back. Because we are both school owners and had a lot in common Steve and I became fast friends. I have attended many of his school events and functions and have studied him closely. He has fully integrated Kyusho into his Kenpo. It is so seemly, that if you did not understand Kyusho, you would never see it.
Now I have also done the same. Kyusho is part of my art of Hapkido. They now cannot be separated. Things I did well and now better. Things I did very well are better also. Now all the techniques from the past make sense! Integrating Kyusho made the art of Hapkido timeless for me.
Now I am currently working on introducing more martial artists to the pressure point art of Kyusho. I am also preparing for my test to 6th Degree Black Belt in Kyusho and 8th Dan in Hapkido. As I think about how to explain this to martial artists I think about being a back yard mechanic.
I had a good knowledge of cars and how to fix them. I rebuilt engines, painted and body worked cars etc. I did a great job. But imagine if I had a better education in these fields?
As great a martial artist as the reader may be, imagine just how much greater you could be with a little Kyusho education.
Monday, May 3, 2010
How I got into Kyusho
Back in the mid to late 90's I was planning on traveling to Toronto with my son Curt and his friend. We were going to do some shopping and enjoy some Korean Food at a restaurant on Bloor Street. The day before we were to leave I decided to go downtown to the library and research some address in Toronto to visit. As I was about to leave I came into a very bad situation with a very large and 'crazy' man. I won't go into the details of this guy because they are not relevant to the story, but I was in need of my martial art training, and I was standing on ice. All of my skills were leg oriented, and my hand skills would not be sufficient with such a strong and large man, especially since he was obviously a trustee of modern chemistry.
Now I did manage to get out of the situation without it turning bad, but I knew that my martial arts training needed something else. That something else turned out to be Kyusho Jitsu.
Learning Kyusho and how to apply it to my root art was one, if the not the best, martial art decission I have ever made. Learning Kyusho can be challenging, especially given the lack of qualifies instructors, but today you can even learn ONLINE.
If you have not yet done so, please check out our NEW Novice Kyusho Jitsu Online Courses. Try it for a month and if you are not happy all you need do is cancel. There is not obligation to continue for any length of time. Visit our website and see for yourself!
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