One thing to understand is that Kyusho is found in all martial arts, especially the traditional arts. However the information lies dormant and undiscovered. Here is an example. In Chinese medicine there is something called the cycles of destruction and the cycle of healing. Each meridian in the body is represented by one of the five elements of these cycles. An example is the knife hand, which is the area of the heart and small intestine meridian is the fire element. So, the best result for this weapon will come hitting a metal meridian, because fire melts metal. Do you follow me here?
So a great place to use a knife hand is on Large Intestine which is metal. And large intestine 10 is very accessible and a great place to use a knife hand! The Lung Meridan in the arm is also very readily accessible. But while striking this area with this tool many martial artists encounter difficulty and bad result, why is this? The reason is simple, they are using the wrong striking action with their knife hand!
In this situation and being a knife hand most martial artists will attempt the action of chopping. You cannot chop metal! The striking action would instead be a vibrating action, which has a great effect on a metal meridian.
This is an example of one of the basic concepts in Novice Kyusho. Once learned and practiced this and the other concepts will take your root art to an entirely different level. For more information look at the various website listed below.