Thursday, May 20, 2010

Pressure Points and the Masters of Old

When you look back at the great masters of old you know that they knew something very different from their students. The way they moved, the effectiveness of each and every technique. It was poetry in motion and at the same time deadly.

What did they know or understand differently than todays martial artists? It was the pressure point system. Now unlike today, there was no separate system they learned using pressure points. It was all part of the one system they studied and practiced for decades. This knowledge was found in and taught from their KATA.

Today Kata has lost much of it's meaning. Because it can take years to understand the techiques found in Kata people are often just not interested. But Kata is still rich in understanding if you have a teacher with the knowledge. However today, we are fortunate that a pressure point study system does exist, which can give us the chance to learn the secrets of the old master now that they are gone.

Are you one of those martial arts students who is truly interested in making your art timeless, becoming more effective as you grow older. Do you want to understanding the secrets of the old masters of yesterday? Then pressure point study might be for you. Now there are many different option for learning pressure points. I am going to give you a few links here to help get you going. You are also welcome to email me at if you have any questions.

Good luck to everyone in your quest for great understanding and knowledge in the martial arts.