Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Benefits of Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance Membership - Marketing your School

When I created the KJWA there was a big plan for what we could offer to the members. There is of course individual membership, but there is also membership for the Dojo or School Owner. Both memberships are free, but there will be special features for the school owner.

Now of course there is Instructor Certification at the different levels, that is all part of growing the art. It is also VERY necessary. For the individual there is also the ability to reach the different levels of Black Belt. Personal growth is a MUST for all martial artists! But something brand new coming in 2017 will be the "business and marketing" division in which I will help school owners with the promotion and marketing aspects of school operations. This is naturally only for those who are interested!

So what are my qualifications? I began my management in business at the age of 19 when I was the store manager of a Radio Shack in my home town. I have always had a business of some kind on the go. I managed my instructors school for about 6 years before opening my own in 2000. But more importantly I have had the privilege of learning with some of the best.
  • Coaching Student with Stephen Oliver in 2003-2004
  • Coaching Student with Keith Hafner from 2007-2010
  • Member GKIC and Dan Kennedy Marketing Affiliate.
The others are minor. So If this new part of our member is of interest to you, stay tuned!
If you are not yet a member of the Kyusho jitsu World Alliance, membership is FREE and you can join right now from the ink below!
Join the KJWA TODAY!