When you enter our advanced course of study you very soon discover another 5 you need to learn! So below is a list of the 10 for you!
- Attack Along the Meridian
- Attack using the Cycle of Destruction
- Attack with Yin and Yang
- Attack with correct Body Mechanics
- Attack with rhythm or tempo
- Attack with Sound
- Attack using Colour
- Attacking using correct stances
- Attack using the Diurnal Cycle
- Attack using the emotions cycle
Yes! There really is that much you can learn if you chose to do so! And we have not even gotten into the Alarm Points!
Now there are some videos available for some of these principles, and there will be more to follow over the course of time. As part of our FREE Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course you will receive information on some of these principles, so if you are not yet part of the course I would definitely join!
Below are links to both the Free Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course and some video on the principles!
Have a great week!