Increase your adult and black belt retention! Read about adding the pressure point art of Kyusho Jitsu to any root martial arts style or system.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Chi Building 101
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Kyusho Home Study Course
Our Novice Kyusho Jitsu Home Study Course has been doing very well. Thus far people are very pleased with the information provided in this course. The program includes 7 DVD's broken down to make learning as easy as possible for the student. The 7th DVD includes some techniques that you can use right away.
Now this course is not a substitute for working with a qualified instructor. Let's face it nothing ever is! However between the video's and the Novice Kyusho Jitsu Certification Manual you can get a good working knowledge of the art.
Remember also that practice is a must! You do need an Uki to work these techniques and application on. This will help you to be successful. It is also emphasized in the course that certain things MUST be memorized. At firs this may not make perfect sense, but like anything in the martial arts is it must become part of you.
If you would like more information on our Kyusho Jitsu Home Study Course follow this link.Sunday, October 18, 2009
Graduation Day in London
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Saturday, October 10, 2009
George Dillman in Transformed
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Sunday, September 27, 2009
Moving People with Chi
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Saturday, September 26, 2009
Kyusho Jitsu Information Webinar!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Get your Kyusho Jitsu Home Study Course Now!
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Saturday, September 19, 2009
Dillman and Oyata News Coverage
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Monday, September 14, 2009
New Novice Certification Starting
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Sunday, September 13, 2009
Level One Kyusho Exams
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Sunday, September 6, 2009
The Science of Kyusho
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Friday, September 4, 2009
Does Chi Exist?
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Thursday, September 3, 2009
National Geographic and Kyusho
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Sunday, August 30, 2009
An interesting video
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Friday, August 28, 2009
Martial Arts and Sport
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Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Why can't I make Kyusho work?
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Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Pressure Point Camps
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Monday, August 24, 2009
Sound and Martial Arts
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Friday, August 21, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
What to do after a Knockout
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Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Knockouts Can Be Dangerous.
When I look on Youtube I see literally hundreds of Kyusho KO’s. Some are very well done, some are fake, and many, many are very dangerous.
Don’t attempt these knockouts without a qualifies instructor present!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Caution is needed
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Sunday, August 16, 2009
The basics of learning
In order to learn Kyusho Jitsu, like any other martial art, you must pay the price of time. The journey is always more important than the destination. I will often get email asking how can I learn to do this or that faster?
What is the most important thing about martial arts? The knowledge you acquire, or the rank you obtain? I know most of you reading this are saying knowledge.
Friday, August 14, 2009
What is Chi?
chi, ch’i, ki (the circulating life energy that in Chinese philosophy is thought to be inherent in all things; in traditional Chinese medicine the balance of negative and positive forms in the body is believed to be essential for good health)
Much controversy of the existence of chi exists in our time. May will say that it fact, others that it is fiction. The scope of this article is not to debate the existence of chi, but simply to explain it and help the martial artist to develop it.
Click here for more
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Kata or Hyung Breakdowns
Read More
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Motivating Adult Students
I think one of the greatest challenges that can face a school owner is motivating adult students, especially once they become Black Belts.
As of this coming November I will have approximately 90 Black Belts under me. Of these 90 approximately 35% are adults. Suffice it to say, that I run a great Black Belt school. The problem however comes after Black Belt.
Depending on the student, Black Belt is such a huge accomplishment, that many of them never really look beyond this point. Suddenly they are they, and they having trouble re-focusing on a new goal. This is where Kyusho Jitsu comes in.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Kyusho Jitsu Weekly VideoCast
We have as of today started a new Video Podcast. This Kyusho Canada News will be released once per week, on Monday's. Aside from today's edition these will only be available by subscription. There is no cost associated with these video. To subscribe please fill out the form below the video.
Each week will feature different content on what is going on in the world of Kyusho Jitsu. This will also include some excellent clips of techniques and other learning tools. Subscribe now!
Using Sound
Follow this link to see a great video of George Dillman using sound to stop a kick.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Hosting a Kyusho Seminar
Click Here for More
Thursday, August 6, 2009
The Learning Curve and Kyusho
If you surf the net for Kyusho Jitsu there is no lack of websites that offer to teach you. There are different courses available, some good and some garbage. There are real masters and grand masters out there, and their are frauds of all shapes and sizes.
How do you choose?
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
New Blog for Kyusho Canada
I am doing this for several reason. One, it will allow me much better control of the site. I guess this is obvious. Second, full control over the domain name.
For those following this blog, please visit Kyusho Canada Blog. This site will exist for quite some time, but I will slowly switch everything over to the new site. In the meantime, they will mirror each other..
Friday, July 31, 2009
I jump right in!
When I first discovered the art of Kyusho Jitsu I was a little skeptical. I was also not sure I wanted to start from the ground again in another martial art. However once I saw some Kyusho in action, my interest was definitely peaked
Well if you are reading this, you have an interest in learning more about the pressure point art of Kyusho Jitsu.
Now there are tons of websites out there showing Knockout Videos and instructors telling you how great they are. But there is very little real information on the net. Grand Master Dillman has some excellent books at Amazon on Kyusho, but they are really not for beginners. (note the link to the books).
So how do you get some real information on Kyusho? Simple, join our Kyusho Jitsu Canada website. Register for the site today (it is free) and learn more about Kyusho than any other site on the net. You have absolutely nothing to lose, and I don't sell my lists!
Check it out today and become a member.....
Fantastic Responce
Being able to study Kyusho at home will be a godsend for many martial artists. Since there are not that many people certified to teach Kyusho, and with so many of the masters and grandmaster so busy with it, exposure can be difficult at best. The home study course solves this problem.
For more information on ordering The Kyusho Jitsu Home Study Course visit us at
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Kyusho Canada Newsletter
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Novice Kyusho Jitsu Certification Workbook

Our Novice Kyusho Jitsu Certification Wordbook is available now in both eBook and printed form. This is a great book for anyone interested in learning more about the art of Kyusho Jitsu.
With 100 pages and tons of reference picture, this is an excellent study guide.
The eBook version is available as an instant download by following this LINK. You will then be take to our PayPal site for further instructions.
The printed and bound version is available from this LINK. Choose the destination for shipping. Books ship in approximately 72 hours. Get your copy today!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Frequently Asked Questions
This FAQ will also give you information on certification and who my uplinks are in this Kyusho Jitsu system
To access our FAQ follow this link.
If you have any questions you would like to see answered in the FAQ please email me.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Ordering our Home Study Course
Now after years of work and study our Kyusho Jitsu Home Study Course is now available for ordering. This product is for anyone interested in learning about the art of Kyusho Jitsu. No matter what style of martial art you study this Course will teach you all the basics you need to integrate Kyusho into your root art. You will learn about the meridians of the body and how they tie in with your current self defense techniques. You will learn how to see Kyusho applications in your Kata by practicing examples from other arts.
This 7 DVD set is assembled in such a way as to make your practice logical and easy to understand. The package includes email support and a special Student Website for questions and answers.
For more information on this amazing product follow this LINK to our Home Study Information Website. Right now there is a special introductory price that won't last long!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
How affective are the martial arts today?
So, are you satisfied that your martial training will help you in a real street situation? I am not talking here about a bar fight, I mean a real attack scenario. Judging by the number of reality based martial art programs that are out there, I would tend to think NOT.
Whenever I think of these reality based systems Krav Maga comes to mind. Now this is an excellent system, and I know personally of many school owners who certified and are teaching it. But don't you find that a lot of it conflicts with much of what your root art teaches? You teach one thing, it says to do something else...
There are also many, many other system that teach effective street defense, but these systems are purely for that purpose. Dealing with violent conflict and nothing else. Are they affective, certainly but don't address the other benefits of martial art training.
So how is Kyusho different from these systems? It makes your root art much more affective without changing what you are doing and confusing your students!
There are several ways in which Kyusho can be implemented into your art. Below are 2 examples.
- It can be seamlessly added to your root art without the students really knowing what is happening. Your Black Belts will however pick up on this.
- It can be used as a separate module, similar to Krav Maga, but without the gap between it and the root art you are teaching.
Basics of Pressure Points Seminar Part 3
Monday, July 20, 2009
Basics of Pressure Points Seminar Part 2
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Basics of Pressure Points - Seminar
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Excellent Session
I am planning on putting together some video from the seminar. It will be posted on Youtube and linked here also.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Some things never change.....
I was talking today with a friend of mine, Shihan Norm Rivard of Kihon Karate. We often talk about the closed minded old school of martial arts. We are both products of these old schools.
The difference is we have both come to fully realize and understand that ALL martial art styles are of value and that protectionism is not a good thing. I am a product of Korean Martial Arts Masters. My first Grandmaster instructor is a Korean, and a very well respected man, outstanding martial artist, and successful school owner. He however is very closed minded. We parted company in 1990. In his view, no other system can come close to his.
I was not taught directly by him, but instead his protege. He is another very talented martial artist. I was with him for a total of 16 years. But again, his system was really the only way in his view.
When I ventured off on my own I became what many call an orphaned school. I since then I have studied with masters of various disciplines who were interested in spreading their art and learning about others. WOW....was I ever blow away! Open minded people really do exist in the martial arts :)
Today I was told in an online group on Korean Martial Arts not to post anything about non Korean styles. I know I should have known better, but I always hope..... I left the group....I had only make one post, and there is little to no activity in the group.
On a better note tonight I am doing a Kyusho Workshop for Kihon Karate. I know we will have a blast doing it it!
I just love open minded people!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
How Kyusho Fits in
I studied with the same instructor for 16 years. I left his teaching approximately 1 year after testing for my 4th Dan Master level. Now, this man was a great teacher, that is why I was there for so very long. However a lot of the techniques he did and taught just seemed to be 'way out there'. I was looking for something that would work for me and anyone I shared it with.
At this point I opened my own school with my two sons. I was still very driven to learn (I still am) and contacted as many martial arts Master and Grand Masters as would talk to me. Several were kind enough to take me under their wing and teach me much of what they knew, but as great as they were, there was still something missing.
At this point I was becoming very frustrated. I decided it was time to look within for my answers. Oddly enough at this point I received an email from a man I did not know personally, but was familiar with, Steve Stewart of London Ontario.
The email talked about a pressure point seminar with George Dillman he was hosting and I was being invited to attend. The seminar was very reasonably priced, and I was curious. I had heard a lot about George Dillman over the years. I was expecting a good show, but that was about all.
I took about 8 students with me and we attending this seminar. Dillman presented a great seminar, and I found that a lot of what he said made sense. Then a lot of what he said did not make sense. I left happy that I attended, but still searching.
Over the next few days I thought about what Dillman talked about. The more I pondered, the more sense what he had said made. I called Steve Stewart to ask more information.
Steve Stewart at that time was a 6th Degree Black Belt in American Kenpo, part of the Ed Parker system. He was also running the most successful martial arts school in Canada. As we talked he told me about his Kyusho journey and beginnings and how he wanted to organize things to make it easier for people to learn the art. He also told me that he was about to start a new Novice Kyusho Certification Course if I was interested in obtaining a Black Belt in Kyusho. I was in!
I started my novice training with Steve Stewart (now 7th Dan American Kenpo and 8th Dan Kyusho Jitsu) and have never looked back. Because we are both school owners and had a lot in common Steve and I became fast friends. I have attended many of his school events and functions and have studied him closely. He has fully integrated Kyusho into his Kenpo. It is so seemly, that if you did not understand Kyusho, you would never see it.
Now I have also done the same. Kyusho is part of my art of Hapkido. They now cannot be separated. Things I did well and now better. Things I did very well are better also. Now all the techniques from the past make sense! Integrating Kyusho made the art of Hapkido timeless for me.
Now I am currently working on introducing more martial artist to Kyusho. I am also preparing for my test to 5th Degree Black Belt in Kyusho and 8th Dan in Hapkido. As I think about how to explain this to martial artists I think about being a back yard mechanic.
I had a good knowledge of cars and how to fix them. I rebuilt engines, painted and body worked cars etc. I did a great job. But imagine if I had a better education in these fields?
As great a martial artist as the reader may be, imagine just how much greater you could be with a little Kyusho education.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Replay of Webinar
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Todays Webinar
For those of you who were unable to attend, I am working on setting up a re-broadcast of the recording we made today. Youtube is a possibility for this, however I am concerned about the quality of play back.
I will post instruction here later as to how to view the event.
My thanks to all those who participated.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Why I love Kyusho
In later years I went to the movies to watch Bruce in film. At that time there was only one commercial martial arts school in Windsor. This was United Tae Kwon Do, run by Bob Chase. However the money was not there for me to become a student, so I took up boxing instead.
Years later, getting a job with Chrysler Canada made getting into the arts easy. I have never looked back since.
So back to Kyusho. Kyusho is a true learning experience. It is like going back to school to get a masters and a doctorate. Kyusho does not teach you to move like your root art does. It teaches you WHY you move a certain way, and HOW this affects the opponent.
Life is about learning, and this is a great medium for learning. Check it out for yourself.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Kyusho Webinar Wednesday July 8th 3:00pmEDT
To my knowledge this is the first of it's kind. There are a very limited number of spaces available for this event. If you are interested in attending follow this link for more information.
This link is to our Kyusho Jitsu Student Support Site. I you plan on attending please join this site and RSVP to this event.
I look forward to seeing many of you there!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Attention Martial Arts Owners and Instructors
For the martial art student, we will cover the benefits of learning this fascinating art.
Watch our website for more details.
For those of you using Linked In, you can find me at this address.
And Kyusho Jitsu Canada of Facebook.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Joint Manipulation with Kyusho principles added
I am a 7th Dan Black Belt in Hapkido. I am very good at joint manipulation. When I started studying Kyusho many years back I found that by adding it's principles I could increase my effectiveness 2-3 times. Here is a short video of my son Master Curt Mason demonstrating these principles.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
How can I learn at home?
First someone with no martial art experience should not even consider this course. I recommend a minimum of 1st dan. Everything you said above is VERY true. If you are not able to try this out on various partners your study will be very difficult if not impossible. Most people interested are school owners, but not always.
Now kyusho is not a complete art, so if you are not a practicing martial artist this study is not possible. At the beginner or novice level as in this course there is a lot of theory that MUST be learned, assimilated and memorized. Without this it will not be possible to advance. There will be quiz's for students on the support website to make sure they are working with the product properly. As for techniques the student will be asked to video themselves so we can check the progress. Again, support is the key to learning from this product. Video's can be upload to the website.
Certification will require time spent with a qualified instructor in the art. Like Cane Masters and other distance learning products there is really no way around this.
If someone is interested in learning Kyusho and there is a qualified instructor in the area then that is the way to go. My instructor is only 2 hours away. This is for those who cannot find a way to learn locally.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Belief in yourself
Now compared to most traditional martial arts, kyusho requires thinking outside the box. Are you a person who loves to go outside the box? They kyusho is something you just might want to look into.
However belief in you root art is the most important. Study hard and believe in yourself. You always get the right result. To improve your result change what you believe!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Kyusho Jitsu Social Network
Check it out! You have nothing to lose :)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Kyusho Home Study Course Advanced Orders
Finally after a year of work, our Kyusho Jitsu Home Study Course is going to be released on July 20th 2009!. Here is what you will find in this package.
- Our Novice Kyusho Jitsu Workbook
- Information on obtaining (Certifying) as a Black Belt
- 7 DVD's filled with study material you can begin to use right away.
- Monthly email newsletter
- Unlimited email support
So what is one these 7 DVD's?
- Revival Techniques (dealing with a knockout) - Anatomy of a Pressure Point - Principles of Kyusho Jitsu
- Meridians of the Upper Extremities -Understanding the Cycles of Destruction and Creation
- Meridians of the Lower Extremities - Energy Flow Theory
- Kyusho Jitsu Joint Locks and Principles
- Stances, how they work and why - 24 Diurnal Cycle and how to use it.
- Kata Bunkai (Breakdowns of 2 kata)
- Bonus DVD - Kyusho Jitsu Self Defense Techniques
Advanced orders for our Kyusho Jitsu Home Study Course may now be placed. All orders are placed through PayPal and will include shipping to your destination. Make sure that all information in your profile is correct. You don't need a PayPal account to use PayPal. You may process with a credit card.
Click on the link that best describes your shipping needs. All payments are done through The Peaceful Warriors' Martial Arts PayPal account. (Peaceful Warrior Publishing)
The cost of this 7 DVD set is $250 CAD. Below are a breakdown of cost for shipping.
- Home Study Course Shipped to Canada $250+$15.00 shipping
- Home Study Course Shipped to USA $250+$30.00 shipping
- Home Study Course Shipped Overseas $250+$45.00 shipping
Clicking on the links provided to get you started. All order pages as SSL secure. Please email any questions to
Monday, June 15, 2009
Kyusho Seminars
Would you like to have an event in your school that will recharge your members? How about an event that will make you and your school some extra money this summer or fall?
Perhaps it is time to host a Kyusho Jitsu Seminar in your school or club. Follow this link for more information on host a Kyusho Jitsu Seminar or Workshop in your school.
For more information you can also contact us at this link.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
The Effectiveness of Martial Arts
As you might expect the conversation changed to which art is better. I pretty much kept quiet as I really have no interest in this debate. I will however make a comment about it here. First the 'sport' arts don't work on the street. If you don't believe me go to South Chicago and pick a fight. Better yet, let's go to Caracas.
Sport fighters who are successful in real life fights or altercations would have been successful anyways, because that is what is in them. It is never the art, but the artist. Period.
Now the number of MMA sport competitors vs the number of traditional martial arts is not even close. The traditionalists have greater numbers and always will. Most of the sport guys turn to tradition as they grow older.
Martial Art training benefits the entire person, not only his ability to fight or defend himself as many think.
I live in a town that is low in crime and violence (compared to larger cities). If I was truly worried about being attacked I would carry a gun. Can I defend myself? Most certainly I can. But today's world is much different then many martial artists expect.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Kyusho Home Study Course
Watch our website for further details. Below is a sample video from DVD 1. This is the introduction to the package.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
No Touch Knockout BBX 2009
Attacking an opponent with directional sound
Thursday, June 4, 2009
How is Kyusho Taught?
That being said if you have never studied a martial art Kyusho will do you little good. When I teach a Kyusho certification course it is typically done over a years time. The session are done once per month for 3 hours. The reason is to give the martial artist time to study and assimilate the materials. Long distance course are done somewhat differently, but I will go into this at a different time.
There are a total of 12 sessions in Novice (36 Hours), then a test, both written and practical are performed for ranking.
The first year of Kyusho is very intense. There is a lot of memory work and understanding. This is why are good, qualified instructor is needed. It takes time to understand how the body works, but once this is understood, you begin to see just how effective the art really is.
For information on what is cover in the session visit our website at Visit the FAQ section.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The Cycle of Destruction
First there are 2 cycles, one for healing and one for destroying. The healing cycle is used in acupuncture and Chinese medicine, the other is used in martial arts. So what does it say?
First each organ of the body corresponds to 1 of 5 elements. Therefore the meridian will carry these characteristics as well. The cycle goes as - fire melts metal - metal chops wood, wood penetrates earth - earth dams water - water quenches fire.
In basic self defense or martial art terms it means you will get a better result after your initial strike if you follow up to specific areas of the body or head. So as an example, in a double lapel grab, hitting the arm at Large Intestine (metal) with a knife hand (fire) will give a painful result. If you followup to Gall Bladder on the head, or Liver on the body the reaction or result will intensify. The result will be far more devastating than hitting Stomach (on the head or body).
There are some meridian charts on our website at if you want to map this out for yourself to see the target areas.
We also ave a great book available from our website. It is in PDF format and is our Novice Kyusho Certification Workbook. Cost is only $55 Canadian and is well worth the investment if Kyusho is something you want to learn more about.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Kyusho Home Study Course Update
Check the website our at and register today. This site is also open to the general public who are looking for more information on Kyusho Jitsu.
I hope to see you all there!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Attacking Lung 6 with 2 Way Action
Thursday, May 21, 2009
2 Way Action
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
A Bum Wrap
First Kyusho Jitsu is not a complete martial arts. It teaches no KATA, no strikes or kicks. It simply shows how to use these elements of your ROOT art more effectively. If you don't have a solid foundation in your root art your results with Kyusho will be very poor.
Now assuming you have a decent foundation in your art, you then need to develop an understanding of the foundation in Kyusho. When you have these two foundations, your Kyusho results will be amazing.
One of the principles that has made Kyusho so very effective is 2-way action. 2 Way Action was founded and named by Professor Wally Jay, and is the founding principle of Small Circle JuJitsu. Once you understand this concept you will become very effective in not only Kyusho, but any art you study.
Kyusho Jitsu is not MAGIC. It is a method of striking nerves and nerve bundles in a proper manner to get a predictable response. An example is hitting Lung 6 on the arm. If this point is hit with the correct angle and direction, with 2-way action, not only will the hand release, but the head will come forward and the knee (corresponding to the arm) will buckle. Followup is then very simple.
I am going to release a public video shortly on 2-way action. Watch here for it soon!
Monday, May 18, 2009
The Quadrant Theory
The Quadrant Theory
The Quadrant Theory says that the further away the strike is from the point of attachment or previous strike, the more systemic and overall damaging the effect. The Quadrant Theory cuts the body from top to bottom and across. It teaches that each Quad is allergic to each other.
Here is an application. Do a simple wrist lock, your choice of locks. Apply a moderate amount of pressure to the lock. Now release the pressure. Get feedback from you uki with regard to pain level. Now if the lock is on your uki's right hand, give him a light kick to the left ankle or foot and apply the same amount of pressure to the joint lock as before. Notice the dramatic different in response from you uki.
This is level 1 quadrant theory.
Give it a try....feeling is believing!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Technique of the Month
I hope you enjoy it!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
A controversial art
Now the more successful you become in the arts, or anything else for that matter, the more people will try to discredit you. Personally I never believe any of the lies the media tells and I am becoming immune to criticism.
One of the reasons that Kyusho has become so controversial is that many of the instructors mis-represent the art. Kyusho is not just about knocking people out It is a study of the human nervous system, and how to use this knowledge in real self defense application.
Knockouts are part of Kyusho, they are great to learn and to practice, but they are only a small piece of the pie.
To me of the greatest benefits of having added Kyusho to my school is it keeps adults students and Black Belt training. After all the real benefits of the arts come with time.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Understand why Kata is important
Sadly, people who have been ignoring KATA have missed the boat. The truth is that KATA is an incredible resource for understanding the techniques in the martial arts. It is a 'roadmap' to the effective use of pressure points on the human body.
Here is an example of a breakdown for an ITF (International Taekwondo Federation) pattern called Dan Gun. Dan Gun is a Yellow Belt (Beginners) pattern and is quite simple.
If you have any questions feel free to send them to me!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Overwhelming Response
If you have not yet ordered your FREE Kyusho DVD you can do so right now by going to Kyusho Jitsu Canada's Website.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Free Kyusho Jitsu DVD
Monday, May 4, 2009
Kyusho Home Study Course
* Our Novice Kyusho Jitsu Workbook
* Information on obtaining (Certifying) as a Black Belt
* 7 DVD's filled with study material you can begin to use right away.
* Monthly email newsletter
* Unlimited email support
So what is on these 7 DVD's?
1. Revival Techniques (dealing with a knockout) - Anatomy of a Pressure Point - Principles of Kyusho Jitsu
2. Meridians of the Upper Extremities -Understanding the Cycles of Destruction and Creation
3. Meridians of the Lower Extremities - Energy Flow Theory
4. Kyusho Jitsu Joint Locks and Principles
5. Stances, how they work and why - 24 Diurnal Cycle and how to use it.
6. Kata Bunkai (Breakdowns of 2 kata)
7. Bonus DVD - Kyusho Jitsu Self Defense Techniques
Pricing information and delivery information will be available very soon. Bookmark this page. This course will provide you with enough information to start using these principles right away. If you have any questions please email me at Visit our website at
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
What is Kyusho Jitsu?
Hello, my name is Art Mason. I have been studying Martial Arts since 1984 and I am the founder of Art Mason’s Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute. After many years of training and hard work I began to realize many things in my own art form just weren’t adding up. Techniques that should work, didn’t. I had more questions about moves in my systems katas and patterns than I did answers. The answers I had where usually almost laughable at best, they seemed to be given to me almost to avoid the question.
That’s when I started looking other places for answers. We have a huge world filled with Martial Artists, someone had to know the answers. I searched all over Canada and the U.S to try and find these rumoured “secrets” that the old world Martial Arts Masters had hidden and never taught except to a few selected close friends and family. And if you’re anything like me… you want to know them too!
Now I know what you’re thinking… “I’ve looked, and I’ve found nothing. And when I finally think I found something it turns out to be shady or sometimes even fake!” I also had this problem. Many of the so called “Masters of Martial Arts” where liars and cheats, only after a quick buck or someone to worship them. But finally after years of looking for these mysterious secrets I finally found my answer… “Kyusho Jitsu” which means quite literally “One Second Fighting”.
Odds are if you’re reading this letter you’ve heard of it or some other kind of system, such as “Dim Mak”. Let me tell you, for as many incredibly talented people that practice “Kyusho” there are a great number of them who really don’t know much about Kyusho Jitsu and others who just make it up as they go along. Often “Kyusho Jitsu” is met with severe skepticism and often viewed as being nothing but showmanship. Kyusho Jitsu is based in science and practical applications, often using ancient Asian medical references to make for easy association and learning.
Let’s talk about what “Kyusho Jitsu” really is. Kyusho simply is the study of the human body and it’s nervous system. By studying this system you can take any of the techniques and kata in your system and make them incredibly effective, easy to apply and devastating for anyone and everyone! You will begin to learn how to interpret each and every move and discover there is absolutely NO WASTED Movements, each and every move has incredible power and significant meaning… even the formal beginnings.
You will be amazed when you discover…
* Kyusho fits into ANY system, regardless of origin and discipline
* How quickly you will be able to apply these amazing concepts and theories
* At your ability to perform any technique on even the most difficult partner with incredible ease!
How does it all work? Kyusho Jitsu teaches you how to disrupt a person’s nervous system, allowing you to perform various techniques and maneuvers with ease. Techniques like joint locks, arm bars and throws are done by temporarily shutting off various joints or by effecting specific nerves in the body to make them more painful and easier to manipulate. This allows you to quickly disable and subdue any attacker or classroom partner.
But that’s not all… for striking arts it works just as well. You will learn not only where to hit, but how to hit it. Making each strike an incredibly devastating blow while only using minimal force and incredible speed! So that even the smallest of practitioners can defend herself with amazing efficiency.
* You will be able to… Perform previously challenging techniques and self defense skills with amazing ability and easy… even on the biggest and gruesome attacker or difficult classroom partner
* Amaze even your oldest students with your ability to perform each technique like one of the legendary old world masters.
* Take all of your technique and abilities to new levels of mastery!
The beautiful thing about learning Kyusho is that it works with any style or system of Martial Arts. You already know the techniques, now learn how to apply them! Kyusho Jitsu can be easily applied to any Martial Art because it is what I like to call a “Supplementary System” and can be literally plugged into what you are already doing without having to change anything you have already learned or are being taught at your school!
How is this possible? Your style of Martial Art already has ALL OF THESE SECRETS ALREADY IN IT! The proper direction and angle for every Kyusho Application is there! Now you just need the knowledge of how to apply it. I first do this by teaching you the basics of applying these incredible concepts and then by going through the real “Kata Interpretation” or “Bunkai”. Because lets face it, some of the moves in your Kata can seem down right silly and useless. Incredibly they’re NOT!
How do I get started?
That’s the easy part and there are a number of different ways…
Kyusho Jitsu Seminars
I will personally come to your school and teach a three hour seminar on Kyusho Jitsu and personalize it for your school and style of Martial Art! These seminars are an exciting and energizing experience for every Martial Artist… Not only will you be learning first hand but it also revitalizes interest and enthusiasm in martial arts for even the most seasoned practitioner!
* Learn the applications for blocks and strike you’d never imagine
* Discover the hidden moves and techniques in your kata.
* Best of all each seminar is personalized for your school, style and system!
Kyusho Jitsu Pre-College
A prelude to actually becoming certified in Kyusho Jitsu. A Pre-College is a 1 hour session to give you a taste of what the actual program is like, also giving you the details of the program and how to go about enrolling in it or starting a program in your school.
* Discover how easy Kyusho Jitsu can fit into your style or system
* Learn of the principles and theories that govern the human body and nervous system
* Find out about the requirements and course outline of our amazing Kyusho Jitsu Novice Program
Kyusho Jitsu Novice Program
This is where everyone starts in their certification. This program will take you to 1st Dan in the Martial Art and is a wonderful eye opening experience into the world of Martial Arts. Take all of your techniques to amazing new heights in this in depth, practical study of this extraordinary system! At the end of this program you will be eligible to test for your 1st Dan/Degree in the art and be able to move on to the Advanced level of the program. Yes! Novice really is only the beginning!
Your classes will cover
* The Cycle of Destruction and how to apply it
* Yin/Yang theory
* 5 Principles of Kyusho
* Theory of Proper Power Generation
* Meridians and how the work and relate to each other
* How Stances really work
* Kata Breakdown from your own system
Here is what other Martial Artists are saying about Kyusho
"I am 47 years old and have been studying various martial arts for the nearly 10 years. Kyusho Jitsu appeals, not only to my desire to learn something new and different, but more importantly and unlike most "hard" arts like Tae Kwan Do, it appeals to a real need to know techniques that do not require me to go "toe-to-toe" with a potential assailant. I am at an age where I would need to deal with any potential violent confrontation, with techniques that do not require me to be an Olympic athlete to succeed and walk away unscathed. Kyuso Jitsu techniques should allow me the best opportunity to survive just such situations regardless of the age and size of an assailant."
Don Moore
"Learning about Kyusho has not only improved my skills and understanding of the martial arts that I study, but it has taught me a great deal about the human body. Having only studying for about 1 year, it amazes me how little I know about the human body. Studying Kyusho teaches you to use the body's strength to heal, and takes its weaknesses and inflict pain or cause damage to help you defend yourself. I strongly recommend as a martial artist to apply the study of Kyusho to your training. Wether your a novice or Black Belt Master you will walk away with a better understanding of your martial art, and yourself as well. I look forward to continuing my education this mind opening art."
Michelle Poupard
To get started on your journey through the secrets of the Martial Arts and your study of this amazing system all you have to do is visit our Contact Us Link abover to be able to book an event at your school!
Yours in Higher Martial Arts Learning,
Art Mason
P.S. School owners will also receive a FREE private session with me (you may invite 1 other person), as well as a second One on One session to go over your systems Katas and Self Defense Techniques!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Kyusho Canada on Facebook
Check out Kyusho Jitsu Canada on Facebook at the following link.
If you don't have a Facebook account they are free and very easy to setup.
I welcome your participation and feedback.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Novice Kyusho Certification Workbook

This book is delivered in PDF format, which you can then print to help your study. These pages are perfect for lamination so that a dry erase marker can be used on them. It will be available in the future in printed and bound format. The cost of the PDF is only $25 Canadian via PayPal. Follow this LINK to our Kyusho Canada Website to purchase your copy today.
Sample page from our Kyusho Jitsu Workbook
Sunday, April 5, 2009
The Bunkai Question
As I progressed I started to have numerous questions about the techniques in these kata. Some moves seemed to make some sense while others made no sense at all. I started to ask my instructor questions, but the answers made no sense either.
Years later I found myself searching across the country, looking at different arts in hope of finding some answers to the Bunkia Question. I studied with a Kempo Grand Master briefly. He was an amazing martial artist, he talked about various bunkai in the kata, but he also had no real answers to the question. Shortly after than I found a Kosho Ryu Grand Master, he too had a view answers, but not that many. These men as smart as they were could say, "this is a throw" but could not give you the exact situations that caused it that linked directly to the kata. More Bunkai Questions.
In 2002 I finally found the answers to the Bunkai Questions. When these questions were answered, all moves in all Kata made sense! If you too want these answers, check out this LINK.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
Kyusho Jitsu Online Course Coming
Below is a sample video...