Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hosting a Pressure Point Seminar at your Dojo.

So what is a Pressure Point Seminar all about?

I will personally come to your school and teach a three hour seminar on Kyusho Jitsu and personalize it for your school and style of Martial Art! These seminars are an exciting and energizing experience for every Martial Artist… Not only will you be learning first hand but it also revitalizes interest and enthusiasm in martial arts for even the most seasoned practitioner!

  • Learn the applications for blocks and strike you’d never imagine

  • Discover the hidden moves and techniques in your kata

  • Best of all each seminar is personalized for your school, style and system!

What are the benefits to you, the school owner?

  • A chance to make some $$$. I will charge you a specific price for the weekend. You charge your students and guests whatever you want. You can make some serious money if you choose

  • Recharges your students. Seminar are a fantastic motivational tool for your adults and Black Belt.

  • I will personally coach you before the seminar so you will know what is going on! You will look like an you've been studying Kyusho already!

For more information on hosting a Pressure Point Seminar please visit our website. Also if you are interested in seeing what a Pressure Point Seminar is all about follow this link to this Blog posting with some video!

If you would like to study pressure points and don't have a Kyusho Jitsu Instructor near you take a look at the following options.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

More about Alarm Points

In a previous article I introduced to many people Alarm Points. In this next video I continue were I left off on the subject. Now, this is not novice or beginners information. For most people reading and watching this will be a very difficult subject to comprehend and apply!

How do I know this? Alarm Points are taught by me after the 1st year of Kyusho training. The basics really need to be understood fully in order to apply this kind of information. So why am I posting on it? So you will see just how much there is to learn, and how effective this knowledge can be!

If you have any questions on this video feel free to leave a comment here and I will reply.

If you are interested in learning the pressure point arts you have several different options. Here are some for you!

Also feel free to email me at any time at

Monday, June 28, 2010

Pressure Point Workbook in PDF format

Cover Kyusho Jitsu Workbook in PDF Format.Paypal

Secure SSL Purchase

To purchase you copy simply click on the Buy Now button. The cost is $15.00 for a VERY LIMITED TIME! You will be re-directed to PayPal, then to a download page. Enjoy your study! Our Kyusho Jitsu Novice Workbook is great for anyone studying the art of Kyusho Jitsu. It has tons of great diagrams you can print out to help you with your study. Act now this price won't last!

This book will also be available in Spanish very soon! Watch here for details!

There printed and bound version are now also available. The cost is $79 plus shipping and handling. To order your copy for local pickup, delivery in Canada, USA or International please follow this LINK.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Kyusho Principles - The 24 Hour Cycle Part 2

Many weeks ago I presented a video on Kyusho Principle, the Diurnal Cycle. This is the second part of this particular series. Understand the principle in kyusho or pressure point study is what makes things work. It is the difference between being 50% effective and 98% effective. Take a look at this video and then also visit the article on the 24 hour cycle from before.

For more information on learning about Pressure Points visits our website.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

What is Bunkai?

Bunkai is a term that pretty much every martial artist has heard, but may not actually know or understand what it's meaning is. As defined by Wikipedia it is as follows.

Bunkai (分解?), literally meaning "analysis"[1] or "dis assembly"[2], is a term used in Japanese martial arts referring to the application of fighting techniques extracted from the moves of a "form" (kata).

The masters of old always referred to the Kata as the most important aspect of the arts. The student needed to understand this kata, and thus it was repeated for years on end. Today things are very different and often times this kata is rarely if ever disassembled and studied. If it is, it is often times on a very superficial level.

The the pressure point art of Kyusho Jitsu this is just the opposite. When I teach this art great importance is once again placed on Kata, and the meanings of each move. Each move can and will also have different interpretation, and this interpretation is based on the attack. Recently I wrote a very controversial article on the down block and it's interpretation or Bunk

Below is a video of 5 bunkai for the pattern Dan Gun. These are 5 of many possible breakdowns. All are based on using pressure points. If you would like to learn more about pressure points visit our Home Study Course and Online Course website.

Friday, June 25, 2010

How to Learn More about Pressure Points

There are many different ways you could go about learning more about the pressure point arts. You can purchase a book, to get you started or look at the Home Study Course and Online Course options as well. A book is very difficult, but is the cheapest of the options. The other are a little more expense, but these will also get the job done. What is the ultimate method of learning? Starting a study group!

In the fall of each year at my school I teach a Novice Kyusho Certification Course, in which 12 students learn for 3 hours at a time on a monthly basis what they need to know to get started in Kyusho and attain a Black Belt. Now I know what you are thinking because you don't live in this town, so can you do?

The answer is simple! Host a Kyusho Jitsu / Pressure Points Seminar at your school and see if there is enough interest to start a study group in your area! Now things would run a little different if you do this than they do here, but the results are the same. Follow the links I am providing above or join our Kyusho Jitsu Mail List for this and other information!.

Fill out the form below and you will be subscribed to our Kyusho Jitsu Canada Newsletter. This newsletter will keep you posted on what is going on in the world of Kyusho Jitsu. Everything from workshops and seminar at courses and other events. The newsletter is FREE and you may unsubscribe ay any time.

Friday, June 11, 2010

I want to be a Black Belt in Kyusho, but how?

Since I first starting writing articles on Kyusho on my first Kyusho website several years ago I am often asked as to how someone can obtain a Black Belt in the art. So today I will explain what is necessary to achieve this, but not from the local perspective, but for those of you who are far away from a qualified instructor. (Students using the home study or online study please email me for information on this topic).

When I teach a Novice Certification Course here in my home town it is a one year endeavor. Students come once per month for 3 hours on a Saturday afternoon. They learn the theory and very importantly the practical application of this theory. After one year there is a 3 hour examination. 1 1/2 hour written and 1 1/2 practical. They are then awarded a probationary Black Belt which I will typically convert to 1st Dan after 6 months at no additional cost to the student.

As for distance learning it would work somewhat differently, but the approximate time frame of one year would still apply. Here is an example. Next week I am travelling to Romania to do a few seminars. When I am finished I am hoping to have some 10-20 people interesting in pursuing pressure point study to an advanced level. Once the group has been assembled I would travel back every 3-4 months and do a full weekend of classes, which would cover 3-4 months of materials. When I return months later this would be reviewed and new materials added in the same way. After one year, or approximately 4 weekend long sessions the students would be tested for their rank in Kyusho Jitsu. I do the testing under the umbrella or Kyusho International Alliance.

If you would like to understand better how all this works, this LINK will take you to my contact information page. Please remember I will be away from June 16th to June 25. But I will return your calls when I am back.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

So you want to learn Pressure Points?

I have never met a martial artist who was not interesting in some way in learning pressure points. When I first got into the arts 26+ years ago I purchased a book that was supposed to teach me these secrets. I don't remember who wrote the book, but I do remember it didn't work very well.

Today the biggest knowledge is learning pressure points is finding a qualified instructor who is close to your home. This is not an easy task. I have been contacted my many school owners looking for a teacher close to home. In fact I will be travelling in a few days to Romania to fill a need for pressure point instruction.

But the good news is, that now you can get started in pressure point at home! Our Novice Pressure Point Home Study Course is available for only $100 plus shipping!!!! This will get to started in the art of pressure points and includes knowledge up to the 1st Dan Black Belt level.

Now there are many courses out there for many different prices, but most offer outragious claims. This course will not teach you no-touch knockouts, but rather the basic to improve your current techniques and become much more effective with your current art.

So if this is appealing to you act now while this great price lasts. Visit our Novice Pressure Point Home Study Course Website and get started today!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Pressure Points and Intention

Intention - an act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result.

How does this apply to the study of pressure points? Well without intention and then seeing the result you are wanting, you will fail! However this is not bad news, because without intention, you will simply fail at just about any task.

Visualizing and seeing the result in pressure point study is very important. Just like with any martial art study the success it brings breeds confidence, and confidence is required in all aspects of life, and martial arts is not exception.

When you first start working with pressure points use an Uki who will cooperate as you are learning. Later as your confidence grows start working with more difficult partners. Like any technique or application, pressure points require skill to apply. Now I can hear the Nay Sayers, this means that pressure points are fine motor skills and therefore cannot be applied in a stressful situation. Well for them this is true, first they have no intention to leanr! But also any fine motor skill when practice enough times becomes a gross motor skill. Look at tying your shoes. That is a fine motor skill, which has become a gross motor skill.

Now if you are one of these people who are looking for a quick fix martial art. Then pressure point study is not for you. However if you see the value in traditional martial arts and wish to enhance this even further, then pressure points are something you might wish to look into further.

Remember practice with intent! You will see a big difference in your results.

If you are interested in learning more about Pressure Points please visit our websites below.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Kata Interpretation Bunkai

One of the most important parts of Pressure Point Study is Kata interpretation or Bunkai. Most systems do have bunkai of some sort within their teachings. But often the student will have difficult seeing the real meaning to these interpretations.

In Pressure Point Study the tradition breakdown is interpreted differently. Below is a video that explains the meaning of the ready stance in karate.

If you are interested in learning more about the breakdowns of Kata for any style of martial art please visit our websites below.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Better with age

When I first started to study martial arts many, many years ago, the older master were always the most devastating and dangerous. They moved with great ease and never had any trouble with any uki or opponent. Today the face of the arts is different.

Now when I say different, this does not mean bad, just different. Now that competitions like WFT TKD and UFC along with other MMA competitions martial arts looks like something for the young and strong only. And to be honest, in those arenas this is very true. But we have forgotten an important part of the linage. The martial artist should become better with age.

Now how is this all possible? With knowledge and understanding of the arts themselves. There are no superior martial art styles, only great students of the arts. How do you make an art timely, learn the things that the great masters and grand masters understood. That is simply, the pressure point system of the human body.

Pressure Point knowledge can be applied to any art, without changing the movements or style of the art itself. How is this possible, the answer is simply, because the information is already there, but it lies dormant.

For more information on Presssure Point Study, visit our website.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Finger Locks and Pressure Point Principles

One of the greatest application for pressure points is in an kind of joint manipulation. In this video I will some finger locks with some basic principles of Kyusho Jitsu applied. If you would like to learn more about the pressure point art visit one of the following website.

Enjoy the video!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Strike along the Meridian

In this short video we are going to discuss one on the 15 principle of Kyusho or Pressure Point study and that is to strike along the meridian. Anyone who is currently using our Home Study Course or our Online Study Course will be familiar with the first 5 principles.