Today the biggest knowledge is learning pressure points is finding a qualified instructor who is close to your home. This is not an easy task. I have been contacted my many school owners looking for a teacher close to home. In fact I will be travelling in a few days to Romania to fill a need for pressure point instruction.
But the good news is, that now you can get started in pressure point at home! Our Novice Pressure Point Home Study Course is available for only $100 plus shipping!!!! This will get to started in the art of pressure points and includes knowledge up to the 1st Dan Black Belt level.
Now there are many courses out there for many different prices, but most offer outragious claims. This course will not teach you no-touch knockouts, but rather the basic to improve your current techniques and become much more effective with your current art.
So if this is appealing to you act now while this great price lasts. Visit our Novice Pressure Point Home Study Course Website and get started today!