Tuesday, June 29, 2010

More about Alarm Points

In a previous article I introduced to many people Alarm Points. In this next video I continue were I left off on the subject. Now, this is not novice or beginners information. For most people reading and watching this will be a very difficult subject to comprehend and apply!

How do I know this? Alarm Points are taught by me after the 1st year of Kyusho training. The basics really need to be understood fully in order to apply this kind of information. So why am I posting on it? So you will see just how much there is to learn, and how effective this knowledge can be!

If you have any questions on this video feel free to leave a comment here and I will reply.

If you are interested in learning the pressure point arts you have several different options. Here are some for you!

Also feel free to email me at any time at master@kyushojitsu.ca