How does this apply to the study of pressure points? Well without intention and then seeing the result you are wanting, you will fail! However this is not bad news, because without intention, you will simply fail at just about any task.
Visualizing and seeing the result in pressure point study is very important. Just like with any martial art study the success it brings breeds confidence, and confidence is required in all aspects of life, and martial arts is not exception.
When you first start working with pressure points use an Uki who will cooperate as you are learning. Later as your confidence grows start working with more difficult partners. Like any technique or application, pressure points require skill to apply. Now I can hear the Nay Sayers, this means that pressure points are fine motor skills and therefore cannot be applied in a stressful situation. Well for them this is true, first they have no intention to leanr! But also any fine motor skill when practice enough times becomes a gross motor skill. Look at tying your shoes. That is a fine motor skill, which has become a gross motor skill.
Now if you are one of these people who are looking for a quick fix martial art. Then pressure point study is not for you. However if you see the value in traditional martial arts and wish to enhance this even further, then pressure points are something you might wish to look into further.
Remember practice with intent! You will see a big difference in your results.
If you are interested in learning more about Pressure Points please visit our websites below.