Why is the curve so high?
Lack of organization of the materials into a system to promote easy learning. To facilitate learning, there MUST be systems in place to make it easy. Especially when the majority of the students are adults who have been out of school a very long time. Now when it comes to teaching the martial arts, or kyusho I am the system guy! In my school I have systems in place, as well as curriculum to the rank of 5th Dan Black Belt.
I have made more Black Belts in 17 years of running a school then most will do in 50 years.
Why? Systems........
Systems keep people learning and motivated so they train longer! But system also assure the QUALITY of the learning. In my dojo my teachers go through an arduous training program before they begin on the floor.
Now these same system I have brought to Kyusho. These system have been in place in the Kyusho programs I teach in the dojo for years, but now they are being applied to distance learning, as well as unparalleled support for the student.
Read more from the link below about beginning a formal Kyusho Jitsu Certification Program.