The reason is simple, the ability to teach it. Martial artists in one way or another have all been bitten by the bug that drives us to spread our knowledge. Some do it commercially for living like I have, others do it from their basements, but we all do it in one for or another.
I founder my own art in 2002 because I wanted to learn more, and teach more things. Rather then have multiple arts being taught in my school I incorporated it all together under one name. But Kyusho Jitsu is different. Being that it is more then an "art" it is truly an intellectual study that needs a different kind of attention given to it on the classroom floor.
So I decided to pursue rank.
Pursuing rank for many is difficult because of the lack of physical teachers available. It is also very expensive with travel and often the need to host seminars with the head of the governing body. With me none of that exists. I have created a simple and affordable way to obtain rank and teaching credentials without a huge cost.
Under the system I came from, which was and still is awesome, my costs where huge!
Take a look at the link below about our Course to 1st Dan Black Belt.
Feel free to email me at with any questions.
The course is awesome and the journey is amazing!