It is really hard to find real good written information on Kyusho Jitsu. There are some awesome books out there and I have bought a ton of them over the years.
But they are not specifically designed to make learning easier!
Mine are different, they are for the student who is learning the system and needs organization of this learning.
That is why they are called "workbooks"
Now we have 3 major versions.
The novice, advanced and master level. A few years back I had them
translated into Spanish, and in fact these are the most popular ones I have. My guess is there is very little in Spanish for kyusho book!
But right now a new project is underway in which we will be translating our 3 main books into French, Italian and Romanian! As time goes by Arabic and several other languages too!
If you stay tuned to this blog would will know of release dates and pre-orders as they become available!
Have a great weekend and don't miss
Monday's Vidcast on Kyusho Jitsu World!!!