Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Advanced Kyusho Jitsu - The study above 1st Dan Black Belt

Do you know what this diagram / picture means? It is NOT black and white like it may appear to be.
This is one of the topic that we discuss in great detail in the course to 2nd Dan Black and beyond, and I also believe it is included in the Advanced Kyusho Jitsu Workbook, but it is in the Master Kyusho Jitsu Workbook for sure.

It was a long time ago I wrote those.

What does this mean? There is a way to temporarily change the predominant element of the hand when striking to get a better result.

And it works! I have used it many times personally to get a quick knockout when I have not had time for a decent setup.  There is also a way to combine ALL the elements together which is devastating!

But I am not going to talk about it here, but you have 2 choices if you wish to learn it!
  1. Purchase the Advanced Kyusho Jitsu Workbook which is 50% off for a limited time
  2. Enroll in the FREE Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course because I do talk about it there!
Anyways that is all for now! Have a GREAT week!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Benefits of Membership at the KJWA - The Affiliate Program

Best Internet Concept of global business from concepts series
As you know I want to give our members the best possible benefits and experience as members of the Kyusho jitsu World Alliance. With that in mind I created an affiliate program which will allow members to sell many of our products at Kyusho Jitsu World and receive an very generous commission for doing so! The commission on our products will be a whopping 70% of the sale. Now I do realize this may appeal more to school owners, however this can become an excellent second revenue for anyone else interested.

To do this I have partnered up with Clickbank, which is a very large online retailer who specialize in affiliate programs. Today online sales are out doing many retail outlets as people's trust in the systems has grown. I first opened my account at ClickBank in 2007 and did pretty decent with it. I was busy with my dojo, but was looking for multiple income streams. We ended up getting so busy by 2009 that I stopped doing the online stuff. But I have reactivated the account and have begun to list our products that qualify.

So what are the benefits?
  • 70% commission on all our listed products
  • You can list and sell your own stuff as well. I will be creating a database over time and listing on it members products other may wish to sell for you.
  • Build a solid second income stream to help fight against bad economic times
The first step in doing this is to join KJWA at the link below. One you are a member you will receive information on joining our AFFILIATE PROGRAM. Now, this is important! Joining the program does NOT obligate you to participate, it just will provide you with all the information you need to do so! This type of program is NOT for everyone and it does require some work. But I personally think it is perfect for the martial artist because we UNDERSTAND hard work!
And of course I will be there to help you along the way as a coach so you can be successful also! Like our Black Belt and Instructor Certification Courses SUPPORT is a must!
I hope to see you in the program soon! Feel free to email me any questions!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Black Friday eBook Sale at Kyusho Jitsu World!

3D template Black Friday on the white background First a very warm Happy Thanksgiving to our friends in the USA! This weekend is sort of the official start to the Christmas Season. This is also one of the busiest shopping times of the year! With this celebration in mind we have decided to put our assorted eBook on sale as part of the celebration! The Novice, Advanced and Master's Workbooks will each be 50% off until Tuesday morning when this post will self destruct! After payment you will be taken to a download link. If there are any issues with download please email me at master@kyushojitsu.ca   Novice Kyusho Jitsu Workbook English - Sale $15
    Novice Kyusho Jitsu Workbook Spanish - Sale $15
    Advanced Kyusho Jitsu Workbook English - Sale $25
    Advanced Kyusho Jitsu Workbook Spanish $25
    Master Kyusho Jitsu Workbook English -Sale $25
    Master Kyusho Jitsu Workbook Spanish - Sale $25
  Have a great weekend!
London Ontario 2001 with GM Dillman, GM Kim Dillman and the late GM Ed Lake
London Ontario 2001 with GM Dillman, GM Kim Dillman and the late GM Ed Lake
Have you ever attending at Kyusho Jitsu Seminar? Myself the number is simply to high to count. I have also had the privilege of teaching at several as well.

One of my favorites was the CMATC in London Ontario that was hosted yearly by Grand Master Steve Stewart. Now the face of this event is far different then years ago as it is now every 2 years and is more Kenpo oriented then before. However it is still awesome.

I have had the privilege to attend with some of the best Kyusho people in the world, and no matter how much my own rank goes up, how many years I study I know there is always more to learn.
There have been times when the presenters are not so great, mostly because they want to show you how good they are. But for the most part these men and women are interested in teaching you and helping you.

So when you get a chance, if finances work. Definitely go!
Now I have an event coming up  in Brasov Romania in July 2017. This will be primarily a Kyusho event held over the weekend. It is called the RMATC or Romanian Martial Arts Training Camp. Below is a link to the Facebook event for more information.


Also if you are a teacher or school owner you may want to make a little extra money for your Dojo by hosting a Kyusho Jitsu Seminar. Below is a link for more information on this!

More Info2
This is the Thanksgiving weekend in the USA so best wishes for the holiday to all my friends from the USA!

If you are not yet a member of our FREE Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course you may want to check that out too! You can subscribe from the link below

Join Our Free Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course!
Join Our Free Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course!
I will leave you with a little video from a 2009 seminar I did for a local school.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The video I am sharing with you if from my schools Black Belt Extravaganza in 2012. This is part of the workshop sessions we have the day after the grading.

This is my oldest son Curt. He began his martial arts training in 1986 at the age of 4 1/2. It is all he has done all his. No hockey or other sports. Just martial arts.

He studied with Grand Master Steve Stewart as I did and attended the rank of 4th Dan Black Belt under that system. Which is Master level.  Here he is working with a student, Philip Welch.

Philip has about 12 years in Aikido and about 14 years with us. He has a pain threshold that is awe inspiring.

Watch what correct application of Kyusho can do to pain levels.

Certified Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance Teachers

When I created the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance (KJWA) I did it to spread the knowledge of Kyusho Jitsu to every corner of the world possible.

So far we have been doing pretty well, and the KJWA is only a few months old!

The first method I have used to spread the word is the FREE Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course, which has about 400 members plus in it. Next was the Alliance, then certification programs to create excellent quality Black Belts, and Certified teachers of our system. I must say I am thrilled with the results so far!

All of our courses are distance learning. This is possible because we are all martial artists and know how to move within our style. The JKWA Teacher Certification's and Black Belt Courses are all curriculum based and require written and video examinations.

This is the real thing!

This past weekend I had a KJWA member write his exams and submit his video. He has been studying Kyusho for a while now, and has attended many different seminars over the years. My congratulations to Sven Hock of Germany!

Here is a link to the KJWA Certified Teachers Page.

Now if you are interested in becoming a Certified Kyusho Jitsu Teacher or Black Belt, you can read more about how to do this at the links below.

Novice 1st Dan Black Belt Kyusho Jitsu Certification

Level One Black Belt Instructor Certification

Have a great week!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Martial Arts, Kyusho Jitsu and the Information Age

portrait of female fighter, punching at you
Back  during the spring I started the Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course, made it free as an introduction to what we are doing here at Kyusho Jitsu World. To date we have around 400 active members in this course.

That is awesome!

Back a few months ago I did a Facebook ads for the Course. It did pretty good getting people to sign up. Many of the leads were weak because lets face it, Facebook is mostly junk. But there was one guy who left a comment, while true it showed how stupid he is.

He said and I am paraphrasing. "He is selling something, you can get all this for free on the internet, just google it." The first statement? Yes I am selling something, we ALL are!  Everything in this world is for profit. Medical, education, religion, any job, anywhere, there is an exchange of currency.  My guess is perhaps this person is a self entitled welfare bum????

And it is true, the amount of information you can find on the internet is unbelievable! All of my stuff is online, I know it has been pirated, so his statement is correct. But honestly, how many of you will research, organize, research more, weed out the false information, and educate yourself totally by being self motivated?

Some of you will, but 99% will not do it. So much information that no one reads, all at your fingertips! 

That is why I have created these programs, done all the research for you and organized everything to make it easy to follow, learn and apply.

Sure there are other things I could do. I do teach martial arts and kyusho in the real world. Been doing it a long time. I worked for 20 years on the assembly line at Chrysler. But this is my PASSION. That is why I do it.

Education is a service industry, and that is why we support all the products we sell. I am teacher and my job is to make sure the student succeeds. Not just sell him some books and videos with a good luck pat on the back.

This is the real deal. The place to learn about pressure points / kyusho jitsu, apply it, teach it and excel in it.

Check out our website from the link below for all the Kyusho produces we currently offer.
Have a great week!
Read more here!
Read more here!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Don't miss out on our FANTASTIC deal on Kyusho Black Belt Courses!

Get Your Black Belt in Kyusho
Get Your Black Belt in Kyusho
For the last week I had done a very BIG price drop on our Black Belt Certification Course and our Level One Instructor Certification. Now some of you took advantage of this which is great. Several more showed interested but did not act, which is cool too.

However pricing goes back to normal on Monday November 21st! I have even divided it into payment options to make it easier, but you must act by Monday to take advantage of this FANTASTIC offer.

See the links below to find out more.

1st Dan Black Belt Certification Course

Level One Instructors Certification Course (Includes 1st Dan Black Belt Course.)

This will be the last call! Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Are there Secret Societies in Kyusho Jitsu?

Dillman Camp Reading PN 2010
Dillman Camp Reading PN 2010
Now I don't mean to come off sounding like a conspiracy theorist here, that is not my intention with the headline on the article. But the short answer is YES, there are. They are not so much secret, but closed. Like a club you won't belong too.

The martial arts Kyusho organizations are in many ways an "old boys club."  None of this is in writing, but RANK and SENIORITY have their privileges. The first time I came to Romania to teach I got some "flack" from the powers that be because Europe belonged to another member. And I was not a real member, but an adherent with was there because of my teacher. Later I had a seminar booked in Portugal, which suddenly was canceled in favor of a "member" at 3 times the price too!


There were rules that had to be followed and one was how much money you earned for the "federation." Then you were assigned areas that you could travel and teach in, with the endorsement of the head of the "federation."

So what is my point? I do not want the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance to become an "Old boys club" however RANK is important, rank in Kyusho Jitsu!

I have had a few members come to me and tell me how interested they are in doing this. However the economy is hurting worldwide, which I do understand. They also see the great potential to make some money teaching this. So what can I do to help them?

Ok first if you are not a kyusho black belt, if you purchase the Level One Instructions Certification you can become a 1st Dan Black Belt from that Course. The Novice Black Belt Certification Course is for someone only interested in getting their black belt, not teaching.

Second, I would be happy to break the price of the course up into payments for you. We can do it over 3 to 6 months if that helps you out.

Building the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance is a passion for me! But we need devoted Black Belts to help make this happen!

Are you someone on board with this idea?

Stay tuned! If you are not a member of the KJWA it is free! There is a link at the top menu for more information.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Free Sparring is NOT for the Street

Woman elbowing a man who was trying to assault the woman
I am not a politically correct person. I don't not believe in it at all. I believe it is one of the reason we have so many issues in the world, but I digress.

Free sparring has nothing to do with being attacked in the streets. It is part of the sport aspects of martial arts and instructor who say it is NOT are putting their students at risk.

I began my martial arts career in a TKD / Hapkido mix. Hapkido for defense, and TKD for sport. My teacher was one of the best TKD fighters of his era having beat men like Herb Perez. But as I trained I wondered how the ring and street could mix at all.

That is because they don't! It is like playing baseball with a hockey stick.

In 1992 during the Christmas season I got a very rude awakening. I walked into a street situation of a very large man, and I do not mean FAT, he was a monster, who was harassing and grabbing a young woman.  I walked toward the man and got his attention from the young lady so she could run. Then I realized what I was dealing with. This guy was nuts. I was standing on ice and snow, and all my real skills besides a few punches was kicking. I was screwed and I knew it.

Now I was faster then he was and got to my car before he did. He beat on the windows trying to break it to get to me. I realized that day that sport and the real world do not mix.

What you see in a ring is SPORT and not STREET. No matter how good the fighter is, he will have issues in an attack.  An attack is not a street fight either! That is 2 guys deciding to beat on each other. Different world and mentality. If he wins it is not because of his MMA skills, but the person he is inside.

Self defense is a different mentality, and a different set of skills.  Trying to exchange blows will get you killed, and so will going to the ground. Street defense is very different from street fighting, and all of it is nothing like combat.

Now my purpose with this article is not to get you to come and join my dojo which is all about street defence, it is to present to you what is the equalizer in all this, pressure point usage.

Back in about 2008 one of my Black Belts enlisted in the Canadian Military and ended up in Afghanistan. Now the Canadian presence there is not what people think it is. He told me up his return about how different hand to hand combat was in real life compared to being attacked on the street.

You are facing someone skilled who wants to kill you, not just someone who needs money for drugs or thinks you were with his girlfriend and perhaps wants you in a hospital or coffin.

But he did tell me that his Pressure Point knowledge did matter in combat and he was very happy he took so much time to learn properly. He said is saved his life.

If you want to really round off your martial arts study Kyusho Jitsu is the best addition you will make. Below is a link to some great ebooks to get you started.

Have a great day everyone!

More Info2

The Dim Mak project

Nervous system
Dim Mak, the fabled part of martial arts which is often referred to as the "Death Touch."
is it possible? Is it real? Or is it just more martial arts hype?

Legend has it this was how Bruce Lee died.  There is an old saying "were there is smoke, there is fire."

I have been studying martial arts for 32 years, pressure points for 15 and have done a large amount of research of time to the connections to the legends and folklore of dim mak.

Then in 2014 I got together with some of my best students, we worked, brain stormed and experimented and came up with SOLID theories and concepts on how this is all possible.
I had planned to never release it. But came across it last weekend while I was organizing my hard drive. Now I will compile it all, and release it to the martial arts world.

If you are interesting in The Dim Mak Project please follow the link and watch the video, then join the mail list below. This will rock your world!

The Dim Mak Project



We respect your email privacy

Monday, November 14, 2016

Pressure Points and Dim Mak

Dim Mak, one of those mysterious words in the martial arts.

There has been a lot of mystery and wonder over the years of the infamous "death touch.' Is it real? Or just folklore?

I would like to say I have a solid answer for that question. Years ago I did a lot of research on the work of the late Earl Montague, but he was also a very controversial man.

I spent many, many years thinking about the possibility, researching and working out theories. But can they ever really be tested?

No, not unless you are willing to kill someone to be sure.

In 2014 I began to compile the theories I have, without testing them to the extreme of costing someone their health or worse yet their life.  And I did come up with some answers.
Things I think maybe the secrets to the death touch.

Right now I am in the process of a new eBook /workbook on Humane Kyusho Jitsu, which is a polar opposite of Dim Mak. However once that that work is done I will assemble my notes on Dim Mak, and my theories of it, and release it to Kyusho Jitsu World!

If you are interested in this eBook, which I am guessing will be out around the 1st of March stayed tuned to this blog, or become a member of our Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course because that is where regular notices will be posted

Have a great week!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Is Distance Learning in Kyusho Jitsu or ANYTHING Else Really Possible?

Sample e-learning website on tablet computer
The short answer? Depends on the student.

Let me explain. There are many factors involved in distance learning. Myself over the year have take MANY distance learning courses. Some good, some a waste of time. I have studied Auto Mechanics, Fitness, Buddhism, marketing, business management, self improvement and many, many other things over the year, via online or letter-mail courses.

How did I do, very, very well in all but the Fitness Course. It was boring and poorly written with ZERO support. The others where pretty decent. Marketing was and is AMAZING.

In a sense so was my study with Grand Master Stewart in Kyusho because I only spent 3 hours per month on average with him. The rest requirement me to be "Self Motivated."

There are 3 primary requirement to learn Kyusho Jitsu via distance.  Since we are not teaching a traditional system of movement it is in a way less complicated.
  1. You need to Self Motivated.
  2. You need to be "teachable." Or in other words NOT an egotist
  3. Have studied or are studying a martial art.
That is really about it, but these things are VERY important!
What do you need from the course?
  1. To have been created by a TEACHER, not an instructor or professional counter. There are many GREAT martial artists in the world in all styles. But that does NOT make them TEACHERS
  2. Support! You need to be able to ask questions and get real answers, not be referred to a FAQ to research for yourself
  3. The course and its teach need to have a real, traceable linage so you know the information is SOLID
That is what you are getting with Kyusho Jitsu World's Courses.
If you would like to read about our 1st Dan Black Belt Course please follow the link below. This is an amazing deal! But our mandate makes it that way. We want to spread the word, and make Qualified Black Belts!
read more

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Something NEW and VERY Exciting at Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance!

Woman doing affiliate marketing work on a tablet
Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance Affiliate Marketing Program
Membership has its benefits!

Ok, so I just stole that from American Express, but it is very true for the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance! Today I am in the process of starting a new and very exciting program for the members of the KJWA.

An Affiliate Program for the products we sell at Kyusho Jitsu World!

Any member who sells our products via their affiliate members link and code will receive a 50% percent commission on their sales, paid within 24 hours of the sale via PayPal.

So another great reason to joining the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance! And no you do not need to be a Kyusho Black Belt or school owner to join! Follow the link below for more information on membership, and membership is totally FREE!
More Info
If you are a member of the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance you will be receiving an invitation via email shortly to join the program!
Have a great day everyone!

Friday, November 4, 2016

So...What is Humane Kyusho Jitsu?

Humane Kyusho Jitsu Could Prevent This!
Humane Kyusho Jitsu Could Prevent This!
Most people first introduction unfortunately to Kyusho Jitsu is seeing a knockout. It can leave an impressive in two possible ways.
  1. I want to know more!
  2. This is crap / fake / what have you
There really are only 2 reactions. Sadly, the second reaction limits greatly the possibilities of growth as a martial artist. But so be it.

Initially a lot of Kyusho teachers focus on this very "flashy" part of the art. However there is so much more!

Have you ever been in, or seen a conflict that went bad when it really should not have?  What if the person could have easily be restrained or controlled until they calmed down? How many times in domestic types of situation have the police used far to much force?

Or medical personnel who are assaulted by patients?

Human Kyusho Jitsu provides solutions to problems before they get out of hand by allowing you to use pressure point to control an attacker. These techniques and applications cause intense pain, making the attacker much more cooperative!

In our new eBook called Humane Kyusho Jitsu Workbook and Course I will cover many, many scenario  and show you the exact steps to deal with them.

Now this is both a workbook and a course all in one. You can become certified in Human Kyusho Jitsu Level One by completing the exam, or you can just use the ebook for personal learning.

Now this new workbook will be released on January 1st 2017, but right now I am offer a HUGE discount for ordering in advance! Visit the link below for all the information!
More Info2

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Humane Kyusho Jitsu Techniques Certification Workbook Course

Woman kneeing the thug who tried to rob the woman

Great news! 

Our Humane Kyusho Jitsu Techniques Workbook Course is coming January 1st 2017! 

Right now i am in the process of writing a new eBook / Workbook for student and instructor alike on Humane use of pressure points in low escalation situations. 

This is perfect for teachers, medical professions, and anyone who may find themselves in a low risk, escalation self defense situation.

Read all about this exciting new Kyusho Jitsu Product from the link below!
read more