When I created the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance (KJWA) I did it to spread the knowledge of Kyusho Jitsu to every corner of the world possible.
So far we have been doing pretty well, and the KJWA is only a few months old!
The first method I have used to spread the word is the FREE Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course, which has about 400 members plus in it. Next was the Alliance, then certification programs to create excellent quality Black Belts, and Certified teachers of our system. I must say I am thrilled with the results so far!
All of our courses are distance learning. This is possible because we are all martial artists and know how to move within our style. The JKWA Teacher Certification's and Black Belt Courses are all curriculum based and require written and video examinations.
This is the real thing!
This past weekend I had a KJWA member write his exams and submit his video. He has been studying Kyusho for a while now, and has attended many different seminars over the years. My congratulations to Sven Hock of Germany!
Here is a link to the KJWA Certified Teachers Page.
Now if you are interested in becoming a Certified Kyusho Jitsu Teacher or Black Belt, you can read more about how to do this at the links below.
Novice 1st Dan Black Belt Kyusho Jitsu Certification
Level One Black Belt Instructor Certification
Have a great week!