Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Benefits of Membership at the KJWA - The Affiliate Program

Best Internet Concept of global business from concepts series
As you know I want to give our members the best possible benefits and experience as members of the Kyusho jitsu World Alliance. With that in mind I created an affiliate program which will allow members to sell many of our products at Kyusho Jitsu World and receive an very generous commission for doing so! The commission on our products will be a whopping 70% of the sale. Now I do realize this may appeal more to school owners, however this can become an excellent second revenue for anyone else interested.

To do this I have partnered up with Clickbank, which is a very large online retailer who specialize in affiliate programs. Today online sales are out doing many retail outlets as people's trust in the systems has grown. I first opened my account at ClickBank in 2007 and did pretty decent with it. I was busy with my dojo, but was looking for multiple income streams. We ended up getting so busy by 2009 that I stopped doing the online stuff. But I have reactivated the account and have begun to list our products that qualify.

So what are the benefits?
  • 70% commission on all our listed products
  • You can list and sell your own stuff as well. I will be creating a database over time and listing on it members products other may wish to sell for you.
  • Build a solid second income stream to help fight against bad economic times
The first step in doing this is to join KJWA at the link below. One you are a member you will receive information on joining our AFFILIATE PROGRAM. Now, this is important! Joining the program does NOT obligate you to participate, it just will provide you with all the information you need to do so! This type of program is NOT for everyone and it does require some work. But I personally think it is perfect for the martial artist because we UNDERSTAND hard work!
And of course I will be there to help you along the way as a coach so you can be successful also! Like our Black Belt and Instructor Certification Courses SUPPORT is a must!
I hope to see you in the program soon! Feel free to email me any questions!