- Humane Kyusho Jitsu Could Prevent This!
- I want to know more!
- This is crap / fake / what have you
Initially a lot of Kyusho teachers focus on this very "flashy" part of the art. However there is so much more!
Have you ever been in, or seen a conflict that went bad when it really should not have? What if the person could have easily be restrained or controlled until they calmed down? How many times in domestic types of situation have the police used far to much force?
Or medical personnel who are assaulted by patients?
Human Kyusho Jitsu provides solutions to problems before they get out of hand by allowing you to use pressure point to control an attacker. These techniques and applications cause intense pain, making the attacker much more cooperative!
In our new eBook called Humane Kyusho Jitsu Workbook and Course I will cover many, many scenario and show you the exact steps to deal with them.
Now this is both a workbook and a course all in one. You can become certified in Human Kyusho Jitsu Level One by completing the exam, or you can just use the ebook for personal learning.
Now this new workbook will be released on January 1st 2017, but right now I am offer a HUGE discount for ordering in advance! Visit the link below for all the information!