- With Grand Master Steve Stewart 2005
Yesterday I was watching a video taken in 2008 at the Dillman camps with my teacher Grand Master Steve Stewart. In this he was doing an energy based KO of a very close friend and colleague of mine Grand Master Chad Barry.
Chad was kicking Steve in the arm full power, as hard as he could. Then the KO happens.
OMG the number of raving haters in the comments was unbelievable! I only read a few, but some must have been 300 plus words long.
Now first off, I just don't get stupid people. As an example I am NOT a fan of Justin Bieber as an example. Being Canadian I think he is a great no talent doucebag, but I don't go watch his videos and commenting.
I have a life!!! LOL
But when it comes to the martial arts, all these guys come out because their egos are so big they MUST give their opinion. Makes me laugh. I get my fair share of it too. But I ignore most of it.
Truth comes in 3 stages.
- It is laughed at.
- It is violently apposed
- It is accepted as self evident truth
For the 99% of you who are here to learn, WELCOME! My mandate is to spend as much information on this amazing system as I can. And yes I will make some money doing it. There is nothing wrong with that.
Remember our FREE Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course. There is over 3 months worth of email in there now to help you learn. With more added every week!
Yes you will maybe once a week get a promotional email, but that is how we pay for the free stuff by selling the occasional book and course.
Oh I almost forgot! Yes that KO Steve did was for real. And Chad suffered for many months from it. I will add it to the mini course rather then post the video here.
Saves me from "spamming" the negative comments.
Have a great Monday everyone!