Back many, many years ago when I was taking the Novice Kyusho Jitsu Certification with Grand Master Steve Stewart in London I found myself facing a great challenge. I had not been to school in about 30 years and my note taking skills were not too great. But I knew the basics from the various coaching groups I had been in for martial arts business, so I did my best. But this information Steve was giving me was so detailed, it really was a challenge. Now I did very, very well in my first year. I would go home and rewrite my notes after class so they make more sense.
After my first year my son Curt joined the Novice program. He did the same thing, and really did a better job of the notes then I had. As he entered the advanced program along with me, I took both are sets of notes and recompiled them. From here I had a pretty good study guide for us to work with, and help keep all this information fresh for our continued learning. Thus the Novice Kyusho Jitsu Workbook edition 1 was born. I made this available to my own students as I began to teach Kyusho classes.
Over the years it was refined and is now in edition number 3. With over 100 pages of information and diagrams I have been thrilled with the response to it. I have worked with translators who are also martial artists and it is currently available in Spanish and German, with French and Romanian on the table and coming sometime this year.
This eBook is honestly a must have for any serious Kyusho Jitsu student. I also recommend printing it and binding it for better usage.
More information on this books is below.
Novice Kyusho Jitsu Workbook English
Novice Kyusho Jitsu Workbook Spanish Edition
Novice Kyusho Jitsu Workbook German Edition