I am an internet business guy. I have been online since before the web using servers at universities and protocols like FTP and Gopher for information. I have always enjoyed this online realm.
Begin this way when a topic interests me I see how many other people are looking for it too! In the last year the number of searches generically for Kyusho Jitsu is on the rise.
More and more people are discovering the stuff really works, and it will take your martial arts skills to an entirely different level, without selling out the history of your art.
So what does all this mean?
As time goes on, it will be harder and harder to ind real Kyusho Jitsu information, and even harder to get support for learning it! It will become like the martial arts business world. Every guy who has not done it in real life becomes an EXPERT with today's new and shinny object to take your money, but no substance in what they have to offer.
Information without support and experience from the one teaching it, it useless!
Now as for me, i am the real deal. I have a linage that can be verified and Kyusho has been my obsession in the arts for 15 years. Almost half of my 32 years as a martial artist.
Now I give away a lot of GREAT organized information for FREE. Why? Because anyone who is truly interested and gets a taste of the real world of Kyusho Jitsu will pursue more! Just like I did!
So if you are new to all this how do you get started?
The form below will sign you up for our FREE Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course. But you have to register, verify your email address and read the lessons! Many of my students write me questions and I answer within hours.
So, wanna learn what Pressure Points are about?
Fill this out right now!