The new eBook called the 15 Principles Plus One of Kyusho Jitsu is coming along at an excellent pace! it is going to be about 20 Chapters long, and likely around 75-100 pages in length. It is a huge undertaking because like a novel each chapter has to relate to other chapters. Developing and detailing the principles is like developing a character in a story.
They all intertwine with each other.
This is truly going to be the consummate Kyusho Jitsu book on the planet! You will be shocked at what I am going to reveal!
Now I have something really cool for you! Right for a few days I am going to offer a FREE download on the incomplete chapter one, the principle "Attack Along the Meridian." I say incomplete because each chapter relates to another so many rewrites and additions will be coming!
But it will give you the general idea of what is going on!
To DOWNLOAD your FREE Chapter Follow the Link Below NOW!