There are a lot of Kyusho people out there, that have been training a lot of years, but are lacking a lot of knowledge and information and talk about the mystery that revolves around their Kyusho world. Do you they keep secrets? Or do they just not know themselves?
Back about 7 years ago at a seminar I had a 5th Dan come up to me and ask how many points are on Heart becasue he could not remember. It is YIN right? I also was present when a 6th Dan did not understand some basic Level One principles.
The only think I know, is Dillman taught my instructor Steve Stewart and he taught me, he taught me everything Dillman gave him, plus the things he learned reverse engineering acupuncture.
Now once again, I am going to make more of this available to you! On Canada Day, July 1st I am going to be release the FINAL Principles eBook which is called "Kyusho Principles of the Grand Masters."
If you want to learn more about it, give this link below a click!