The study of pressure points, the art and science we call Kyusho Jitsu can be a very big challenge, There is a lot of memory work, well the first year of formal study is almost all memory work. That year was a challenge for me. But I had a great teacher!
After some time of study and some application of the principles things will slowly begin to make sense. Now I am a full time school operator, but no one really knew I was doing this except for my boys. Therefore I had to try things out while I was teaching very clandestinely. At least until I finished and ranked.
But during these times as you are working the principles, yo get these enlighten moment, the AH-HA moments where suddenly a lot of things make sense and WORK.
I had many of these and so have my students. BUT, there is something very important about this time, the ah-ha moment, you need great support, the ability to ask any question, get an answer, and then apply the answer.
This is why I created Kyusho Jitsu University, so that the prospective student can find learning to fit their life and budget. From free to high level paid courses.
AND personal support from either myself or my certified Kyusho Jitsu Teachers.
I answer emails in pretty decent time, and email is the best method to contact me. My phone number is listed, but TEXT messages are best as I like email can answer during the time I set aside twice a day to do this. With 2000 plus members, I need to structure my time!
BBM is also a good method of contact. My BBM PIN is 2BFC04D2
Whatsapp messenger is a no because I use that exclusively for family and friends, so I won't respond to unknown numbers.
Now if you are interested in learning more about the exciting world of Kyusho Jitsu simple click the link below!
Have a great day!