I had that said to me about a year ago, when I began to do what I am doing now after several years away by one Kyusho GM. There have been a few, but this one was kinda rude so I thought it funny.
Once I said who my teachers was, and that he certified me at Level Five as an instructor, the tone changed at lot. It is not my fault these guys don't pay attention! Plus no one like to cross Steve Stewart.
Most of you who are reading this have jobs during the day or night, Careers, kids at home, lots of responsibility! My story is different! I am a career, full time martial arts teacher and have been full time for 15 years. Plus even when I did have a real job, I trained and taught 6 days a week, 4 hours per day, with my children at my side. I have studied several arts other then Hapkido, my root and Kyusho my passion because I had the time and resources to do so.
I own a school in Windsor Ontario Canada, as well as one in Brasov Romania. Plus Kyusho Jitsu University, operated as part of the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance, that also operates Novice and Advanced Study groups in Canada, taught by 2 of my Kyusho Black Belt Masters.
I have always kept my profile fairly low, not interested in the politics and in fighting or bad stabbing that often happens in the high profile organizations.
I just want to teach people who have an true ambition to learn, all that I know, and I know more than I talk about, and make them better than me in Kyusho! Are you one of them?
Back many years ago, around the time when NAPMA was big there came into being various "plug and play" systems for school owners to help bring in more money to their schools, and retain students. I bought several of them, and they were a waste.
Kyusho was different! Why? First it is not a plug and play system, it is a complete system that requires some work and dedication to do! And, if you want to grow, really develop an understanding you are going to have to spend some cash too.
FREE is always worth FREE. It is a great way to get your feet wet, and it helps me weed out the real students! The money spent on a real education in Kyusho is well worth it! Especially when you keep students, or grow as a Black Belt beyond what you thought was possible.
I have never had one student who regretting the money spent on a Kyusho education, or did not give it a much higher value!
With that in mind check out our Kyusho Jitsu University Gold Program. You can sign up for $1 for the first month! Follow the link below for all the information!