The course runs one calendar year and is held once per month on a Saturday for 3 hours. If the person taking the course holds the rank of Black Belt in their root art, they are then allowed to take a 3 hour certification exam, and if successful earn their Black Belt in Kyusho as well. For under belts the process is a little different, but a similar result is gained.
So what happens to someone who is not local, and has no instructor in their area? There are several options depending on what goal is wished to be obtained. For those interested in just the knowledge their are various courses like our Online Course and our Home Study Course. But the option of in Dojo study does still exist.
The easiest way to get started is to host a seminar at your Dojo and invite as many as possible to attend. I can travel to your location a teach whatever time frame of seminar you are looking for. We can then gather interested parties and setup a Study Group held every 3 months, for the entire weekend, covering 3 months of material. Testing and promotions to Black Belt would then be like here in my home Dojo. Certification is done under Kyusho International Alliance Research - KIA.
This would also be a similar senerio for those who graduate the Novice Program but still wish to learn more. For more information on hosting a Pressure Point Seminar follow this link. You can also sign up to receive a FREE 40 minute Pressure Point Seminar to watch on your computer. You can also email me at and use Seminars in the subject line for a faster response.