Back a few posts ago I showed a video from another martial art system claiming their technique employed the use of pressure points. They identified two points, but really did nothing in the technique to active the points or the meridian. To refresh your memory here is the original post.
I also in the post identified how I would map the technique from their system to truly use pressure points to get a predictable result. Below is a video I made last night demonstrating the same techniques with proper use of Pressure Point Principles.
Pressure Points are not something that can be just hit. Otherwise we would be in constant pain ourselves from bumping up against things in our enviroment. In the orginal example the attack was on HT-2 and HT-3. In the example both points are struck, however HT-3 is a rub or touch point, and the attack on HT-2 was the wrong angle and direction.
In my example above I attack LI-20, using other principles and get a knockdown. When the correct principles are employeed, the result is much different! Now I do want to mention that I do applaud this group creating these videos. They are truly trying to help out their fellow martial artists and students. However it is best, in my view to truly understand pressure points before you start to teach them.
Just my thoughts...