The master of old knew things and did things we could only dream of, but this knowledge came from repetition. Men like Funakoshi and Oyata were men of a different era of the arts. Back in those days you would train on a single kata for years on end. With today's belt systems there are many more kata, and motivation is very different. This will cause techniques to not be fully understood.
The master of old were pressure point experts, today the majority of martial artist and instructor know little to nothing about these systems, even if they think they do. Why is this? Because they lacked the repetition to learn them from their kata and kumite.
Now today we are once again becoming fortunate in the way the arts are being taught. Masters of old have come forward and begun to teach what they know. Now as the years go by this information is being researched and refined. Thus, the dawning of the Pressure Point art of Kyusho Jitsu.