One of my online students sent me a message the other day asking about Pericardium 6 and if it was really a good setup point. The answer is YES, but here is a little more information to help you out...
PC-6 is a great setup point. I can easily be touched during a fingerlock or any other grappling move. I will usually try to use my pericardium there. Holding this point during a strike will magnify the effects of the strike.
Experiment with PC-6 and you can see the different results for yourself. Keep track of what you are doing, then look for techniques in your style, that have become automatic that these techniques can be worked into.
Another great point is Spleen 6, which is located on just above the ankle on the inside of the foot. This point is also called Triple Yin as there are three Yin Meridians running in this location and all are affected when SP-6 is struck. This point is very popular for use my people demonstrating Knockout Techniques.
The other meridians in the area are Liver and Kidney. If you have any questions of would like more information our our course visit the links below.