Knockouts can be very frustrating for many Kyusho practitioners. This happens because they do not yet understand and apply the principles required to make these KO's happen. As I have written before there are different types of knockouts. In pressure point study we are looking at the neurological knockout, not the blunt trauma knockout. Anyone can cause a blunt trauma KO.
To get a pressure point knockout requires you understand the principles that come into play, as well as have a good knowledge of the different pressure points on the body. This is what I am looking at doing, with this new course that I am considering adding to our services. Teaching people with pressure point knowledge to do these KO's safely and effectively.Take a look at this video, which is a simple Alarm Point activation knockout. After the video I will explain what has happened.
Now this techniques begins with a double lapel grab. Being that Hapkido is my root art, we deal with these kinds of situations often. During this type of grab the attacker and the defender are exchanging energy because of the contact. Let's look at all the things that are happening here.
First, in this grab my Uki has his hand touching my lung meridian, at LU-01 specifically. We are both standing in a small forward bo, or a fire stance. I now have fire and metal applied, the metal is because he is touching my LU-01, the fire from my stance and his.
I now strike Alarm Point ST-25, which is the Alarm Point for Large Intestine. When I strike an alarm point I activate the meridian on both sides of the body, as well as Triple Warmer on both side of the body. But because I am striking ST-25 bi-laterally, I activate the Stomach Meridian bi-laterally also.! Now you should see Fire, Medal and Earth.
Next I strike LI-10 on the arm, hitting both sides of the body. Large Intestine is already activated from the Alarm Point hit! Now I drive the energy towards me, loosening the hands and causing the knees to buckle, the head to come forward. I move up to Gall Bladder on the head for some Wood Element and then ST-05 for the KO.
What principles have I employed?
- Cycle of Destruction
- Attack along the Meridian
- Attack using Alarm Points
- Attack using the Diurnal Cycle.
- Attack with tempo
- Attack with correct body mechanics
See because all the above were employed the KO was easy to accomplish. I must also add INTENT to the list of reason for success. Without intent you will not be successful....ever!
Now please take a look at this POST and give us your opinion on the POLL at the bottom. Your voting will help determine if this course becomes a reality.