Once in a while in the morning I will surf the video world and look at what there is new in pressure point videos. Today I found an interesting one. It is posted below and I will comment on it after wards.
Now I have watched a few of these videos and they are OK. But what pressure point is this lady actually striking? The diagram he is giving after the video is Heart 2 and 3. However on his attack of the young lady it is the lung meridian that is exposed because of the position of his fist. She crosses Pericardium and Heart.
Plus, the angle and direction of the strikes are incorrect. The best result will be to strike down the arm, in the direction of the energy flow. Plus HT-3 is not a strike point. She is also very likely to hit Large Intestine, because of the rotation of the arm. The applications are just not correct for the tools being used. She may get a result, but the result will not be from pressure point activation, nor will she be able to predict a result.
Now for a better result with her 'cross slapping block' from a pressure point aspect would be to parry the strike with her right hand, slapping at the wrist, thus getting an activation on Heart, Pericardium and Lung and then move inward and hit LI-20 or another face point with her left hand. This would give her a predictable result, and activation of several meridian. She would be using the correct striking action for Heart and Pericardium as well as being able to use stance in the application.
Please understand my intention is not to bash anyone or any technique! Pressure points are a study, then a careful integration into your style of martial art. Saying or selling anything else is an injustice. From what I can see she has learned a few points, is hitting them and hoping everything will be OK. It would be much better to do the technique, hit hard, and leave the pressure point references out.
If you would like to learn more about Pressure Points please checkout our Online Course. The 1st 7 days are FREE.