Sunday, June 28, 2009

Joint Manipulation with Kyusho principles added

I am a 7th Dan Black Belt in Hapkido. I am very good at joint manipulation. When I started studying Kyusho many years back I found that by adding it's principles I could increase my effectiveness 2-3 times. Here is a short video of my son Master Curt Mason demonstrating these principles.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

How can I learn at home?

I was recently asked this questions from a martial arts colleague. He was curious as to how something so complex as a martial art could be studied at home with an effectiveness. Here is my reply.

First someone with no martial art experience should not even consider this course. I recommend a minimum of 1st dan. Everything you said above is VERY true. If you are not able to try this out on various partners your study will be very difficult if not impossible. Most people interested are school owners, but not always.

Now kyusho is not a complete art, so if you are not a practicing martial artist this study is not possible. At the beginner or novice level as in this course there is a lot of theory that MUST be learned, assimilated and memorized. Without this it will not be possible to advance. There will be quiz's for students on the support website to make sure they are working with the product properly. As for techniques the student will be asked to video themselves so we can check the progress. Again, support is the key to learning from this product. Video's can be upload to the website.

Certification will require time spent with a qualified instructor in the art. Like Cane Masters and other distance learning products there is really no way around this.

If someone is interested in learning Kyusho and there is a qualified instructor in the area then that is the way to go. My instructor is only 2 hours away. This is for those who cannot find a way to learn locally.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Belief in yourself

Martial Arts training builds self confidence, we all know this is true. Kyusho Jitsu is most effective when learned and applied by a Black Belt, why? Because often times the confidence level of the artist is MUCH higher.

Now compared to most traditional martial arts, kyusho requires thinking outside the box. Are you a person who loves to go outside the box? They kyusho is something you just might want to look into.

However belief in you root art is the most important. Study hard and believe in yourself. You always get the right result. To improve your result change what you believe!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Kyusho Jitsu Social Network

I have created a Kyusho Jitsu Social Network for those interested in learning more about the art of Kyusho Jitsu. There are other sites out there, but this one is truly geared to those who want to learn more about Kyusho and those who are already either in a study group or have certified to different levels.

Check it out! You have nothing to lose :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Kyusho Home Study Course Advanced Orders

Finally after a year of work, our Kyusho Jitsu Home Study Course is going to be released on July 20th 2009!. Here is what you will find in this package.

  • Our Novice Kyusho Jitsu Workbook
  • Information on obtaining (Certifying) as a Black Belt
  • 7 DVD's filled with study material you can begin to use right away.
  • Monthly email newsletter
  • Unlimited email support

So what is one these 7 DVD's?

  1. Revival Techniques (dealing with a knockout) - Anatomy of a Pressure Point - Principles of Kyusho Jitsu
  2. Meridians of the Upper Extremities -Understanding the Cycles of Destruction and Creation
  3. Meridians of the Lower Extremities - Energy Flow Theory
  4. Kyusho Jitsu Joint Locks and Principles
  5. Stances, how they work and why - 24 Diurnal Cycle and how to use it.
  6. Kata Bunkai (Breakdowns of 2 kata)
  7. Bonus DVD - Kyusho Jitsu Self Defense Techniques

Advanced orders for our Kyusho Jitsu Home Study Course may now be placed. All orders are placed through PayPal and will include shipping to your destination. Make sure that all information in your profile is correct. You don't need a PayPal account to use PayPal. You may process with a credit card.

Click on the link that best describes your shipping needs. All payments are done through The Peaceful Warriors' Martial Arts PayPal account. (Peaceful Warrior Publishing)

The cost of this 7 DVD set is $250 CAD. Below are a breakdown of cost for shipping.

Clicking on the links provided to get you started. All order pages as SSL secure. Please email any questions to

Monday, June 15, 2009

Kyusho Seminars

Attention Instructors,

Would you like to have an event in your school that will recharge your members? How about an event that will make you and your school some extra money this summer or fall?

Perhaps it is time to host a Kyusho Jitsu Seminar in your school or club. Follow this link for more information on host a Kyusho Jitsu Seminar or Workshop in your school.

For more information you can also contact us at this link.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Effectiveness of Martial Arts

It is not often that I write on this blog things that are not directly connected to Kyusho Jitsu. However this time I will. I was at a party last night with a few MMA guys present. They are new to the sport and were very exciting about it. I always enjoy seeing this kind of enthusiasm in people.

As you might expect the conversation changed to which art is better. I pretty much kept quiet as I really have no interest in this debate. I will however make a comment about it here. First the 'sport' arts don't work on the street. If you don't believe me go to South Chicago and pick a fight. Better yet, let's go to Caracas.

Sport fighters who are successful in real life fights or altercations would have been successful anyways, because that is what is in them. It is never the art, but the artist. Period.

Now the number of MMA sport competitors vs the number of traditional martial arts is not even close. The traditionalists have greater numbers and always will. Most of the sport guys turn to tradition as they grow older.

Martial Art training benefits the entire person, not only his ability to fight or defend himself as many think.

I live in a town that is low in crime and violence (compared to larger cities). If I was truly worried about being attacked I would carry a gun. Can I defend myself? Most certainly I can. But today's world is much different then many martial artists expect.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Kyusho Home Study Course

The expected release date for our Kyusho Home Study Course is fast approaching. It is scheduled to go out on July 20th 2009. We will soon be accepting advanced orders for this course.

Watch our website for further details. Below is a sample video from DVD 1. This is the introduction to the package.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

No Touch Knockout BBX 2009

This knockout was done at Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors' Black Belt Extravaganza May 31st 2009.

Attacking an opponent with directional sound

This video shows using Kyusho and Sound to enhancing a strike against an opponent. 2 sparring pads are used for safety.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

How is Kyusho Taught?

There is a lot of confusion among martial artist about what Kyusho Jitsu is and how it is taught. First let me say that it is not a complete martial art. Second, it is a system that is adapted to the practitioners root art, not changing what they are currently doing, just making it more effective.

That being said if you have never studied a martial art Kyusho will do you little good. When I teach a Kyusho certification course it is typically done over a years time. The session are done once per month for 3 hours. The reason is to give the martial artist time to study and assimilate the materials. Long distance course are done somewhat differently, but I will go into this at a different time.

There are a total of 12 sessions in Novice (36 Hours), then a test, both written and practical are performed for ranking.

The first year of Kyusho is very intense. There is a lot of memory work and understanding. This is why are good, qualified instructor is needed. It takes time to understand how the body works, but once this is understood, you begin to see just how effective the art really is.

For information on what is cover in the session visit our website at Visit the FAQ section.