Saturday, September 24, 2016

Can you use sound in self defense? Is this REAL? Or BS?

Using sound in self defense? Is this real or is this BS? Good question! First lets take a look at sound and the human body.
Back in 1997 my oldest son and I went to a Metallica concert in Detroit Michigan.  Now aside from the fact that the show was AMAZING, there was a sign at the entrance to anyone who is pregnant that they would not be allowed in and their ticket refunded.
The heavy BASS in the their show could cause a person to go into labour. Therefore sound affects the body!
Have you ever listened to music and felt great after or during? How about feeling BAD or ANGRY? Certainly! Yep, there are people insist it cannot be used for any purpose. They are just closed minded!
Many Aikido masters insist O-Sensei used sound in his works. I have no doubt he did!
Personally I have been able to use if very effectively in many situations in the dojo. I have not personally tried in on the street, because I tend to want to avoid those situations! I have had enough of them to last me a lifetime!
Now for the non believer, you are right because you will always get what you believe, what your personal limits are, so ROCK ON!
For the rest of us, if the idea of using sound in self defense holds any interest to you, then pursue it! I do have a little video on the topic of sound and colour you may find helpful. But if not that is cool too!
More Info2

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Does Kyusho Jitsu really need to be so complicated?

What is the hidden fist?
I have taken many different martial arts in my long career. One of the things that would always come up from style to style is "No you are not doing that right, do it this way."

And that is something that often times discourages many martial artists from pursuing more knowledge, the re-learning process. Our way is best.

Honestly i don't believe any style is superior, but the the artist can be!

So why is Kyusho taught with so much information? Is it really all necessary?

Yes it is, because Kyusho won't teach you to move differently, it will teaching you think differently as you move, and think differently about your movement. And thus is why in the hands of a dedicated practitioner it is so very deadly and effective!

The masters of old, as I have said referred to this a "never strikes." But too understand how they did it, you needed to copy exactly what they were doing. Often this was a contradiction to your current style.

As an example:

I come from a Hapkido / Taekwondo Korean arts background. If I wanted to learn pressure points, without the "information" part of the learning I would have to in my case learn American Kenpo because that is what Grand Master Steve Stewart's root art is.

But I would not have done it because I don't wish to learn Kenpo! So men like Dillman, and Stewart created system by which the information could be passed on, without having to change styles and movement.

Make sense?

So we now have all this information thanks to the internet available for FREE, so why would someone want to learn in a classroom or distance via a qualified teacher?

Implementation! First, when you think about all the information available to us, and how fast it is expanding there should be a lot more "well read" people in the world. But it seems like the case is opposite.

The interaction with a good to great teacher helps the process of learning by answering questions, giving opinion and advice, and helping you tailor the art to your needs.

Hopefully all this will help you realize and inspire to you not just read the information.  But to ask questions and put the information to work in your root art.

Have a great day!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Kyusho Jitsu....Is distance learning really possible?

Sunset silhouette of a man practicing martial arts
I had something funny happen yesterday, well I laughed pretty hard when it happen, but in a way it is not funny. A guy saw the ad on Facebook for the Free Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course, registered, confirmed his email, then proceeded to email me telling me because I am talking so much about distance learning I must be a fraud. I thanked him by deleting him from the free course....
I did not respond, mostly because I have no interest in changing his mind. It is not my job. Why did I laugh?
Because first and foremost I am a business man, and my business is martial arts. Back in 2003 after 20 years, I quit a $33 per hour job to take my school from part time to full time. I am good at what I do. And if my ad upsets someone enough to go through all the trouble of writing me, then I am thrilled! This product is not for everyone. But I got a response. Now if they are all negative, then I have a problem. But he is like 3%. My business mentor always says,
"if you have not pissed someone off today, you are not doing your job."
So true!
Now on to the question. Is distance learning possible?
YES...depending on the student!
I am a high school dropout. Everything I have learned, minus the formal martial arts training I received from different teachers over 30 plus years has been distance. All my business training has been about 80% distance, with some coaching in person in there.
I learned to so web design, IT and networking, plus auto mechanics via distance learning programs. Not to mention copywriting and marketing.
You can do a Kyusho distance learning program if you meet the following criteria.
  • You have formal martial arts training. You have training in a dojo.
  • You are self motives and complete tasks.
  • You can follow instructions and read.
  • You have ambition!
This type of training is NOT for you if:
  • Have no formal martial arts training
  • You are a lazy couch potato
  • You don't finish what you start
  • You don't believe you can do it
Otherwise there are really no barriers. My job is to help you understand the materials. So, really if you want to do it, there is no reason you should fail
As long as you do it!
Aside from that I hope you all have a fantastic day!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Multi Language eBooks for Kyusho Jitsu

cover_Page_1 It is really hard to find real good written information on Kyusho Jitsu. There are some awesome books out there and I have bought a ton of them over the years. But they are not specifically designed to make learning easier! Mine are different, they are for the student who is learning the system and needs organization of this learning. That is why they are called "workbooks" Now we have 3 major versions. The novice, advanced and master level. A few years back I had them translated into Spanish, and in fact these are the most popular ones I have. My guess is there is very little in Spanish for kyusho book! But right now a new project is underway in which we will be translating our 3 main books into French, Italian and Romanian! As time goes by Arabic and several other languages too! If you stay tuned to this blog would will know of release dates and pre-orders as they become available! Have a great weekend and don't miss Monday's Vidcast on Kyusho Jitsu World!!!  

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Don't know who I am? Awesome!

Teaching at a Kyusho Seminar for Steve Stewart London On 2010. Teaching at a Kyusho Seminar for Steve Stewart London On 2010.

I had a comment / question on one of my many blogs yesterday from a Kyusho GM. He was curious because when it comes to Dillman's circles he has never heard of me. That is because I am not part of DKI. I have had the privilege to teach at the Muhammad Ali training camp when I was there for a session, but I have never had an interest in begin part of the group.

 My rank in Kyusho comes from that system, but I was taught exclusively by GM Steve Stewart. They are all great martial artists and people. The organization is amazing! But it not my thing. I prefer to do my own thing, in my own way. I always have and always will. Having someone tell me after 32 years what or who or how I can teach just does not work for me.

This is why I am not in any "federation" for the art I teach, and also why I created the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance. Not to upset or ruffle any feathers, but to be on my own path!

You are all welcome to join me if you wish. There is a link here for the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance which will explain what it is. You can also join our FREE Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course.

There is real information there to help you learn on the pressure point path! Have a great day!

Pressure Point Mini Course Signup!

We respect your email privacy

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Great Conspiracy... Are Kyusho Jitsu Knockouts for Real?

knockout So much bad press!!! The Kyusho Jitsu world has been steeped in controversy for years! Most of the controversy comes as a result of some high profile martial artists with an axe to grind with George Dillman. But that is always the price of success. I have has my fair share of ridicule for what I am doing too! But I don't care! There are 3 different types of knockouts possible. Here is the list.
  1. Concussion
  2. Neurological
  3. Death
Pretty simple list really! A drop in blood pressure as an example with cause unconsciousness. That is a neurological based cause. Now concussion knockouts are what most people are used to seeing. IMPACT. This is the norm in boxing as well as MMA events.

 So most people only know of this type of knockout and no other. Thus the point of reference for people when they see a Kyusho KO. Now the Dillman people when Kyusho first came out taught that a knockout COULD be obtained with a small amount of force by hitting the point correctly. This is TRUE. I have done it many times!

However depending the construction of the body, of the person being used it may or may not work. Depends on were the nerve sits and how much "meat" is surrounding it. Not everyone is the same.

I once had a guy I was working with for a demo who after some setup I would going to tap ST-5 and put him down. It is called a DEMONSTRATION. When we were working it out he lied to me about the effect and when I tapped him on ST-5 Nothing happened. I realized I had been "had" so I hit him a second time at ST-5 and he was out. I was not nice, and his face hurt for weeks. Tough shit moron!

Kyusho is not about KO's from light taps. That is part of the learning process and anyone who things otherwise is a DUMBASS. But the martial arts industry is full of "watch dogs" who are self appointed nobodies. More power to them!

Then help me more the hurt me!

 Kyusho Jitsu is not a magic art, there is a lot of work to do. But the result is more then worth the effort required to learn it! In real life you are not going to "tap" ST-5, you are going to hit is with a ton of force. But you will get the results you need.

Many people can stand up to tremendous FORCE when it comes to a hit. But force done to a nerve cluster, a pressure point, the right pressure point will bring results.

If you are not in the Free Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course I really suggest you join in below!  
Pressure Point Mini Course Signup!

We respect your email privacy

Kyusho Jitsu and Interpretation of Kata

 One of the cornerstones of many style of Karate has been the interpretation or bunkai of Kata. There are many, many very traditions methods of looking at these patterns. However kyusho also has Bunkai, in which we are looking for any possible pressure point strike and manipulations.

Sometimes they are exactly the same as the traditional, sometime not. I came originally from a Korean system of Hapkido. We had no hyung or Kata in our system so we used the ones from ITF TaeKwondo, however we did not do them in the same manner as the ITF does.

 I loved the pattern, but I found some of the movement made no sense at all if I was trying to see it from a street defense aspect. As for an art-form, they were beautiful! I would ask questions and often time the answers were nonsensical at best!

When I entered the Kyusho world I got explanations that made sense! I was sold!!! In our mini course we will also be cover the interpretation of patterns or Kata. If you would like to subscribe just follow the link below.

It is totally FREE. Have a great week! More Info2  

Monday, September 12, 2016

Holy CRAP!!!!

I can't believe I am giving all this

Information away for FREE!

Dear Fellow Martial Artist
I know you have seen a lot over the years about the controversial subject of pressure point / Kyusho Jitsu study. There are those who say, like me, that it is the missing link to true success in any martial art. Then there are those who think it is pure crap and a major fraud.
If you are one of those people who think it is crap, I am not sure why you are here, but follow this link!
For those of you who are interesting in taking your martial arts training to a NEW level, please read on!

At last! The Secrets of the Martial Arts Revealed!

Are they really secrets? No, they really are not. But most people don't know them, so they in a way are. The masters of old, the ones so revered today had the knowledge, but these men for the most part kept the real knowledge to themselves, and many could simply not explain it!
So what is Kyusho Jitsu really all about? It is the study of the nervous system of the human body, by means of the ancient ways of meridians (Acupuncture). It is a study in how to attack these points, and also WHY and WHEN to attack these very sensitive parts of the human body.
Now the learning curve is very high. It takes time and study!
But even more important, it can be VERY EXPENSIVE!
By the time myself and my 2 boys had done the basic courses I had already spent about $5000! There are also very few QUALIFIED teachers, who can teach with detailed explanations, and service the student enough to facilitate learning.

The odds are there is not one in your area!

So I created a FREE Course, which is called he Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course to fill this need!

Read what our members have to say about this course!

"This is an amazing opportunity for anyone who wants to learn the art of pressure point. It's taught me a lot and you won't be disappointed. Moves if you take the time to learn them, you can apply to real combat. Thanks " LC Collins
"This is an excellent course that offers a great introduction to Kyusho. Master Mason is also eager to answer any questions you may have. I also have enjoyed some of the discounts on products that are offered in the mini-course. I have even asked my black belts to sign up for it too." C Washington
"Dear grand master mason. I've been impressed with your courses last few years and find you a real master in Kyusho jitsu or as the Chinese say dim mak! Your friend in training.... Yogi dan...."Daniel Mcquaigue
"What I like is that it's online, available anywhere, anytime, which with my schedule between work, college, teaching tae kwon do - I need. Thank you so much for your hard work," J. Turnbow
Now what is so awesome about this BESIDES it is free? There is also ZERO obligation to buy anything EVER! Plus you can opt out at anytime!
You have ZERO RISK!
OK, now on to business!
Fill out your name and email address.
Then go to your email folder and verify the address.
This is ALL THERE IS TO DO! After just read and apply what you are learning!
It's time ACT NOW!

Pressure Point Mini Course Signup!

We respect your email privacy

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Teaching your Own Pressure Point / Kyusho Jitsu Study Groups

E-learning concept. Schooldesk and chalkboard on the laptop keyb My Kyusho Jitsu knowledge did not come from watching videos or reading books. That certainly did enhance it however. But really most of the videos don't teach you anything, they show.

But that is not the point here. I was part of different study groups i Kyusho for about 10 years straight. So I really do understand the benefits of these study groups. This video is for the Dojo Owners / Teachers out there.

Take a look and write me with any questions you might have. Study groups are truly the way to go! For more information on becoming a CERTIFIED Kyusho Jitsu Teacher please follow the link below! Read more here!    

Saturday, September 10, 2016

"Kyusho Jitsu Does NOT Work on the Streets."

[Young man being mugged in a dark tunnel by a violent man

 The mantra spoken by everyone martial arts who studied pressure points and lost a fight! What is the truth? You did not study hard enough, train hard enough and your GIANT ego got your ass whipped. How is that for the TRUTH?

The world is full of wannabes. There are everywhere! My estimate is they number in the billions! Blaming everything but themselves for their shortcomings. Really it makes me laugh. Does Kyusho Jitsu work? Depends on you.

I have spent a lifetime in study of my root art, and in the art of pressure points known as Kyusho Jitsu. Has it worked for me? Yes because I figured out how to apply it all. Success comes to the martial artist because he continues to learn, and then implements his knowledge into his training!

There is no quick fix system that will keep you safe!

But you can buy ones that say they are. If you believe that, I have some property you might wish to look at!

 Will Kyusho Jitsu work for you? Only you know if you have the drive to be successful with it or not! I had a man recently opt out of my free course with a great reason. He said the information was amazing, but at this point he did not have time to study it all. Now that is honesty!

 So how do you learn to apply Kyusho in real life? Easy, first make sure you are proficient at your root style. The movement need to be automatic and part of you! Then study the most important points on the body and the principles that govern their use. Next work them together, drill the hits like you have drilled them before. Nothing changes really but the target, and the tool you might use for the target.

You can learn in great details from my new eBook coming October 1st 2016 which points are the most important and why. You can learn more below! More Info2 Also, if you have not yet joined our FREE Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course you can do so below!

Pressure Point Mini Course Signup!

We respect your email privacy

Friday, September 9, 2016

The Art of "Learning" Kyusho Jitsu or ANYTHING Else!

BASE 80 ALEJANDRA Yes, learning Kyusho Jitsu is an art unto itself! Many, many martial artists who decide to learn all they can about Kyusho Jitsu have a rough time. So after a few months they get pissed off and quit, then as human nature has it, they begin to bad mouth the system rather then admitting they were simply not prepared!

 I have been out of school for centuries...LOL....actually I am high school dropout. But one thing I did do, I learned how to learn, so my situation was always under control and I had the skills needed to succeed!

For many martial artists their first contact with Kyusho Jitsu is a George Dillman or DKI seminar. They are quiet a show too! My first contact was this exactly! But when I decided to pursue more, I knew I need to become organized, because this was not the usual martial art learning process.

First you must become a GREAT note taker. Copious notes as it is referred. Then after the event rewrite these notes in more detail before what you did take note of loses its meaning. Next you must practice!

This is most time not a problem for the martial artist. But you need to use your notes as you practice. This is NOT a cardio workout event! No matter what your rank is lose your ego! Become a REAL wide eyed white belt again! The experience is wonderful!

Now as you are training and discover things take more notes! Don't rely on your memory. I have an photographic memory and I take notes! Most people only retain 20% of what they hear! You need to bump this up to 80%+ If you like the art, and wish to pursue it then INVEST in YOURSELF! You are worth it!

Find GREAT books, videos, charts, courses anything that can help you, that you can afford without taking food from your table. The education will improve you as a martial artist no matter the style of the rank! I began at 6th Dan to learn this!

If you don't know where to begin, then start with our FREE Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course. Yes it really is FREE! There are several hundred people just like you in it, and they love it! I am going to get some testimonials soon from the members and post them. But the great thing about the course is there is no obligation to do anything, and you can leave anytime you wish!

Follow the link below to join NOW! More Info2

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Why Seek Rank in Kyusho Jitsu?

Close up of medical dummy Why should anyone bother to seek rank in Kyusho Jitsu? Why did I do it for that matter? It is not a complete "art" and does require you study a traditional style to make it effective.

The reason is simple, the ability to teach it. Martial artists in one way or another have all been bitten by the bug that drives us to spread our knowledge. Some do it commercially for living like I have, others do it from their basements, but we all do it in one for or another.

 I founder my own art in 2002 because I wanted to learn more, and teach more things. Rather then have multiple arts being taught in my school I incorporated it all together under one name. But Kyusho Jitsu is different. Being that it is more then an "art" it is truly an intellectual study that needs a different kind of attention given to it on the classroom floor.  

So I decided to pursue rank.

Pursuing rank for many is difficult because of the lack of physical teachers available. It is also very expensive with travel and often the need to host seminars with the head of the governing body. With me none of that exists. I have created a simple and affordable way to obtain rank and teaching credentials without a huge cost.

Under the system I came from, which was and still is awesome, my costs where huge!

Take a look at the link below about our Course to 1st Dan Black Belt.

Feel free to email me at with any questions.

The course is awesome and the journey is amazing! More Info

How to BEAT the Kyusho Jitsu Learning Curve

Word Collage "eLearning" As I have said many times, the Kyusho Jitsu learning curve is very high, and that is why i believe so many people never finish the education process in it.

Why is the curve so high?

Lack of organization of the materials into a system to promote easy learning. To facilitate learning, there MUST be systems in place to make it easy. Especially when the majority of the students are adults who have been out of school a very long time. Now when it comes to teaching the martial arts, or kyusho I am the system guy! In my school I have systems in place, as well as curriculum to the rank of 5th Dan Black Belt.

 I have made more Black Belts in 17 years of running a school then most will do in 50 years.  

Why? Systems........

Systems keep people learning and motivated so they train longer! But system also assure the QUALITY of the learning. In my dojo my teachers go through an arduous training program before they begin on the floor.

Now these same system I have brought to Kyusho. These system have been in place in the Kyusho programs I teach in the dojo for years, but now they are being applied to distance learning, as well as unparalleled support for the student.

Read more from the link below about beginning a formal Kyusho Jitsu Certification Program. More Info2

Kyusho Jitsu Theories to Street Application

th Our new upcoming eBook "Kyusho Jitsu Theories to Street Applications" is coming along very well! It is scheduled for release to the public on October 1st. What will be covered in this new book?
  • Pressure Points that can be taught to children to deal with adults
  • Pressure Point to end any hand to hand conflict
  • How these points work and why!
  • Knockouts on the street
  • Dealing with drugs and alcohol
  • Much much more!
This is a project I am very exciting about! So far a lot of people can taken the opportunity to preorder this ebook and so are rewarded with a special discount. If this interests you please follow the link below! More Info2

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Pressure Points and the Micros Cosmic Orbit Part 1

This is the first of 2 videos on the minor micro cosmic orbit. For anyone unfamiliar with this term it refers to the flow of energy in the human body. Later I will do a much larger video series on this. If you enjoy our video, agree or disagree please subscribe to our channel.

Your comments, like and favoring help us to prove more content for free!


The X or Crossover Stance

Pressure Points Canada The last stance we will look at in this series is the crossover or X Stance. In this video you can see how it can be used in an effective manner.

Please subscribe to our channel also so we can bring you more great FREE content!

What is Chi? is it real?

chi This post is to help those of you interested in chi and chi development to understand what it is and how it works. First there is nothing mystical about it. It is not bullshit as some closed minded martial artists and some of the general public think. It gets down to simple physic and biology.

Why is it not being studied? Simply there is NO MONEY TO BE MADE WITH CHI RESEARCH. So if you want to explore it, then it is up to you. If you think it is bullshit click here and get a life.

 Our body is a system of nerves all operating with an electrical current. The nerves like wires have an insulator to keep them from short circuiting and current to flow properly. The current is AC and depending on the nerve will vary in frequency. Any time you have electric flowing through wires in the presence of iron you will develop a phenomenon called induction.

Just like the winding of a transformer, which is wrapped around an iron core, the secondary wire develops and electric current without any physical direct connect. The energy created on the outside of the nerve from the current is what we call CHI. Very simply. When a current in one wire of a transformer is altered, the second wires current is changed also. Thus chi building, projection, and all the other energies associated with it.

Whether you believe this or not has no relevance on whether it is real or not. It will never be studies as I have said because no one can get rich doing it. End of story. I have been developing chi for over 25 years and teaching people how to do it. It is a person journey, and there is little I can do to advise you because you have to feel for yourself. And like anything else in life i you think you can you are correct and if you think you can't you are also correct.

Below is a basic video to get you started. If you enjoy our videos please subscribe to our channel and hit the like button, comments are awesome too! This helps us to bring you more great content for free!

Kyusho Jitsu World Chi Development Course


There is a new and very exciting project on our table! That is the Chi Development Course we have coming within the next few weeks. If this is a topic that interests you, then this is what you have been waiting for!

There will be a mail list that is similar to the FREE Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course we offer here, and it will include a FREE white paper to get you started on learning how to develop chi and use it for healing!

 My son Scott is putting this together right now! It will be amazing! This has been a lifelong interest for him, and he is a Reiki Master also. But this course won't be about Reiki!

 So stay tuned to this blog, as well as our Kyusho Jitsu World Website for its launch!