Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The AMAZING Secrets to Understanding Kata

What is the, or are there secrets locked inside of your Kata? The answer to this question is not as straight forward as you may think!
Today violence is on the rise on our streets. You can have all the warm and fuzzy feelings you like, but the stats show the truth. The possibility of being attacked are very very high! After all this is why you got involved in martial arts training right?
Today there is in my view a BIG problem with many training in the arts. People have become obsessed with conditioning. Conditioning the body to be the BEST it can be....Nice......but!
Very FEW are conditioning the MIND!
Now don't get me wrong I am not against physical fitness. My good health is tied to this, however without the mind being involved, and I watch many train and it is not, your likelihood of success in an attack is low.
Kata today is often taught for the purpose of performance, like a dance or a gymnastics routine. That is fine, but it leaves on the table the real VALUE of learning a Kata. The reason we learn to make the moves part of us, and be able to use them in real life.
Now this is where many superficial martial artists laugh. But the truth is, if you train the mind when you train the body, training the mind in what is potentially happening in the Kata, then you create a machine, that with time is almost unstoppable!
So back to the question, what are the secrets? The secrets of Kata are in the learning of HOW to interpret, so the unconscious mind will use the movement when they are needed.
If you would like to discover more, visit this link!
Kata Interpretation

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Neurological Pressure Point Knockouts

The past few weeks I have been talking a lot about neurological pressure point knockouts. I am doing this for a few very good reasons. One is they can make the difference in a self defense situation, the difference between winning and losing, and even life and death.
Plus I really want people to benefit from the Free Pressure Point Knockout Video Course we are offering right now.
However I want to discuss today what is going to be in this new eBook I am making available in July 2017. The book will go into detail how to be successful doing Kyusho Jitsu / Pressure Point Knockouts on the street. I am going to remove all the mystery that has surrounded these and explain in 2 different ways WHY they work.
I will discuss -
  1. The Kyusho Jitsu Theories of how and why they work.
  2. The MEDICAL reasons of how and why they work
This will give the reader / student all the tools to perform Pressure Points Knockouts with NO BS about making them effective!
I will discuss in details HOW to GET -
  • Head Knockouts
  • Body Knockouts
  • Arm Knockouts
  • Leg Cookout
Plus you will understand from a neurological standpoint WHY these work! And to me, this understanding is of utmost importance! This is how real confidence in your ability can be created!
Now I am pulling no punches here.
This new eBook which you can pre-order NOW from the link at the bottom of this post for ONLY $14 is a massive steal!
It is also highly suggested you join the NEW Pressure Point Knockout Course at Kyusho Jitsu University.  These 2 products go hand in hand! As I mentioned above you can join this course right now and get your first 3 videos FREE. There is no obligation to continue either!
I can't make it much easier!
Follow the link below and get all the details on the new eBook and join the FREE 3 Video Kyusho Jitsu Knockout Course NOW!
Join Our Free Kyusho Jitsu Knockout Course!

New Neurological Knockout eBook

Monday, May 29, 2017

Education is the Key to Martial Arts Training

I am not much of a traditionalist. After 16 years of making sure everything I did followed the traditions set forth by my first Grand Master Instructor, who was very dogmatic about everything,  I began to see things in a different light.
I came to believe and realize that things in the world had changed a lot, there was no honour in combat, and martial arts had gone to far to the sport aspect. So I began to pursue knowledge.
Today violence is growing on the streets of most cities in the world, and any rules of engagement are long gone. This is why it is so important for the martial arts student and teacher to continue to evolve in the arts of combat and self defense.
And knowledge is the key!
The many, many truths of the martial arts simply are not relevant any longer. One is that you need to be in tip top physical shape at all times. I have done this, but now as I am pushing 60 I realize this is just not possible, and even if I train 4 hours per day, I am not 21 any more. And that is the age group that will be the attacker statistically speaking.
Mindless repetition is also not enough. There needs to be reasons and neurological connections to what is really happening in the movements.
You have to be smarter, you need tools to equalize the advantage the attacker has on you. This is why Kyusho is the game changer!
We offer 2 excellent FREE Courses to get you started on making your root style of martial arts more effective with out changing what you are doing.
Follow these links below to learn more today!
Free Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course

Free Kyusho Jitsu Knockout Mini Course
Free Kyusho Jitsu Knockout Mini Course

Sunday, May 28, 2017

New eBook Coming on Neurological Pressure Point Knockouts

Since the creation of our Free 3 Video Kyusho Jitsu Knockout Course I have had about 10 people ask me to do an eBook on it.  Now that is actually a significant numbers as the number of people who join a course versus the ones who ever email it what makes this so important too me!
That being said I am adding one more eBook to my list to be finished by fall of this year!
This eBook will be available on July 15th 2017 or sooner, as this is a quicker write for me because of my notes.  Likely it will be sooner as I am close to finishing the Principle of the Grand Master.
But yes! I will also do a pre-order for the eBook, and the price will blow you away!
Follow the link below and learn more!

Friday, May 26, 2017

What is a Neurological Knockout? Pressure Point Knockouts 101

Pressure Points are the Equalizer!
What is a neurological knockout? Here is the definition for you.

Caused by a short circuit, overload, or imbalance in the central nervous system (involving both the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems).

This can be using Kyusho Jitsu techniques. It may also be caused by extreme stress, emotions, shock, or extreme trauma to any area of the body (a broken or crushed limb for example). This kind of knockout can also be chemically induced (alcohol, toxins, allergies).
Now why is this so important? First I will say in Self Defense it it CRITICAL. Over the years of various sport activities like boxing, TKD style fighting and hockey I have had way too many concussions! One was a spin hook kick that fractured my skull above my left year.
But only once is about 5 did I lose consciousness, and it was not the skull fracture. It was boxing and I did not see the punch coming!

Caused by blunt trauma to the head resulting in bruising or damage to one or more areas of the brain as it collides with the inside of the skull. This can be caused by heavy impact to the skull such as a martial arts strike, a fall, car accident, etc...
One of the interesting things about concussion is that it does not always lead to unconsciousness, to trying to defend only using blunt force or trauma can get you into a world of trouble!
Hit a nerve bundle correctly and you WILL get  knockout!
This is why it is so critical in my view to have a SOLID pressure point  / kyusho jitsu education!
Recently I put together a new knockout course, which cover many of the basics of doing neurological knockouts! This is a 3 Video Course and it totally FREE!
Click this link and sign up now! It will only take a minute!
Join Our Free Kyusho Jitsu Knockout Course!

Memorial Day Weekend Special - Kyusho Stuff!

This weekend, being the last weekend of May is the USA's Memorial Day Weekend! So for some fun I am going to run a few special deals for everyone!
Here we go! Checkout the links!
Don't wait! You don't want to miss these weekend specials!
Have a great day!

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Truth About Self Defense and Pressure Points

A young woman defends herself against an male attacker
There is a lot of misinformation out there when it comes to self defense.  The basis of this information is you need to be in great physical shape at all time ( not possible, sorry) and you need to fight a lot in order to assure victory.
All the above is called "street fighting." Conflict is easy to find too, especially in the USA.  Just go to any city, find the bad end of town and shoot off your mouth. Your dreams will come true. But make sure you pay your hospital insurance first!
I had a guy once say to me he has been in more fights than he can remember and pressure points didn't help.  Two comments on this, first this guy is a dumbass, "more fights than he can remember" should not be a point of pride, Plus not knowing something, but thinking you do because of your ego and this is all ego,  will always lead to failure. Pressure Points / Kyusho won't fix stupid! Live by the sword.......
I recently received an unsolicited email from a guy claiming "get my free DVD and you will defeat any attacker." Do you see why martial arts has received so much negativity about its effectiveness in the last 20 years? This claim is almost liable! (But I am sure he has fine print.)
My mandate in Kyusho is to create "structure" for learning, a method of teaching that will help everyone involved not just the "naturals." I teach content that can be applied to the students root art to help THEM make it effective for real self defense! 
Not everyone in any system is able to defend themselves! That goes back to a "self image" issue. The self image must be built, then confidence grows with skill, and then effectiveness is possible!
How is this done?
  • Teaching with SYSTEMS
  • Congruent information
  • Support
Taught properly, the student learns, sees the applications in his or her own system themselves, applies the information and becomes "personally effective." It is not about creating commando! That is the military's job.
Now I have taught this information, the way I teach it, to both police and military. The feedback is always the same. "Pressure Points Work!"
But the application of this knowledge was them, not me! Now I make no claims to be "the best in the world," or the "knockout king." I do claim to be the best "teacher" you are likely to find. I do claim if you do what I say you will learn! As far as beyond that, success is based on your view, what you do with the knowledge I will share with you.
Knowledge is not power, application of knowledge is power!
Have a great day everyone!

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Kyusho Jitsu and Body Typing, what element are you?

LU-7 and TW-11
Are you familiar with "body typing" as it pertains to Kyusho Jitsu and self defense? Now this is a very advanced principle and most people in Kyusho have heard about it, but few really know what it is all about. Now lets do a basic breakdown so you will know what I am talking about. Ever person contains all five of the elements we talk about in the Cycle of Destruction as well of course in the Cycle of Creation. What is interesting about this is that each person has a primary element. One element that is stronger in the body than the rest are. And that is a weakness when it comes to defense against a pressure point attack.
Now I will tell you my primary element is FIRE. I have certain physical traits that disclose that to someone who is in the know. I hide of these traits! Do you know which one? This is why I have a picture of myself in this email so you can take a look and see if you understand why I am FIRE?

Now there is more to in than just physical appearances, there is also many other personality based traits that will distinguish the primary element of a person! Now how does knowing this help in a self defense situation? Well for one, since fire is so high in my body you should know that "water" is very effective against me! Now it is beyond the scope of an email to explain this entire principle! You need a lot more information! But this is one of the most important Principles of the Grand Master that separates them from the average Kyusho Jitsu practitioner and many Master level Teachers!
In the next couple of weeks I have an new eBook coming out that will go into detail on this and several other Principles of the Grand Master! If you would like to learn more about this incredible eBook and save a pile of money by preordering you copy, follow the link below!

Don't miss out! Once the book is released the deal is gone, perhaps sooner!
Have a great week!

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Healing the Body with Chi Manipulation

People don't want to believe any longer in anything other than what science or the medical sciences tell them.  How  successful has medical science really been in the last 50 years at curing anything? The really BIG breakthroughs that affected the mass population were at the beginning of the 20th century.
Have they cured much of anything lately? Now I am never going to tell you not see a doctor about a medical condition. But I am going to tell you that you need to take your health and well being into your own hands.
The picture above it my left hand from this morning, after the almost 100 degree centigrade (212F) water in my French Coffee Press blew up in the palm of my hand. This was along with coffee grounds.  I did not run to the sink for cold water, I did swear a lot because of the mess. However I know what to do to prevent the burn by manipulating my chi.  I have had fingers slip into deep fryers, and multiple other things like this happen. Never a blister or any sign of a burn afterward. It is usually a little sore for a few hours, but that goes away.
I have been studying this stuff for almost 30 years now, so I am not the norm. However anyone can begin to work with their own body energy and the power of their own mind to take their health and well being into their own hands.
Take a few moments and visit the website below and get your copy of my son Master Scott's FREE eBook on beginning with Chi Manipulation. You have nothing to lose!

Friday, May 19, 2017

Pressure Point Leg Knockouts

Back many years ago I had a video on YouTube that they deleted and I have no idea why, however it was me doing a knockout on leg point SP-11.
I have never bothered to repost it as I assume it will just be deleted again. So how is this possible? Is this possible? The answer is YES. There are many places you have get neurological pressure point knockouts other than the head.
Here are some examples..
  • The Neck
  • The Body
  • The Legs
  • The Arms
But how is this possible? It is tied to the function of the nerve at that point in the body. And yes, with proper training ANYONE can do these. It is not magic!
So here is something really cool to get you started! You can sign up right now for a 3 video series on understanding how to do Pressure Point / Kyusho Jitsu Knockouts!
You will get 3 downloadable videos on doing a knockout from a push, a grab and a punch!
Sign up today! It is FREE!
Join Our Free Kyusho Jitsu Knockout Course!

Monday, May 15, 2017

The Kyusho - Kata Connection. How it works!

When I first began my martial arts training things with my instructor were done the old way. "Shut up, don't talk, don't ask questions, do as I say, TRAIN."
This method did work for some people. But as I look at the number of people who went through that system versus how many of us are left, it was an utter failure. But for some "martial arts masters" even today a high drop out rate is a point of pride. "They could not cut it with me." Egotistical CRAP.
For me the point of pride is reaching people. Teaching them to be safe, defend themselves and their family. But sadly there is no quick fixes for this. The reason is the years of programming people have received that damages their self worth. That is why there are only a handful of "star" athletes compared to the population. It is not that they are special, other than the programming they received at a young age. But sadly many of them end up failures too. (Drugs etc).
One of the things martial arts training should do is build self confidence. Taught correctly it does! But it also needs to properly program the subconscious mind to accept certain moves, and then be able to apply them.
But here is the catch, muscle memory is not enough! The unconscious mind needs an association and a reason to do the movements.
Thus the Kyusho/Kata connection.  It is a link between intelligent thought, and unconscious movement. But the student needs to "discover" WHY this movement happens, not to be TOLD what it is! As Bruce Lee spoke, "all knowledge is self knowledge" and martial arts training, KATA training is about discovery, NOT DOGMA.
When the mind and body come together as one the results are magic. Any long time martial arts student has had these "AH-HA" moment in training. The object is to have more of them!
Right now I am putting together a NEW course in learning HOW to interpret, see the applications of movement in you own Kata regardless of style.  These discoveries will help you make these movement part of yourself, thus making it possible to use them under high stress situations.
Follow the link and take a look!

Sunday, May 14, 2017

The 15 Principles of Kyusho Jitsu

Wednesday is the day! My new eBook on the 15 Principles Plus One of Kyusho Jitsu will be released for those who pre-ordered it! It is not too late yet to pre-order and save a substantial amount of money over the list price.
So what is covered in the eBook? The first 5 Principles.
  • Attack Along the Meridian
  • Attack Using the Cycle of Destruction
  • Attacking Using Yin and Yang
  • Attack Using Correct Body Mechanics
  • Attack with Tempo or Rhythm
Then I will go into details on the 2nd 5!
  • Attack Using the 24 Hour Diurnal Cycle
  • Attack Using the Correct Stance
  • Attack  Using Colour
  • Attack Using Sound
  • Attack Using the Cycle of Emotions
Finally I will go into details on the final 5…..
  • Attack by Stacking Elements
  • Attack with the Minor Microcosmic Orbit
  • Attack Using Quadrants
  • Attack Using Directional Energy
  • Attack Using Vibration Energy Transfer (Changing Elements on the fly)
Follow this link and and pre-order before the price goes up!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Some of What is being Passed today as Self Defense Scares Me

In the last few days I have seen 2 separate videos of women doing self defense, one against an armed assailant, the other against multiple attackers and all I can say is really? It would make a great movie scene!
Problem number one, with the current popularity of MMA style fighting people get the wrong idea of what self defense really is and there are many "organizations" taking advantage of this, and will end up getting someone hurt.
Problem number two, because the "instructor" has certain skills he or she will often think they are somehow transferable to real life.  I throw one hell of a spin hook kick, but it is for demonstration, not street.
The girl in the multiple attack video is very talented, she could be in movies or a stunt person. However, those men who were all attacking her, with adrenaline flowing, she may have defended against the 1st one, but she would be done afterward. But the choreography was awesome! Selling it as street defense, NO WAY, as a martial arts for demonstration or self improvement and fitness, 100 percent!
The woman against the gun and knife, well she died many times over. Her disarms will get her shot! Many peoples disarms do not work because guns go off far easier than people think. Especially when you take into account the mental state of the person holding the gun!
The knife work was even worse. There is nothing more dangerous than a knife! Bullets go straight, blades do not. Plus 99% of knife attacks are fast and the knife is not ever seen. They are rarely ever big lunging stabs like are depicted in movies.
Back in Canada I carried a knife with me at all times.  I have had several occasions to have it in my hands. If I needed to use it no one would have seen it coming!
Do not confuse sport with real life. Sport fighters need to have real self defense skills because their physical condition will not be an asset all their lives. Plus if they are well know they can be a target!
What is needed? A SOLID martial art or self defense system that is honest in their mandate. I am NOT a sports guy. If someone came to me and said they wanted to be a MMA fighter I would send them to someone qualified to help them.
So a solid martial art / self defense system that has an true interest in REAL self defense, plus integrates pressure point usage to assure a fast end to any altercation.
If you are new to pressure points check out the link below to our FREE Kyusho Jitsu / Pressure Point Mini Course!
Join Our Free Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course!

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Kyusho Jitsu Projects on the Table

It is a very busy time for me, perhaps the busiest I have ever been. But there are some great things on the horizon! So today I will take a few minutes of time and give you the short list of what is coming.
eBooks: Read more from the links
  • The 15 Principles Plus One of Kyusho Jitsu - This eBook is available for preorder now at a BIG discount, but soon that preorder will end. It will be released on June 1st 2017, perhaps sooner.
  • Kyusho Jitsu Principles of the Grand Master - This final eBook in the series will be available on Canada Day, July 1st 2017. This one is also available to preorder and save.
  • The Dim Mak Project - The most ambitious and unusual of my works, this eBook will discuss and explain the "death touch" and how it can work under the right conditions. I am doing a preorder for this one also, but expect to bring it to an end shortly too. Release date is Fall 2017. Exact date to be announced
Video: Yes I have some NEW Video Series and Courses coming
  • The Interpretation of Kata - This is going to be a NEW and unique perspective on how to interpret your styles Kata for Kyusho applications. It will be in 3 parts. There is currently no preorder or release date.
That is all for the moment! Don't forger if you are new to the exciting word of Kyusho Jitsu to join our FREE Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course below!
Join Our Free Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course!
Oh yes and don't forget about the RMATC - The Romanian Martial Arts Training Camp coming July 2018! More information from the link below!
RMATC Information Page

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Update: Kyusho Jitsu Seminar in Alicante, Spain

On Saturday June 17th 2017 I will be in Alicante, Spain Grand Master Art Mason will be doing a full day Kyusho Jitsu Seminar cover many, many topics! For more information on this event, and to reserve your spot please visit the link below!

You can add your name for information there or also email Master Federico Asensio.
You don''t want to miss this one!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

In Kyusho Jitsu do REAL Elements Work Against the Body?

This was a question asked of me recently with regards to the use of a wooden cane.  "If I was to strike into ST-05 with the crook of a wooden cane would that have the same cycle of destruction effect as a strike in a stance?"
Short answer is YES, actually if done correctly a "greater" effect!
Some people, who talk before they educate themselves will say that there are none of these elements in the body.  WRONG - Go read the chemical composition of a human body. It is all there!
Now it is beyond this article to backward engineer the elements to the medical condition that happens if one of more are lacking in the body. But as a quick reference, take a look at IRON deficiency. Yeah IRON is a metal and your body contains it in the blood! I won't even address water!
So how about an experiment? Get a metal and a wooden object. Each small, but rounded at the end you are going to use as to not damage the skin.
We will use 2 points, Spleen 11 and Gall Bladder 24. Push both objects into each point and note which one is most effective for each element the points / meridians represent.
You will find that.
  • Wood is more effect at spleen 11 than metal
  • Metal is more effect at GB-24 than wood (but this one will be closer)
There is a lot to this! We are progressing into some serious advanced materials with this! If you want to REALLY learn more about the art and science of the pressure point system known as Kyusho Jitsu check out the link below!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Basics of Kata Interpretation

Kata Interpretation
The interpretation of Kata is one of many important aspects of Kyusho study. However, from a self defense standpoint there is a lot more!
Now many of the very old Kata have some set interpretations and that is very cool! However, teaching someone to interpret something by showing them what it is, well that is not really teaching. Tradition is awesome, but in my view there needs to more.
Words matter, they are very powerful and they have BIG influence on your mind. The ability to defend yourself goes far beyond "style" and right into teaching and deprogramming certain beliefs some people can have.
Are you aware that the term "block" is wrong?  For many people, not everyone, if you teach them "block" they will not ever do it under pressure. If you use the word "strike" they will be more likely to do so. Therefore, the best method to teach for self defense is that every block is really a strike.  The very definition of the word block messes up the connection between the conscious and unconscious mind.
Block - verb -make the movement or flow in (a passage, pipe, road, etc.) difficult or impossible.
An example is using a "down block" better called a "down strike" to redirect the kick.  Redirect and block do not have the same meaning!
So how does all this relation to Kata Interpretation? Very simple, you teach the student, guide the student into seeing things themselves in the Kata, and not just telling them what is there! If they discover it, then a connection is made in the brain, and this increasing the likelihood of them being able to use said technique in real life.
With that in mind I am in the process of creating a NEW video series on the Basics of Kata Interpretation. It will be  3 part series, each coming at different times. I have not done a video series like this in years so this will be fun!
Keep you eyes on our Video Site for information on its release dates.
Have a great day!