Thursday, September 23, 2010

What are Pressure Point Study Groups?

What are Pressure Point Study Groups? Well each year in my home Dojo I hold a one year long Novice Study Group of my students and any other local martial artists looking to learn the art of pressure points known as Kyusho Jitsu.

The course runs one calendar year and is held once per month on a Saturday for 3 hours. If the person taking the course holds the rank of Black Belt in their root art, they are then allowed to take a 3 hour certification exam, and if successful earn their Black Belt in Kyusho as well. For under belts the process is a little different, but a similar result is gained.

So what happens to someone who is not local, and has no instructor in their area? There are several options depending on what goal is wished to be obtained. For those interested in just the knowledge their are various courses like our Online Course and our Home Study Course. But the option of in Dojo study does still exist.

The easiest way to get started is to host a seminar at your Dojo and invite as many as possible to attend. I can travel to your location a teach whatever time frame of seminar you are looking for. We can then gather interested parties and setup a Study Group held every 3 months, for the entire weekend, covering 3 months of material. Testing and promotions to Black Belt would then be like here in my home Dojo. Certification is done under Kyusho International Alliance Research - KIA.

This would also be a similar senerio for those who graduate the Novice Program but still wish to learn more. For more information on hosting a Pressure Point Seminar follow this link. You can also sign up to receive a FREE 40 minute Pressure Point Seminar to watch on your computer. You can also email me at and use Seminars in the subject line for a faster response.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Introduction to Setup Points

Setup Points are one of the most important things in Pressure Point Study, and when applied to your root art can and will make your self defense techniques far more effective. This short video is an introduction to working with setup points.

If you would like more information on our Online Course please visit the link provided.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Course on Knockouts Now Available

Our Course on doing Pressure Point Knockouts is now available! For costs and sign up information follow this LINK.

Below is a sample video of an advanced KO, done in a very safe manner. This course will teach from the very basic and simple KO, to the more advanced and unusual KO. However proper resuscitation methods will also be taught.

The course will feature 2 KO's per month for the student to practice. Students are encouraged to submit video of themselves performing the knockout for critique. This course is perfect for current pressure points student who wish to take their knowledge to a new level! It also, like our other courses offers a 7 day Free Trial.

For more information or if you have questions please email

Friday, September 17, 2010

What are setup Points?

One of my online students sent me a message the other day asking about Pericardium 6 and if it was really a good setup point. The answer is YES, but here is a little more information to help you out...

PC-6 is a great setup point. I can easily be touched during a fingerlock or any other grappling move. I will usually try to use my pericardium there. Holding this point during a strike will magnify the effects of the strike.

Experiment with PC-6 and you can see the different results for yourself. Keep track of what you are doing, then look for techniques in your style, that have become automatic that these techniques can be worked into.

Another great point is Spleen 6, which is located on just above the ankle on the inside of the foot. This point is also called Triple Yin as there are three Yin Meridians running in this location and all are affected when SP-6 is struck. This point is very popular for use my people demonstrating Knockout Techniques.

The other meridians in the area are Liver and Kidney. If you have any questions of would like more information our our course visit the links below.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Help with the Diurnal Cycle

Once again we have done it! Here is another great reference tool to help all of you who are earnestly studying Pressure Points. It is the 24 Diurnal Cycle Tablet. This will make the memorization and learning of this cycle much simpler.

This tablet right now is being offer for only $15.00 plus shipping. Shipping in Canada is $5.00, the USA is $7.50 and $10.00 international! You can order your copy below.

Shipping takes approximately 2 weeks depending on location and customs. Order today while they are still at this amazing price of only $15.00!!

Order in Canada

Orders to the USA

International Orders

Monday, September 13, 2010

What is a Knockout?

What is a Knockout? How does it happen? Are there different kinds of knockouts? This is a re post from back in March 2010, but it is information that is always worth posting a second and even a third time. This was originally written by Master Chad Barry.


Caused by blunt trauma to the head resulting in bruising or damage to one or more areas of the brain as it collides with the inside of the skull.

This can be caused by heavy impact to the skull such as a martial arts strike, a fall, car accident, etc...


Caused by a short circuit, overload, or imbalance in the central nervous system (involving both the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems).

This can be using Kyusho Jitsu techniques. It may also be caused by extreme stress, emotions, shock, or extreme trauma to any area of the body (a broken or crushed limb for example). This kind of knockout can also be chemically induced (alcohol, toxins, allergies).


Caused by limiting the oxygen supply to the brain.

This can be caused by choking or strangulation involving the air supply, the flow of blood or both. It can also be caused by impact to veins or arteries causing a disruption in the flow of blood, or by dislodging plaque from the arterial walls causing clots. This is one of the reasons why we tend not to do KO's on persons over the age of 40.

Other causes such as stroke, cardio vascular disease and respiratory ailments such as asthma are considered Cardio/Respiratory issues but may also be triggered Neurologically.

For more information on knockout also see this post.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Course Coming on Doing Presure Point Knockouts

Well after a little marketing research I have decided to go ahead with the idea of having a course on doing Pressure Point Knockouts. There are definitely enough people interested! So the work will commence this weekend and with any luck we will be up and running by sometime in October or maybe sooner.

Below is a sample video of an advanced KO, done in a very safe manner. This course will teach from the very basic and simple KO, to the more advanced and unusual KO. However proper resuscitation methods will also be taught.

The course will feature 2 KO's per month for the student to practice. Students are encouraged to submit video of themselves performing the knockout for critique. Watch our Online Course Website for costs and startup dates, which will be coming soon.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Understanding the Diurnal Cycle

One of the biggest challenges students of Kyusho face is the memorization of certain items, one of which is the 24 hour Diurnal Cycle. now here I have something that will truly help you out with this learning challenge! It is our NEW Diurnal Cycle Wheel.
This 2 page document can be printed in colour and laminated to be durable. It will give you all the information you need on the diurnal cycle at a glance. Best of all you can order the e electronic download copy in PDF format for only $10!!!

Order you copy right now below. You will receive a download link via EMAIL within minutes to a few hours depending on the time of day.

Correct Pressure Point Application

Back a few posts ago I showed a video from another martial art system claiming their technique employed the use of pressure points. They identified two points, but really did nothing in the technique to active the points or the meridian. To refresh your memory here is the original post.

I also in the post identified how I would map the technique from their system to truly use pressure points to get a predictable result. Below is a video I made last night demonstrating the same techniques with proper use of Pressure Point Principles.

Pressure Points are not something that can be just hit. Otherwise we would be in constant pain ourselves from bumping up against things in our enviroment. In the orginal example the attack was on HT-2 and HT-3. In the example both points are struck, however HT-3 is a rub or touch point, and the attack on HT-2 was the wrong angle and direction.

In my example above I attack LI-20, using other principles and get a knockdown. When the correct principles are employeed, the result is much different! Now I do want to mention that I do applaud this group creating these videos. They are truly trying to help out their fellow martial artists and students. However it is best, in my view to truly understand pressure points before you start to teach them.

Just my thoughts...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

How Pressure Points can fit into any Martial Art Style

This video explains how when taught properly, pressure point systems and application can fit into any art, without changing the current structure or techniques.

For more information on learning Pressure Points please visit any of the sites listed below.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Pressure Points are Not Hit and Miss

Pressure Points are becoming a 'buzz' word in martial arts. I know buzz word is an old term, but it seems to be true in this case. There is however a lot of misinformation out there. It is not done purposefully, just as an attempt to make people think you know something, or simply band wagon jumping. Remember Kick Boxing?

Once in a while in the morning I will surf the video world and look at what there is new in pressure point videos. Today I found an interesting one. It is posted below and I will comment on it after wards.

Now I have watched a few of these videos and they are OK. But what pressure point is this lady actually striking? The diagram he is giving after the video is Heart 2 and 3. However on his attack of the young lady it is the lung meridian that is exposed because of the position of his fist. She crosses Pericardium and Heart.

Plus, the angle and direction of the strikes are incorrect. The best result will be to strike down the arm, in the direction of the energy flow. Plus HT-3 is not a strike point. She is also very likely to hit Large Intestine, because of the rotation of the arm. The applications are just not correct for the tools being used. She may get a result, but the result will not be from pressure point activation, nor will she be able to predict a result.

Now for a better result with her 'cross slapping block' from a pressure point aspect would be to parry the strike with her right hand, slapping at the wrist, thus getting an activation on Heart, Pericardium and Lung and then move inward and hit LI-20 or another face point with her left hand. This would give her a predictable result, and activation of several meridian. She would be using the correct striking action for Heart and Pericardium as well as being able to use stance in the application.

Please understand my intention is not to bash anyone or any technique! Pressure points are a study, then a careful integration into your style of martial art. Saying or selling anything else is an injustice. From what I can see she has learned a few points, is hitting them and hoping everything will be OK. It would be much better to do the technique, hit hard, and leave the pressure point references out.

If you would like to learn more about Pressure Points please checkout our Online Course. The 1st 7 days are FREE.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Understanding How Pressure Point Knockout Occur

Knockouts can be very frustrating for many Kyusho practitioners. This happens because they do not yet understand and apply the principles required to make these KO's happen. As I have written before there are different types of knockouts. In pressure point study we are looking at the neurological knockout, not the blunt trauma knockout. Anyone can cause a blunt trauma KO.

To get a pressure point knockout requires you understand the principles that come into play, as well as have a good knowledge of the different pressure points on the body. This is what I am looking at doing, with this new course that I am considering adding to our services. Teaching people with pressure point knowledge to do these KO's safely and effectively.

Take a look at this video, which is a simple Alarm Point activation knockout. After the video I will explain what has happened.

Now this techniques begins with a double lapel grab. Being that Hapkido is my root art, we deal with these kinds of situations often. During this type of grab the attacker and the defender are exchanging energy because of the contact. Let's look at all the things that are happening here.

First, in this grab my Uki has his hand touching my lung meridian, at LU-01 specifically. We are both standing in a small forward bo, or a fire stance. I now have fire and metal applied, the metal is because he is touching my LU-01, the fire from my stance and his.

I now strike Alarm Point ST-25, which is the Alarm Point for Large Intestine. When I strike an alarm point I activate the meridian on both sides of the body, as well as Triple Warmer on both side of the body. But because I am striking ST-25 bi-laterally, I activate the Stomach Meridian bi-laterally also.! Now you should see Fire, Medal and Earth.

Next I strike LI-10 on the arm, hitting both sides of the body. Large Intestine is already activated from the Alarm Point hit! Now I drive the energy towards me, loosening the hands and causing the knees to buckle, the head to come forward. I move up to Gall Bladder on the head for some Wood Element and then ST-05 for the KO.

What principles have I employed?

  • Cycle of Destruction

  • Attack along the Meridian

  • Attack using Alarm Points

  • Attack using the Diurnal Cycle.

  • Attack with tempo

  • Attack with correct body mechanics

See because all the above were employed the KO was easy to accomplish. I must also add INTENT to the list of reason for success. Without intent you will not be successful....ever!

Now please take a look at this POST and give us your opinion on the POLL at the bottom. Your voting will help determine if this course becomes a reality.

Course on doing Knockouts

This was an idea that came to me the other day. If I had a course, that taught Knockouts, how many people would be interested? The idea is relatively simple. Like the online course you sign up and pay a monthly tuition. You would receive videos and support on doing knockout as demonstrations for your students, classes etc.

Perhaps call it should be called a coaching group? It would be for people with pressure point knowledge, not beginners to the system. I would not be teaching principles, just a hit here and there using this stance etc. Same I could critique your ideas and help with problems.

This is just a rough outline, more information will become available as time goes on. Please take the poll below to give me some idea of the interest for this course!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Things are Different Today

Today things in the martial arts are very different. People don't train as often or as hard as they did in the days of old. Now I am not talking about the 60's and 70's, I am talking about the days when the master of old were just starting out.

The master of old knew things and did things we could only dream of, but this knowledge came from repetition. Men like Funakoshi and Oyata were men of a different era of the arts. Back in those days you would train on a single kata for years on end. With today's belt systems there are many more kata, and motivation is very different. This will cause techniques to not be fully understood.

The master of old were pressure point experts, today the majority of martial artist and instructor know little to nothing about these systems, even if they think they do. Why is this? Because they lacked the repetition to learn them from their kata and kumite.

Now today we are once again becoming fortunate in the way the arts are being taught. Masters of old have come forward and begun to teach what they know. Now as the years go by this information is being researched and refined. Thus, the dawning of the Pressure Point art of Kyusho Jitsu.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Pressure Point Study Aids

Learning something like Kyusho can be a challenge. Especially in the novice year of study there is so much information that must be memorized and understood. I can recall my first year of study very well! I had notes upon notes upon notes.

After a few years of compiling notes I sat down and rewrote everything into one book. My students refer to it as the holy book of kyusho. We joke about me leaving it in my will to the best kyusho student in the school. It is a nice book, leather bound with gold leaf paper. It contains pretty much everything I have learned plus many things I figured out for myself.

This book was were our Novice Pressure Point Workbook and our Advanced Pressure Point Wookbook came from. Both book have received rave reviews from martial artist all over the world!

But this also caused me to become interested in making learning the pressure point system much more student friendly. So we have designed some great new study aids, with more on the table coming soon!

So now we have several different products, the first was the Kyusho Essential Study Chart. This one is indispensable for any Kyusho Student, beginner or advanced. The next are the Meridian Charts, mapping out the path of the merdians and the points. All sell in PDF format for easy printing.

Currently in the works are some aids for advanced students, these will include the Diural Cycle and Alarm Points. Keep your eyes on this blog for more information as it comes