Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What is Humane Pressure Point Tactics?

What is H.P.P.T?

It stands for Humane Pressure Point Tactics. Now I know there are literally thousands of self defense systems out there in the world, what makes this one so different? Well simply put it is the 'humane' aspect. I have looked at many of the 'reality based' self defense systems on the market, and to be perfectly honest about 90% are garbage and the other 10% while being effective are going to create problems down the road. Why? Because most of us are never going to be in a situation that is life or death and if we follow some of these system we may not be able to claim "self defense' in the court systems. It is hard to explain why you broke someone neck who was only trying to punch you!

This is were H.P.P.T comes into play. This system gives you the change to end the conflict quickly without there being a body count. However you can quickly move to a more deadly mode if needed.

Who can benefit from this system? Just about anyone interested in personal protect. Plus the system is simple and easy to learn.

H.P.P.T comes in 3 Levels.

  • Level 1 - The basics. How things work

  • Level 2 - Advanced applications of Level 1

  • Level 3 - Dealing with weapons

As you can see the system is very well laid out and you can certify in one or all levels. So how do you get involved? Well dojo owners can hold seminars to learn and become certified instructors, while their students become certified practitioners in the system. Typcially for martial arts people the system can be learned in a weekend seminar. Proficiency will take some practice however.

Law Enforcement and Security can also learn in the same forum as martial artists. The same applies to the general public. So how do you get started? Simple you can give me a call at 519-962-9820 or email me at master@kyushojitsu.ca for pricing information.

And please, feel free to post any questions you may have as comments. And don't forget to check out our BLOG!